Naruto God-level System

Chapter 843: 1 gold coin

   arrogant attitude!

   is extremely arrogant!

  The handsome men and women here have never seen such arrogant human beings. Had it not been for Angel Yan who had been talking about kisses by the side, they would have killed Ye Liangge on the spot!

  A mere human, dare to come to our sky star field to go wild?

   These people all regard Ye Liang as a human being.

"Boy, I think you are living impatiently. Do you know where this is? This is the lofty Jinling Hotel. I just called you a bun, which really gave you a face. If you want me to say, you are a lowly human being. Shouldn't be here. Our city of angels can't tolerate you as a bun!" The officer continued to curse. Obviously, he was mad at Ye Liang's attitude. In the past, no matter where he was, angel officers like him would inevitably be embraced by humans from all planets, but now this human being, not only ran wild in his turf, is even so arrogantly robbing him of the limelight.

   Where does this cut his face?

   Haven't seen a lot of noble ladies around here!

   This kind of place is usually to find a good match. The officer was a low-level soldier who made a sound. He relied on his own efforts to get into the charge captain of the Angel family, but if he went further, his identity and blood might be difficult to rise.

  Only in this Jinling Hotel, he is favored by a lady, can he go further in the official career. To put it simply, the officer just wants to eat soft rice and make a rich woman!

   The young ladies around looked at him as expected. Just like military officers, these rich women are also aristocratic ladders. It must be very annoying to see a human being swaggering to eat with them.

   may be hindered by grace.

   The officer said what they wanted to say and what they didn’t say.

   "Colon Kane, this vulgar thug is left to you." An aristocratic woman with narrow eyes began to speak. She has to be less deceptive than others, so she is naturally less scrupulous than others.

   "Fight for you, my lady." The officer arched his waist towards this man, and then walked towards Ye Liang as if he had been ordered.

  Yan turned around like leaving Ye Liang to escape, but Ye Liang grabbed him from behind.

At this moment, a two-meter tall angel came over from the bar: "Since both of you are here to dine, please follow the order of the restaurant. If anyone dares to make trouble here, don’t forget who it is. A Judgment Crusader of Investment?" This angel is obviously a small servant.

   But a young man made the officer retreat in an anguish.

   Ye Liang was taken aback, and then he felt the strength of the same level.

   Sage Dzogchen, this little servant is the so-called Sage Dzogchen. He's actually the same person, such a guy is just the servant of this restaurant.

   Ye Liang took a high look at the Jinling Hotel.

   "Since the guests are here, please order food right away. Our Jinling Hotel has always been busy, and we don't welcome guests who are not looking at them."

   "Oh, don't you think I can't afford it either?" Ye Liang smiled and looked at the young man, the bright eyes of the people hurriedly turned their heads.

   Xiaosuo stared at him for a while, then shook his head: "Since they are all guests, how can they be treated differently. Since the guests are here, let's hurry up and order food."

   After he finished speaking, he handed over the menu in his hand.

   The surrounding nobles all showed surreptitious glances. In their minds, Ye Liang's apparently impoverished appearance is unlikely to be expensive. What's more, his clothes are worn out.

   A person with a little wealth, how could he allow himself to wear such shabby clothes, he doesn't even have a pair of expensive aj sneakers!

   sneakers are the point.

   These people's faces were ironic, as if they saw Ye Liang being beaten up by the young man, and then he was driven out of the hotel.


   A silver gold coin fell off.

   This is a very commemorative 999 gold coin. It is a commemorative gold coin sold by Tiandi Bank. It is very precious. I am afraid it is difficult to see such a gold coin outside the entire region.

   The eyes of the people around are staring!

   Especially the male officer who has been mocking Ye Liang. He looked at the gold coins stupidly, and didn't even notice when his chopsticks fell on the ground.

   "I'm not mistaken, this gold coin seems to have fallen from that person's hand, is this person really a truly rich man?"

   "I also saw it. It was indeed transferred from his hand. Do you think he stole it? He is a human, no matter how rich his family background is, he cannot have such a coin."

The guest who initially questioned scanned the companion next to him: "What are you talking about! That is a commemorative coin of 999, which was specially produced by Tiandi Bank in the 990th year of its business. The characters held are all angels. Man, do you think that a human being, even if it is a bit of a genius, might steal this gold coin!"

   His companion swallowed: "Impossible!"

   The angel officer panicked immediately. The market value of this gold coin was about ten years of his salary, but it was a commemorative coin. Its actual value cannot be supplied even if it is sold. UU reading will never get such a commemorative value coin without eating or drinking for 10,000 years!

"You... you stole it! It's impossible! How could you as a human have such precious currency? You must have stolen the vault of a certain noble master!" He hurriedly wanted to pick it up. He picked up the coin, but as soon as people walked over, the hotel servant stepped on the fallen commemorative gold coin with his foot.

   "This is the currency this customer uses to order food. You are not a clerk, and you want to take the gold coins from the restaurant." He looked at the non-commissioned officer coldly, and his attitude towards Ye Liang also changed.

   "Guest, this person is arrogant and rude, he is really disrespectful. You are a suffering master, what do you think?"

Ye Liang looked at the angel sergeant who squatted down to pick up coins: "Whatever, I don't bother to care about such an unqualified person anyway. The dog bit me, I can't continue to bite it back." He sat down. On the bench, he picked up the menu casually.

   The face of the sergeant turned dark. Although Ye Liang's words were small, they severely insulted him. What makes a dog bite me? Feeling this person treats me as a dog!

   The aristocratic ladies around were also giggling. They had never heard such a metaphor. At this time, they smiled constantly, and they all glanced at Ye Lianggao.

   The sergeant looked dull, and could only leave in a desperate manner.

   on the table.

   Ye Liang really ordered the most expensive meal in the entire star. He can also afford it, and he still has three, four, five, six hundred such gold coins! Without him, it was all obtained from the legacy of those ancient powerhouses who were fighting for the meaning of saints in that monster world.

   In addition to these commemorative coins, Ye Liang also has many more valuable other currencies. In this city of angels, there are probably only a handful of them that can be richer than him!

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