Naruto God-level System

Chapter 845: Lolita Mystery

In the evening.

Because he wants to build a mansion for himself tomorrow, he needs to go to the sacrificial mansion overnight to discuss matters. As for why he only invited himself at night, that was beyond Ye Liang's consideration.

He walked on the road, the moonlight was so pure white.

Sacrificial House.

After sending away all the guests, the Gothic loli high priest stood alone in the courtyard and waited.


A black air appeared abruptly from mid-air, and he turned into a ghost hand and slowly touched the high priest. The latter said nothing, as if he hadn't seen it.

The ghost hand grabbed the sacrificial ponytail!

"Father, you're like this, I don't like you anymore!" The high priest Lori suddenly acted like a baby. She threw away the ghost hand and immediately tore off the robe in anger.

The ghost hand behind him immediately disappeared.

A handsome, white-faced man walked out of the void. He is sturdy in shape and has heroic eyebrows, but inconsistent with his temperament, there is no trace of blood in this man's body.

His paleness is the kind of paleness, the kind of paleness without blood! In the moonlight, like an ordinary vampire!

"My good girl, if you have enough fun, you should go back! If you let these winged mad believers know that you are pretending to be their high priest, I am afraid that you will be a commoner if you spread your hoof." The man said in a deep voice. He stretched out his hand and stroked Loli's head, his eyes full of affection.

"No, father! I finally sneaked into the land of angels. I really want to see what the daily life of the angel family is like. And I met a thousands of masters who came to appraise the bloodlines in a few days. The guy is very interesting, he thought I was a real angel high priest."

"The blood of thousands of masters?" The white-faced man immediately became heavy: "But what you said is true?"

"It's true! At first I thought that his counterfeit came to cheat and cheat, after all, he is...Chapter 845 The Mystery of Lori (page 1/4) ),. It was discovered from Outland. But the angel of the team leader insisted that he was the pure blood of thousands of masters.

You know my three tricks. Where do I know his situation, so I have to pretend to be the blood of his thousands of masters. "

"This can't be done! The blood of thousands of masters can easily see through your disguise. If he awakens his power and discovers your true body, I am afraid your actions here will be really dangerous." The man finished speaking. Like pulling Lolita away, but the latter stubbornly lay on the ground.

"No, father, I finally came here, I don't want to go, no!" She fiercely competed with the man, but her body was still pulled towards the void.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from a distance: "I'm sorry, I'm not here at the right time. You should still chat about the daily routine."

Ye Liang's head popped out from a distance.

In fact, he was here long ago, but because of the unknown situation, he secretly squatted aside. Now that he heard something from Loli, he naturally knew that there was something wrong with this person, so he turned around.

But the breath of the white-faced man had locked him.


"I'll go, I can meet a saint no matter where you are!" He awkwardly showed his head from the grass, and he had already met the saint, so it still makes sense to keep hiding.

The white-faced man also cast his gaze.

"Father, this is the person! I asked him to come over to let you see if he is the blood of thousands of masters. If he is, we will just kill him while he is not growing. If not..." she Looking at Ye Liang grinning.

"How to say? Is it released?" Ye Liangnan said.

"Or kill! You eavesdropped on our conversation, do you think you can run away!" Gothic Lolita said decisively.

I go!

Ye Liang turned around like running away, but just turned around, his body...Chapter 845 The Mystery of Lori (page 2/4). He was imprisoned in place, no matter how he moved, he couldn't escape.

"It turns out to be a fake!" The white-faced man was suddenly taken aback, his brows loosened, and the power to imprison Ye Liang disappeared from a distance. Ye Liang staggered on the ground and immediately lay down on the ground.

"So, he's not." Goth Lolita curled her lips in frustration.

"Although they are very similar, the body is full of human odor. Those angels are not as capable of fully perceiving humans as our dark night demons. They do not have the identification of the high priest, so it is really difficult to find out. But our dark night demons are very You can easily distinguish his breath from the smell.

This man is a real human being! "

"It's actually a human being. I thought it was a sacred beast, or another strong clan." Little Lori walked over from the place, she took out a knife and walked towards Ye Liang with a smile.

"You fake, when it was appraised today, you pretended to look a lot like it. Why did you miss the bottom after such a short time? I don't think your acting skills are good."

"Sister-in-law, I originally said that I am not the blood of thousands of masters, you don't know. They are all the female angels who talk a lot. If she insists, I will not mix it up anyway!" He looked bitter and looked sadly at the knife dangling in front of him.

Little Lolita's knife was already showing cold light.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly shot down from the sky!

"The holy city of heaven, the place of honor! How can outsiders be allowed to be presumptuous!" With a stern shout, it suddenly sounded high in the sky! The white-faced man immediately frowned, "It's the old immortal Baiyi! Damn, forget that this guy is the true meaning of the moon, and all existence exposed to the moonlight will be detected by him."

"I have to go, or my devilish energy will be damaged here. UUReading"

"Father, I want to stay here for a while!"

The brows of the white-faced man suddenly frowned; "The moonlight of the white wings...Chapter 845 The Mystery of Lori (page 3/4). Only voice can be transmitted. , I haven't arrived. Let me help you deepen the concealment method. He is an angel and dare not question your sacrificial identity. He should be able to get through."

"What about this person?" Little Lolita pointed to Ye Liang next to her.

At this moment, he was startled by the saint, and if it wasn't for the voice transmission of the white-winged saint, he would have died!

"Let’s say he was caught by the Demon Race. Since he knows your identity, he can’t stay here for long. Bai Yi recognized my breath and said he was taken away by me, and he would believe it. As for him I..." The white-faced man looked at Ye Liang, he sneered, and suddenly he gave a palm! I saw that Ye Liang's body immediately flew backwards behind him. Before he hit a spot, he was swallowed by the void ripples suddenly appeared behind him!

"I have driven it into the long river of time, time is merciless! He has no hope anymore." The white-faced man escaped into the void after speaking.

An old man in white slowly flew down from the sky.

He frowned when he saw the surroundings.

"That's it, the young man with thousands of masters was..." Little Lori glanced at the old man and greeted him with a smile. ?

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