Naruto God-level System

Chapter 832: Grey's whereabouts

There are many places in the universe called Diagon Alley, which actually originated from here. Without exception, they are all secret organizations established by the universe people all over the world.

Ye Liang is now the real core of this organization.

His hand beat quickly on the wall, and after a blue and white porcelain melody passed, the wall of Diagon Alley opened from the inside.

The thick brick wall finally cracked from inside.

Ye Liang took La Lucy's hand and walked in firmly.

"Hey, buddy. The guy who was inquiring about Gray's news is here again. I don't know what the leader thinks. This kind of business is also accepted." At the alley, a scarfaced man smoking a cigar and leaning on the wall was following He was chatting with his companions, Ye Liang recognized him, and when he came here last time, he had a bit of quarrel with him, and the two had a little conflict.

Of course, in order to investigate the whereabouts of Lucy's brother, Ye Liang still showed mercy.

"Wanzhangmu, stop attracting hatred."

Wanzhangmu is the name of the scarred man.

"Why, you really think I can't do him! Last time it was the leader organization, otherwise I would have opened its mind a long time ago." The man called Wanzhangmei said angrily.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the leader to stop him, your scar face would be swollen."

His companions are not optimistic about him.

The scarred man looked at his companion with a flushed face: "You show it to me, you see how I defeated this bastard." He came to Ye Liang angrily.

Ye Liang didn't speak.

He frowned slightly, and a powerful force of gravity instantly pressed the scarred man to the ground. The surrounding air trembles because of this gravity.

The saint is complete!

Ye Liang's strength was exposed. When he came here last time, he was only the first one of the saint, not much different from the strength of the scarfaced man, but this time he directly encountered the peak of strength, which caught the scarfaced man by surprise.

This Dzogchen is not the original Dzogchen.

Ye Liang couldn't reveal the strength of the monk. His current Saint Dzogchen was a new breakthrough through the cultivation of the Qi of Judgment.

In other words.

He has now cultivated both the Immortal Realm exercises and the foreign exercises to the top!

"Unexpectedly, the double peak still can't break through the saint. It seems that the true intention of the saint can't be found. It really can't break through the realm." Ye Liang shook his head and sighed. He glanced at Lucy, and then walked to a bamboo house in the alley.

This is the room of the leader of the alley.

"Longshan-jun, don't come here unharmed."

The sound comes first before the person arrives.

Ye Liang's voice was uploaded into the bamboo house.

"Haha, Brother Ye hasn't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that my email was just sent, and you couldn't wait to come. It seems that this person is very important to you." A deep voice came from inside.

"Then did you really find a clue?"

"Of course! I have been standing in the universe across Jiaoxiang for more than 100,000 years, and I have never had any wrong news. Brother Ye has given us a lot of face because I can let you go. I naturally want to help with this."

Lucy next to him rushed in with excitement.

Ye Liang patted her shoulder, motioning her to calm down. Looking at the bamboo house, he walked in three steps in two steps. He let Lucy wait at the door, and went in by himself to sit against a man wearing a crow mask.

Each of them made a stone bench, with a stone table in front of them.

"What kind of tea Brother Ye would like to drink? We collect all kinds of tea in Diagon Alley. We have all kinds of tea." Long Shanjun waved his hand, two tea sets were revealed on the stone table, and then a virtual screen suddenly appeared from the table. Above are all kinds of tea leaves in the universe.

"Just have a copy of Longjing."

Ye Liang freely inherited the love of Mr. Longshan. This tea is a gift from Mr. Longshan once again thanking himself for not killing his subordinates. After the selection was unsuccessful, he felt relieved.

"It's really good tea, so we won't talk nonsense. Dare to ask Mr. Longshan where, where, and when I saw Mr. Gray?"

Gray is Lucy's brother.

"The Land of the North Ming!"

"Oh, the land of the North Ming?" Ye Liang was surprised: "You mean the land of the North Ming where the monsters emerge?"

The monster clan has its own exclusive space outside the domain, and it rarely appears outside the domain. This Northern Underworld is a place where demons and demons often appear in the outer world.

"Yes, five hundred years ago, an archaeological team investigating the history of monsters once saw Miss Lucy's brother in the North Underworld. According to them, the appearance and image are indeed correct, except that Gray at the time. It seemed that he was a little delirious, and everyone asked him his name, but also answered all the questions.

In the end, he stayed there. "

"They didn't bring him back?" Ye Liang asked.

Jun Longshan shook his head: "Although he is a poor victim, you also know the deception of the Demon Race. They are extremely cunning and fierce!

If a person is changed by a monster, wouldn't the expedition team be dangerous? "Long Shanjun took a sip of tea again: "The expedition team didn't kill him on the spot, it was already very good. "

Ye Liang's brows furrowed: "Where is the trace of Mr. Gray now?"

"Since then, there is no news. If you are not dead, you should still be in the land of the North Ming." Long Shanjun said lightly.

Ye Liang stood up, UU read, after he arched his hand towards Longshan Jun, he deliberately left.

"Brother Ye be careful. The members of the expedition team who left Beiming suddenly went crazy one by one. The news of me was the last member and described it with paper money when they were crazy.

The danger of Beiming is not simple, and I hope Brother Ye can do it for himself. "

"Thank you Longshan Jun for your good words, then." Ye Liang walked out of the diagonal bamboo house. The scarfaced man outside was still kneeling on the ground, Ye Liang had already gained strength, and he still couldn't move.

A master who broke through to Consummation in a few months, that is the existence he dare not even provoke!

Ye Liang ignored him, he took La Lucy's hand and walked out soon.

"How is it, Brother Ye Liang, is there any news from my brother?"

"Well, the whereabouts have been locked. After we leave from here, let's go straight to that place."

"Where is that, Brother Ye Liang?"

"The Land of the North Underworld."

Lucy's footsteps suddenly stopped, and she trembled as if she was afraid: "Brother Ye, you better stop going, I don't want you to have an accident!"

Then Lucy, who wanted to find her brother, actually said this.

Her eyes were red, and tears flowed from her eyes. Ye Liang squeezed her into his arms, letting his wings flap on the back of his hand: "Silly girl, we have finally reached this step, how can we give up lightly.

Don't worry, your eldest brother Ye Liang has great magical powers, how could he be defeated by a mere monster, besides, this time there just happened to be some grievances to be resolved! "

Lucy stopped crying. ?

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