Naruto God-level System

Chapter 820: Black widow

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Mika nodded: "Not only that, the spiders here are not only extremely poisonous, but also cannibalistic! Since you know Black Widows, you know that they got this name because they slaughtered their kind."

"We are not the same kind, what are you afraid of?" Ye Liang interrupted suddenly.

Mika shook her head: "They are hungry and eat everything together. Do you think they will let me go?"

"Um..." Ye Liang was silent immediately after hearing Mika's words.

"Then I, a foreigner, do you think you can eat it?"


Walked in the dense forest for a while.

Except for the golden wings that they met first, they didn't see any other creatures, but there were a lot of bones in this dark jungle, and there were bone-laden corpses everywhere.

"The black widow is here, and there is no grass! It seems that this place has reached the black widow's territory, we want to leave safely, I am afraid it is unlikely."

"Then let's go back? Didn't we find a teleportation device on the Bird's Nest before? If we follow that, we will definitely be able to go to other places." Ye Liang said.

Mika Yaoyao head bitterly: "It's useless, the teleportation device is also locked in position. Since we can come here from the Naga area, it means that the disc also went to the Naga area.

Both sides are dead, I think it is better for us to die in our own hands. "

"This is going to eat us! Or his own?" Ye Liang was noncommittal to Mika. At this time, they walked to a bamboo house.

This kind of bamboo houses built on trees are everywhere here, except for wood, which are mostly connected by cobwebs.

"Are these the nests of the spider family?" Ye Liang asked.

"How is it possible that this poisonous widow is notorious, not only is the method cruel, but even the character is inhumane! How could such a killing race spend its time on building a nest.

To tell you the truth, this poisonous widow clan doesn't even bother to set up traps, so they fight on their faces! "

"Then how do you explain that there are so many cobwebs around these bamboo houses?" Ye Liang pointed to the spider silk thread that was used as crystal.

"It's really strange, but I can't explain it to you either."

Mika walked up.

Ye Liang stepped forward and touched it. At this moment, the bamboo house suddenly opened from inside!


Even if it was as strong as Ye Liang, he didn't feel a trace of life from the house!

The one who opened the door was a woman with a hot body, she looked **** and enchanting. Her navel, legs, and Lu Bobo clothes are even more colorful.

"The guest was making a noise in front of their house. Is it interesting to them?" The woman pressed her thigh against the bamboo door.

Ye Liang swallowed.

Mika immediately jumped out from the door: "Run, this is the cannibal black widow!" He pulled Ye Liang and tried to escape from the door.

"Uh... so the black widow looks like this."

Ye Liang, who was still a little nervous, was not afraid.

"Then how do they eat people? It's like introducing men into the house in a TV series." Ye Liang continued. Mika had a black line on his face, he had no time to get off Ye Liang, so he had to pull him behind him.

"Family! We are the elite of the Demon Zerg Clan. We have just received a very important situation from the Naga Clan, so let us go!

The stakes are big!

Don't make your kind sad! "He continued to look at the woman righteously. Finally, the woman called the Black Widow became unhappy, she frowned unhappy, and shut the bamboo house from inside!


A trace of gray shook from the bamboo roof.

The scene was awkward.

"Um... Do you think this black widow has changed for the better? After all, you have been trapped for a thousand years, and the widows have changed their policy and are not doing evil. You can't tell?" Ye Liang poked Mika's waist.

The latter roared with flushed face: "It's impossible! My grandma's third nephew was eaten by this black widow. That's still a child!"

You said they could do such a cruel thing, how could they suddenly become better! "Mika asked loudly.

"Uh...what does that have to do with you."

Not wanting to talk nonsense with Mika, Ye Liang knocked on a lot of bamboo houses one after another, and the women inside were gentle, kind, and extremely charming.

If it hadn't been for Mika to have been stigmatizing it, Ye Liang would have gone in and played games with these women early on, and by the way, they were discussing the depths.

After about a stick of incense, the two almost walked the house. Just as they were about to leave, a woman with fangs stretched out from the forest.

She was covered with wounds, and there were still drops of blood in her nails.

With eight eyes on the body, it is obviously a creature of the spider family.

"Look, I'll just say that these spiders eat the same kind, this woman must be the victim here!" Mika walked over immediately, wiped his palms, and passed them forward: "Girl, don't be afraid! I am If you have any grievances from other people from other places, just tell me, I will definitely try my best to help you."

He has a polite face and seems to be full of expectations for this seriously injured woman.

"Don't you just want to tell from others that this tribe is an evil and vicious creature? As for doing this?" Ye Liang, who had seen Mika's mind, reluctantly leaned over.

But at this moment, the wounded woman suddenly seemed to be mad and grabbed Mika. He grabbed Mika's black robe with one hand. If he hadn't taken a decisive action and cut off the captured parts, I'm afraid this woman would have caught him!

"Eat! Eat you!"

The woman had no consciousness of being seriously injured. He looked at Mika in front of him and rushed towards him. The sharp teeth sticking out of his mouth flashed with cold light like a light.

Ye Liang stayed around watching!

"Hurry up!" He quickly reminded Mika. After the latter received a blow, he quickly retreated, his speed was so fast, he directly threw away the strange woman.

The woman continued to grab, but because Mika avoided, she grabbed a blank. At this time, her eyes were attracted by Ye Liang next to her.

Stretch out your arms.

The woman continued to grab Ye Liang, the saliva flowing at the corner of her mouth did not stop at all, it seemed that she had a bad heart towards Ye Liang!

"I'll just say that the race here is not a good person! Finally revealed his face." Mika picked up a stone from a distance and slammed it at the seriously injured woman very hard.

He has no means for the time being, but can only use this simple trick.

Ye Liang saw this scene and suddenly realized something. He violently raised his hand and took the flying stone down: "This is not right! This woman seems to have some hysteria."

He frowned.

Hysteria is mental illness!

When he reaches his level, it is rare to see anyone getting mental illness. This woman is of good quality, and logically speaking, it shouldn't be the disease, which is strange.

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