Naruto God-level System

Chapter 831: Sea of ​​stars

Latest website: The other soldiers rushed over at this time. They tried to protect their queen, but they didn't get close to Ye Liang, they were pushed out by Ye Liang's Shen Luo Tianzheng.


They were smashed on the ground, on the surface of the sea, and even smashed into the arc-shaped round wall that the Wormman Island used to defend itself!

"I'm going to your uncle's Naga clan, I don't speak, you really think I'm a soft persimmon!" He fisted up, and the Naga clan that was hit by him all flew upside down.

In no time.

The army of more than a hundred thousand naga was completely wiped out of this world!

Queen Naga fell to the ground in fear. She did not expect in any way that her well-conceived war would be disintegrated by a human, and he was just as powerful as herself.

The blood takes off.

Queen Naga quietly closed her eyes: "Master, the subordinates are incompetent and can no longer honor you. But I use my soul as a matchmaker to welcome my master to come to space!

Our Naga clan relies solely on the master to be fair! She yelled while lying on the ground.

Ye Liang frowned when she heard her. Just when Queen Naga finally died, a door of nothingness suddenly opened in midair. This is not a fading space passage, because in this door, Ye Liang sensed a dark aura that only a devil had!

This gate, behind him must be the so-called demon world!

The door was opened.

A huge eye looked inside out, and it swept left and right, and quickly found Ye Liang in front of him. The owner of the giant eye chuckled inside the door, then stretched out a finger and stabbed it out of the door!

Very strong!

Not so strong!

Ye Liang exhausted all his energy, but was hit directly by this finger!

The law of strength is exhausted!

The law of reinforcement is exhausted!

The law of armor shattered!

All the laws that Ye Liang used to defeat the Naga tribe were completely destroyed with just one push by this finger!

"Humans, quickly roll me back to your world. The laws of extraterritorial civilization can only be inherited by extraterritorial civilization. You are not worthy of human beings!

You monk are not worthy!

You people in the fairy world are not allowed to learn from our world! "He roared and poked at Ye Liang again. But Ye Liang didn't hide, he stood there quietly.


Ye Liang stretched out a finger. He also probed towards the demon in front of him, and when the **** touched directly, the shocking finger issued by the devil actually broke completely under this situation!

It's like a mirror.

The broken fingers are not like normal flesh and blood.


Ye Liang's mouth showed a smirk: "You can't enter our world." He said lightly. From the first time the demon patrolled, he found the problem.

If Queen Naga could really summon this demon to the world, why didn't he come directly, but used his eyes to find Ye Liang's trace here.

Then there is only one fact!

This demon cannot pass through the gate of the void!

In order to confirm this news, Ye Liang mustered up the courage to bump into him. Sure enough, the trick initiated by the other party was just a certain kind of illusion that the eye gave itself when looking at it.

He was not really attacked.

"Hehe, I just won't leave, I just want to absorb all of your world, what can you do with Laozi!" Ye Liang sneered at the devil.

The lungs of the latter are going to explode!

His eyes became visibly red: "Damn human beings, if it weren't for the idiot of the Black Ant Queen and sealed it with life, I, Mannoroth, had invaded this desolate planet hundreds of years ago! "

"It turns out that the black ant queen abdicated like this." Ye Liang learned the secret of the insect man. It is a pity that the promise she promised to Mika will never be fulfilled.

"Devil! Go back wherever you came from." Ye Liang said lightly. He used a single blow to seal the Four Elephants, directly enclosing the huge gate of the void, the latter was shattered in the Seal of the Four Elephants and completely dissipated in this space.

The so-called demon breath finally disappeared in this world.

Ye Liang sighed.

The spaceship he released from space got on board, already desperate for the planet here, and he didn't need to stay again. Lifting his eyes to look in a certain direction, Ye Liang directly activated and gradually flew to the sky.

Arak swept in the direction where Ye Liang was leaving. She touched her belly and waved slowly.

"Goodbye, my love!"


Time and space shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, it was a year after interstellar travel. Ye Liang has seen a lot of creatures in this area, and he also roughly understands the shape of this area.

It was the ascending world of the lower universe!

Ye Liang was surprised. Just as the ascension world of the earth is the fairyland. The ascending world of the universe is surprisingly this vast and vast outside world.

At the same time, the extraterritorial world is also called the Fourth Civilization, and it is a powerful world that had many situations in the lower universe. For example, some of the vast portals that Ye Liang saw in the Third Civilization universe were done by the Fourth Civilization.

Some powerful peak powers were also cultivated by the Fourth Civilization in secret. For example, a certain star soul on a certain planet, these are the layout of the fourth civilization, in order to interfere with the third civilization.

Of course, Ye Liang didn't know what it meant, because he only learned about the strength of the Fourth Civilization from this one-year travel. As for why they want to interfere in the Third Civilization, this is not what he can know.

Pack your clothes.

He took Lucy off the spaceship.

Now they arrived at a certain energy planet. Ye Liang came here to supplement energy and at the same time inquire about mysterious and unpredictable news.

After a year of hard work, he has roughly found some clues

When they came to a downtown with Lucy, they walked around in the crowd, and soon came to a secluded alley. At the entrance of the alley, they obviously painted the three characters of Diagon Alley with three red paints!

"Ye Liang, you said you can really find my brother's whereabouts this time. It's been a year without any movement. I feel it's hard to see my brother in my life." Lucy showed a trace of decadence on her face.

A whole year!

They are not without other clues, but they are either deceived or they are other people with the same name and surname. Ye Liang helped Lucy find all the places he might have visited, but still couldn't find any whereabouts of Lucy's brother.

The place they have arrived now is the most informed underworld place in the entire region. Ye Liang had been here three months ago. After clarifying his goal with the store here, he went back and waited. Until today, three months later, Ye Liang received an email from the store. He brought Lucy to the door.

"I hope I won't disappoint me this time!" Ye Liang stretched out his hand to the alley.

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