Naruto God-level System

Chapter 822: Tiramisu

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The scorching sun did not show up, but the temperature was very high.

In the dense forest covered by large trees, it may be difficult to circulate. Once the heat enters it, it is naturally very difficult to dissipate it. After hearing Tiramisu's suggestion, Ye Liang resolutely bypassed the spider village.

"You mean, the new queen of the spider race was dragged by the chief queen of the Zerg race to help out?" Ye Liang asked the tiramisu next to her with a weird expression.

She jumped off the tree trunk: "Yes, our spider clan is good at production. Although the new queen is a traitor, the production technology is also top-notch in the clan.

This time the Zerg Queen gave birth to a prince. As a top-notch expert in the clan, she would naturally not give up this great opportunity to get close to the Zerg Queen! "

"So, there are only those coquettish spider women in this village?" Ye Liang asked.

Tiramisu nodded: "Although the population is small, don't underestimate these people. These traitors are carefully selected by the usurper to feed the ethnic group. Their strength is not small, they are not as good as they are. It seems so simple."

After Tiramisu finished speaking, he used eight winks and continued to hook Mika next to the hook: "Big brother, I will go to the dungeon soon, my sisters who are imprisoned are all up to you."

Tiramisu will now take Ye Liang and the others to the dungeon.

According to her, the new queen who usurped the throne did not kill all her guards because the spiders needed to store food, so the guards were just paralyzed by a secreted venom.

As long as he is rescued, Tiramisu will be able to successfully seize power.

Not long.

They came to a secret cell blocked by leaves somewhere.

This should be a pit. The Poison Widow is a kind of creature that hides in the pit. They can't weave webs. They are similar to tarantulas and are good at fighting!

The prison they used to hold prisoners was naturally not on the tree.

"My guards are right below. Brothers, it's up to you if the slave family can take back the clan." She cheered Ye Liang and the others, and then cast a wink: "After the thing is done, I will definitely help you send to the Zerg. Base camp." After speaking, he leaned back.

Ye Liang stood up.

He frowned when he saw two women standing in front of the prison.

This should be the jailer responsible for guarding the jail. He was not the only one who couldn't do it with two of them. It was just that these jailers bulged forward and did not clearly offend him. They didn't know where to start.

and also.

This tiramisu, which claims to be the original queen of spiders, is still suspicious. Although her words are true, they can't stand scrutiny. Of course, the spider family will keep food for the winter.

Who is the poisonous widow? It is the existence that even her companions and even her husband eat! Could this kind of thing be merciful? Still leaving food for the winter?

Obviously not normal.

"Ye Liang, I'm going first. If it's dangerous, remember to help me." Mika took the lead and charged. For some reason, he seems to be very obsessed with the eight-eyed creatures, and his originally calm character is now a little bit off.

Ye Liang nodded.

After keeping an eye on it, he waited slowly in place.

"Who!" The jailers had just finished speaking when they saw a flash of black light. Mika's fist had hit their necks. The poor woman just fainted on the spot.

Ye Liang frowned.

Tiramisu immediately rushed over happily: "Brother Mika, you are amazing!" After a compliment, he began to walk towards the spider prison blocked by huge leaves.

There was a chattering noise from there, even though it was small, it still made Ye Liang feel very upset.

"No! Something is wrong!" Ye Liang suddenly reacted, and he hurriedly yelled to Mika in front of him: "Quickly stop her!"

suddenly think of!

This woman probably has never had hysteria!

The way to cure hysteria was nonsense. He just took this opportunity to vent his dissatisfaction with the lunatic. Who knows, later this woman was actually cured by him, and he was surprised.

In order to pretend to be B, Ye Liang did not tell Mika next to him.

The woman is so excited, it is naturally very wrong.

She rushed over.

Ye Liang thought about it.

If she is not frantic, why would she take the initiative to attack others? Why is it still red eye now? There is only one reason, this woman is a crazy creature!

She is the real poisonous widow spider!

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Ye Liang's voice did not make Mika start to move. This suddenly dull guy looked at Ye Liang behind him in wonder, "What's the matter?"

It's your grandma!

Ye Liang cursed in his heart.


There was a deafening sound in my ears.


The leaves in front of them are opened!

There should be a special curse seal on it, and just opened it, there was a blast that shouldn't exist. Then one after another black spider crawled out of the dark leaves.

They have long hairs and are completely dark.

Not only that, but compared to humans, it is also taller than a giant. One by one, the lying body is more than two meters wide, and the paws spread out, occupying at least a full four meters of the ground.

"This is the poison widow, this is the real poison widow!" Mika exclaimed. When he heard the movement behind him, he immediately turned his head, but the scene behind him directly shocked his mouth!

The black spiders on each end, UUreading has left drooling saliva towards them.

"Tiramisu, run!"

He still trusts the woman in front of him!

"What are you thinking about!" When the poisonous widow spider bit Mika, Ye Liang immediately pulled it behind him, and kicked the spider in front of him far away with a single kick.

Sage triple!

"This cheating spider is really powerful!" He looked at the mad woman, and saw her eight eyes suddenly flickering, and then went straight into the mouth of a black spider, which was trembling in pain and stopped immediately. movement.

"Hehehehe, Arak pinched that girl must not have thought that the old lady is resurrected again!" Tiramisu's voice appeared in the spider's body, and then her upper body came out directly from the back of the black widow spider. Waist and abdomen adhesions, this woman was actually connected with this terrifying spider!

"Do not!"

Mika yelled, his unbelievable eyes, and tears of sorrow.

"Hurry up, we are probably in trouble this time!" Ye Liang fought Mika and rushed back to Spider Village. He felt that there were at least thousands of black poisonous widows in this sealed pit.

That woman reached the seventh stage of the saint!

"It looks like it won't work in a short time." He muttered. After a while, he threw away the spider and returned to the village.

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