Naruto God-level System

Chapter 821: Hysteria

Latest URL: "Hysteria?"

Mika was stunned. He hadn't heard this name. It was not until Ye Liang explained that he finally understood: "How did you see that she was hysterical?"

I TM...

This still needs to be seen?

"Because she is crazy!" Ye Liang said. He shrugged, and the woman in front of him attacked again. She opened her teeth and danced her claws to try to catch Ye Liang again, but Ye Liang patted her on the neck, and the latter immediately fell.

"If this woman is cured, I am afraid that the truth of this spider race will be known." Ye Liang took it in his arms. Mika glanced at it and helped to carry it.


The two left here quickly.

Not long.

They walked out of the strange spider village, because they rushed back to prevent accidents. Now I am back to those great forests.

Ye Liang dragged the woman and walked upright up the tree. The tree is not safe, all they can think of is the big bird's nest. The two hurried back to the top.

Put the woman away, Ye Liang took out some simple utensils from the space and began to treat the woman.

"You still treat hysteria?" Mika asked. He helped untie the woman's clothes, and then became an assistant. Ye Liang took out some auxiliary medicines from the toolbox.

"The so-called hysteria is nothing more than a severe blow or a problem with the head. At this time, just inject some spirit-soothing monsters and then hit the head hard."

"Beat your head? Are you sure you are not joking."

Ye Liang nodded: "When your appliances were broken, didn't you just fix it like this." He opened the woman's mouth and directly stuffed some mood-stabilizing drugs in.

These medicines were originally brought in from the alchemy palace of the Naga clan. The medicinal materials are rare and the effect should be good.

The woman took the water and then coughed slightly. She opened her eyes, still the flushed eyes, but her strength seemed to slow down.

"Kill! Kill you!" Her teeth trembled a few times, and she bit at Ye Liang immediately. But because of taking tranquilizers, her strength was not enough to subdue Ye Liang.

"You don't use this thing either." Mika murmured. Seeing the woman struggling, he helped hold down the other's foot.

"I said, the medicine only plays a supplementary role. The real effect depends on the technique." He lifted his palm up and watched the woman go crazy and shook his head silently: "I'm sorry. !"

'Snapped! ’

A slap slapped the woman's face fiercely!

The latter was stunned for a while, and then speeded up her actions: "Kill you! Kill you!" She became frantically happier.

The way Mika looked at him, her mouth was almost shocked!

"This method won't succeed, right." Before he finished speaking, he saw Ye Liang's palm pumping over again and again: "Pop! Pop!"

The speed of the slap was like a phantom, like a lightning-fast electric poisonous dragon drill. The woman who was pumping straight was dizzy, her eyes dizzy, and her mouth was severely swollen by Ye Liang!

"Wrong! Wrong! I won't eat you! Let me go!" The woman glared at her panicked legs and feet!

Mika next to him was stunned: "Really good, what else can you say about this technique?" He continued to hold his legs and feet, Ye Liang did not speak, he would definitely not let go.

"I can't talk about it, it's just some simple empirical talk. In these years, who has not met a few mentally ill women." He sighed silently.

At this time, the woman's movements became smaller and smaller, and he finally stopped.

Smoke her again and die!

"You know it's wrong, can you still eat people?"

"Don't eat it! Never eat it again!" The woman's head shook like a rattle.

Disobedient women just want to smoke!

After Ye Liang motioned to Mika to let go, he pulled the woman up and sat up: "Let’s say, who are you and why did you appear in the spider village? And you are their kin, how could you make it now? Like this."

He has a gentle tone and is very patient.

"What are you guys?" The woman who had returned to normal carefully looked at the few people in front of her. Mika patted her on the shoulder: "I am also a Zerg. I wanted to get out of here through the spider teleportation device, but the women there didn't seem to like to talk to us. After a few words, they closed the door.

He looked helpless and seemed very puzzled by those women.

When the mad woman heard this, she immediately began to think. He looked at Mika and then at Ye Liang, before he opened his mouth: “Fortunately, you didn’t communicate with them. These women are all variants of Black Widows. Bitten into bones by them."


Mika was surprised.


After the woman said these words, Mika picked Ye Liang next to him with the gesture of a winner: "I'll just say, women there can't be touched, you must not listen, if it weren't for this lady, we might really To be eaten by those spider women!"

After hearing what he said, Ye Liang stopped calmly. He looked at the crazy woman in front of him: "Then what's the matter with you? I see your eyes, they should also belong to the spider race."

This woman had eight eyes and her pupils were red!

If it weren't for her graceful figure, I'm afraid Ye Liang would have long been regarded as a monster.

"I...I...I also belong to the spider race." The woman whispered. She saw that Ye Liang and others did not reject her identity, and then took a breath of relief: "I'm not telling you. It was Tiramisu, originally the queen of the spider race. But a vicious ascending zerg conspired against my position. Not only that, she also slaughtered all the good creatures of our spider race!

Now there are only cruel and bloodthirsty evil traitors left in the entire spider race! "She had tears in her and looked at Ye Liang silently. Those tender eyes almost melted the Mika next to her.

"Don't worry! We are the same as the Zerg. Since the spider tribe has something like this, Mika, as the elite of the Zerg tribe, will definitely lead my team to completely liberate your spider tribe from the rule of evildoers."

"Squad?" The woman whispered.

Mika forgot that all of his team had been killed, so he patted Ye Liang's shoulder in a serene manner: "My brother, just one person, is enough to resist thousands of troops!"

Ye Liang paused for a long time. After listening to Tiramisu's words, he silently said in a deep voice: "Then Miss Tiramisu, what can Wanma do to help you."

He has a firm expression and a very reliable look.

Tiramis immediately became happy when he saw him like this: "So..." She swept the side of Mika who had been winking at her.

"Find me a set of clean clothes, I want to take a shower!"

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