Naruto God-level System

Chapter 833: Land of the North

After leaving Diagon Alley, Ye Liang took the spacecraft to the land of the North Underworld. After about three months, they found a cold planet on the outer border.

It is cold, because there is no sunlight all day long, and the only light is from the planet itself. Turquoise and green, very dim, but just enough to make people see the surroundings clearly.

Ye Liang probed his surroundings carefully: "Is this the North Pluto?" He continued to walk toward the depths of darkness.

North Pluto is an outpost leading to the land of North Pluto. To find the land of the North Pluto where demons are rampant, you need to turn around on the North Pluto. In other words, it is necessary to find the teleporter leaving here on the North Pluto.

Ye Liang followed the news given by Diagon Alley and quickly found the center of North Pluto. It was a rock floating in the air, about the size of a house.

Ye Liang jumped up, and the pressure around him instantly increased.

"Visitors, report their names. Beiming refuses to welcome the unknown!" In the void, a brass figure with a bull's head stepped out of the air. Its eyes were like electricity, and Ye Liang was very uncomfortable.

"The gatekeeper of the Northern Underworld."

The North Pluto is the link between the North Pluto land. In order to prevent the monsters from getting into trouble, the Alliance of Order must of course set up a barrier. This brass figure is the power of the civilization outside the region, and it is located in the North Pluto.

"The body of the cow's head, it seems that he is the alchemy creature mentioned by Mr. Longshan." Ye Liang spread his hands flat, and a crimson round orb flew towards the position of the cow's head.

This is the key to the land of the North. The cow head is only to prevent the monster inside from getting into trouble, and will not actively harm the creatures outside the territory. Ye Liang's key is a proof of identity.

Sure enough, the Bull Head Brass Statue had just seen the key in front of him, and immediately gave way: "Please!" Behind him was a passage leading to the underground.

"It seems that the inside is where the Beiming Land is located." Ye Liang walked over alone.

Lucy didn't come.

Because this place was too dangerous, even if Lucy wanted to see her brother very much, Ye Liang didn't bring her over. The reason was that she was too burdensome.

Entering Beiming, Ye Liang might not even be able to protect himself, let alone the creatures beside him.

Looking back and bidding farewell to Niu Shou, Ye Liang walked towards the passage silently.



A very angry cow roar came from the passage. This sound was very mechanical. Although it was loud, it was not from a living creature, but rather like an animal sound synthesized by humans.

"This is the synthetic sound of alchemy creatures?"

Ye Liang moved his reincarnation eyes, and saw a bronze statue of a bull head that was the same as the outside world firmly nailed out of the passage. Four black swords were inserted into its body. A few black thunders flashed on it with a little movement. move.

The cry just now was the painful sound of this alchemy creature being bombarded by black thunder.

"not good!"

Ye Liang suddenly sighed uncomfortably. He didn't even look back, but found that a slender palm was pinching his neck from behind. It was a very snow-white palm with distinct colors, except for the nails, all were bloodless and pale.

And nails?

The ruddy above is obviously stained with blood!

"I wanted to kill you silently, but I didn't expect that old bull's vitality was so tenacious that he was hit by my quadruple demon sword, and he could still jump around."

A woman's voice came from behind.

Before Ye Liang could respond, the woman's head was chopped off from the neck! It was lying on the ground, and finally saw the woman's face clearly, it was a slit woman with long hair.

Ye Liang had seen this woman before, and he was once surrounded by such a woman in a basement in the demon world. At that time, this woman also became another creature.

"Tsk tusk tusk, there are still some small episodes. I wanted to come to the outside world quietly to do something, it seems very unlucky this time." The rift girl pinched Ye Liang's neck and turned her head.

She thought that Ye Liang had passed away. Who knew that the body with his severed head didn't fall heavily, but sacrificed a flying sword and slashed at the slit girl from behind.

A cold light!

The slit girl didn't even react, and was split in half by Ye Liang!

Ye Liang picked up the head of the person on the ground and pressed it on his head neatly and neatly: "Fortunately, I didn't bring Lucy here. I didn't even enter Beiming. It is so dangerous. If she doesn't look back, I will be cold ."

A handful of Amaterasu burned the woman in front of him.

Ye Liang turned and walked into the passage. Niu's head was sealed, and it didn't require troublesome operations to unlock the seal. However, in order to produce extravagance, he did not help Niu's head, but found the void gate that left in the passage.

The land of the North Ming finally arrived.

After one hour.

There was a trance.

There is no sky around, except for the gloom, nothing can be seen.

"Is this the land of the North Ming?" Ye Liang looked closely and carefully observed the surroundings. After watching the incense stick, Ye Liang sighed helplessly: "Sure enough, I should have thought of it. The fate of this world is finally so wonderful!"

He has recognized the North Underworld!

This is the place where he was initially attracted by the dragon spirit and was miscalculated by the monster. I remember that when he first came over, he was grilled on the fire by a group of weird and brawny men. If it weren't for his thick skin, he would have died!

"It seems that this is not the demon world?"

At the beginning, Ye Liang regarded this place as the demon world. Based on the current strength, this place is probably just a small stronghold where the demon inhabits. From the situation when he was captured by the wraith dragon last time, that place is the demon world. It's just a simple North Underworld.

"Then you won't be afraid." Ye Liang shook his head. The most powerful thing in the Northern Underworld is the pinnacle. With his current eyes, even ordinary immortals can’t reach it. It’s just a group of twilight old people trapped here waiting to die. In terms of the strength of his sage pinnacle, it’s not What a great existence.

Just about to soothe his spirits, Ye Liangmeng glared in one direction!

Somewhere in the depths, a vast demonic air faintly churned in the sky, if he hadn't had the strength of the peak of the saint, I am afraid it would be really undetectable!

Demon saint!

"Why? How could there be a saint-like existence here!" Ye Liang was taken aback. This saint didn't seem to intend to cover up his situation, so Ye Liang observed his existence.

This made Ye Liang, who had just relieved, become nervous again. If you encounter a saint, his life will probably be left here again.

Thinking in place for a long time.

Ye Liang finally made up his mind and walked towards the distance. Come here, how can you not find Gray? It is not Ye Liang's good habit to give up halfway. ?

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