Naruto God-level System

Chapter 830: Naga offense

Latest website: The two left the palace.

Ye Liang's side is relatively simple. With a few casual words, he asked for a small spaceship from Queen Wasp. Although it is not large, it can carry more than a dozen tourists, but it is simple.

After a few conversations with Mika, he parted face to face. I was going to test the spacecraft, and Mika was going to settle down. The two had their own business and had to separate.

After entering a certain spaceship warehouse, Ye Liang quickly found the spaceship the queen had agreed to give him. It's better than expected. It seems that, apart from some racial discrimination, this queen is not so mean and mean, at least Ye Liang's spacecraft is well equipped.

No one is guarded here, it should not be used temporarily.

After Ye Liang left no one, he opened the door of the spacecraft. As soon as he walked in, he could have a panoramic view of the surrounding environment. This is an energy-powered ship, a product of the second civilization.

The spacecraft used by Ye Liang in the Third Civilization has already used stellar energy, but this spacecraft only uses replenishment energy and needs to stay and purchase on the major planets, which is very troublesome.

But this is not a big problem.

Ye Liang wants to travel around the world, and staying on the major planets is not a bad thing. But the instrument inside is very old, I'm afraid it will take some time to fix it.

As soon as he stood inside, he began to prepare accessories for repair.

Time passed bit by bit.

Just half a month after Ye Liang stayed, there was a loud noise shouting, shouting and killing from the outside. When he inquired outside, he immediately knew that the Naga clan was about to attack again.

Ye Liang, who was originally not interested, was attracted by a certain piece of information.

The location where the Naga clan attacked is exactly the land that the Wasp Queen gave Mika! I don't know if it is by chance or by coincidence, this time the protector family has suffered annihilation!

A few more days passed.

The news of Mika's death also reached Ye Liang's ears.

He really has no friends on this planet to communicate with. All impermanence, who can know that a hero who was born to death, just disappeared in front of him.

After rectifying the spacecraft, Ye Liang planned to leave.

At this moment, a bee-man guard appeared from the void and stood in front of him. He bent slightly and made a bow to Ye Liang: "My lord stays, my lord has something to ask the lord."

Ye Liang frowned.

He swept the bee-man in front of him, and swept the spaceship behind him. With the palm of his hand, the spaceship behind him was directly taken into the system space by Ye Liang!

The space of the system is different from the space of the heaven that follows.

It cannot store surviving living things, but it can directly store anything that can be lifted regardless of its size. Even though the spacecraft was big, it still couldn't beat Ye Liang now.

He put away such a large spaceship.

The bee-man guard saw a scene in his eyes and scanned Ye Liang in surprise. After getting the latter's reaction, he steadily led the way.

The two came all the way to the battlefield.

"Brother Beeman, your queen is not in the palace, will you be on the battlefield?" The queens of the Hornets are very precious. Their strength may not be as good as the ordinary bee guards, but they are the core of the entire tribe!

In the entire wasp tribe, there is only one female, the Wasp Queen. Therefore, unless an inferior heir is created, the Wasp Queen will never appear on the battlefield.

"Of course, this time the matter is urgent, our Queen's prince's conquest. You should also know that your friend died on the battlefield, do you think this matter can be small?" the Hornets guard explained numbly. When he said these words, there was no emotion at all, as if he didn't put Ye Liang in his eyes.

Ye Liang was a little unhappy.

At this time, the surrounding Naga clan grew more and more. After they bypassed the main battlefield, they soon came to a huge female Naga!

"King Naga, I have brought the person you want. I hope you keep your promise and will not attack our worm people after taking him away!" The bee-man guard just retreated from the void after he finished speaking.

Ye Liang lowered his head, his mood dropped to the extreme!

Queen Naga!

This huge naga is naturally the queen of the naga clan. It's just that compared with the appearance when I saw the sacrifice, the queen is much taller now!

The entire human body is at least ten meters away from top to bottom!

At this moment, Queen Naga stared at Ye Liang motionlessly: "Are you the cultivator who smuggled from the immortal world?" He looked at Ye Liang and broke Ye Liang's identity!

Ye Liang's fist was already clenched.


Apart from Arak, there must be other saints on this planet! Since knowing that Arak is a saint, he has been full of defense against the Naga clan.

How could a race that can oppose a race with saints without corresponding strength! If the Naga clan were just a pure saint race, I am afraid they would have been wiped out in Huangquan by the Zerg with saints long ago!

Ye Liang raised his head: "What's wrong with it!" He didn't persuade Queen Naga at all. It may be true that their Naga tribe has a saint, but the Naga queen is not, neither is the Naga tribe present!

If there is no saint, then who can punish him in this world!

Ye Liang exploded his aura!

He no longer needs to hide, since the other party knows his identity, why bother with her slowly, directly in front of the Naga Queen of the Saint Dzogchen, revealing the same strength!

I am also a half-step saint!

Ye Liang looked at the other side intently. He used the multiplier to be a generation higher than Queen Naga!

Ha ha.

Who TM told you to look down on Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu won't persuade you for half a second!

Ye Liang looked at the queen in a rivalry.

At this moment, Arak who was far away in the spider tribe suddenly opened her eyes. She touched her belly and sighed helplessly: "Baby, your father is really brainless. In this way, the demon hiding in the dark can find him."

She thought for a while in the room: "Forget it, that demon can't really get here anyway. With your father's strength, you should not be bullied by that devil. Let's just stay here, mothers."

Pregnant women must remember to exercise, this is what her sister once told her.

Arak calmly peeled off the lychees in his hands. It was sour and sweet. It was really delicious.



Ye Liang has already fought with Queen Naga. Since discovering that he was betrayed by Queen Wasp, he has not had any worries. His fists hit Queen Naga's waist again and again, and the latter could not fight back. Ye Liang basically smashed her belly!

"How is this possible, how could you, a cultivator smuggling, be so powerful!" She looked at the man in front of her in horror, and quickly stepped back.

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