Naruto God-level System

Chapter 403: Find evidence

In the evening.

   Ye Liang was lying on the bed.

  Because he pretended to be a guard on the ship, he did not live in his own room, but was huddled together with a group of big bosses.

to be frank.

   This feeling sucks!

   On the bed, he looked at the roommate above, secretly unhappy: "Old Qian, can you please be quiet, let's not sleep!"

   The bunk beds here are not very big.

"Hey, sorry. I'm talking to my gun|friend video, it's over for a while, I promise to be quiet." The guard named Lao Qian is holding a notebook, although it is separated by thousands of universes, he is still far away from Qiming The woman on the number, whispering.

  The rest of the roommates joked: "I said Lao Qian, you call her a gun|friend in front of others, you are not afraid of this woman's scumbag."

   "Haha, Yu Zi is afraid that he hasn't, but he has given a lot of money."

   The old money in the upper berth is immediately upset!

   "Why, we are a serious deal, you don't agree? If you don't agree, please make an appointment by yourself!"

   Everyone was happy for a while.

   At this time, Ye Liang suddenly heard the movement of the upper bunk stop, he didn't care, only when the old money had turned off his laptop, he was about to fall asleep.


   The loudspeaker of the notebook suddenly agitated.

   "It's not good, murder!"

   A woman’s voice came. This is the friend who is video chatting with Lao Qian. The others woke up one after another, and they sat up on the bed.

   "Old money, what are you doing."

   complained to the guard at the shop, but he looked in the direction of the old money, suddenly stupid. I saw that Old Qian sat motionless on the bed.

   his head drooped slightly, and the notebook on his thigh was also thrown aside.

   There was a woman in the notebook yelling frantically: "You wake up soon, the old money was killed! Hurry up and catch the murderer!" At this point, the notebook suddenly went black.

   Hearing her words, Ye Liang suddenly jumped out of the bed! He climbed to the upper bunk of the old money in twos or twos, and found that the old money at this time had no breath.

   At this time, the light in the room was also turned on.

   "What's the matter?" The rest of the people got off the bed one after another, and a black light burst out of the notebook in an instant. It paused for a while before rushing towards Ye Liang.


   The rest of the people saw this scene and quickly touched the guy beside the bed, and Ye Liang punched the flying black light.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  "Dead?"

   He loosened his fist in confusion.

   This kind of feeling is too familiar, the slight burning sensation, that is the strong corrosive nature of death energy, originally cultivated to this level, death energy is no longer useful.

   But the strength of this death spirit now far exceeds that of Huangquan Emperor!

   "What's the situation?"

   Ye Liang looked at the ground, and the lifeless mass that had been beaten by him immediately flew up. He didn't rush to attack Ye Liang anymore, but flew to the guard beside him fiercely.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   These guards are the deadly opponents of this group. Before they could react, they were penetrated through several hearts.

  The soul was swallowed by a corner!


   Ye Liang cursed, he hurriedly moved towards the black anger, but since the thing suffered a loss in Ye Liang's hands, he never got close to Ye Liang.

   instead ran towards the door.

   Ye Liang wanted to chase after him, but his naked sleeping character made him helpless. He could only be afraid to slap the bedboard to express his indignation.

at this time.

   Only one day away from the Universe!

   The next day.

   "You said you saw the guy's face, can you draw it!" Ye Liang coldly held the old money's notebook. After last night, he worked hard and finally repaired the damaged notebook.

   When the old Qian died, the gun|friend who was chatting privately saw him. Ye Liang wanted to catch the murderer, and this gun|you happened to be the best witness.

   Those attendants are not dead either.

   Their souls were gnawed away. Although they fell into a coma, they were not fatal.

   Ye Liang looked at the woman in the video, full of anxiety.

   Not long.

   The woman took a very obvious abstract painting and brought it to him. He is a simple man in Chinese clothes. Although his face is vague, he can easily recognize the identity of this man from his clothes.

   is one of the princes of War Star!

   Ye Liang was surprised.

   He didn't expect that it was one of his brothers who undermined Mohai. This situation is terrible! The forces here are basically the staff of these princes.

   Wanting to find the real murderer from these people is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

   Ye Liang frowned.

   "Never mind!" He walked out of the room with the notebook directly.

   As long as there is the testimony of this gun|friend, the scar is safe. As for which prince did it, you can only take one step at a time.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   It's bad luck for the Mohai brother.

   Demon Black Room.

   Mo Hei impulsively sat on the iron bed panting, he punched the iron bed, his heart was extremely unhappy!

   originally wanted to sneak Ye Liang to kill!

  Who knew his actions, he was discovered by a gun|youge who was following a video with the guard!

   It’s also the blame for him not keeping up with the times. Even the guards have started to use dating software, but he doesn’t even watch TV!

   Low burst...

   "Fuck! It seems that he must be killed early."

   Ye Liang's side.

   He has come to the command room.

   Mohu and Mowu are waiting for him.

   In front of him is Xue Rulong sitting on the command chair.

   "Did you bring things?" Dare to enter the command room, UU reading www. that Xue Rulong smiled calmly. His upright attitude made Ye Liang feel uncomfortable, but the current commander was Xue Rulong, and he had nothing to do.

   put the notebook on the table.

   The portrait originally painted by the gun|friend has been taken by him. In addition to the previous aristocratic costumes, Ye Liang also deliberately enlarged the star logo on his shoulders.

   That is the exclusive badge of the prince.

   "Do you mean that the princes who killed the Demon Sea this time?" Xue Rulong said indifferently, and he lifted his legs and shook there.

   I don’t know, think he has arthritis.

   Ye Liang frowned: "Of course! The dress of this portrait, whether it's epaulettes or style, are similar to the noble costumes worn by the princes. Except for the other princes of War Star, it's impossible for anyone else?"

   "Will it be someone you know, pretending to be this dark shadow?" Xue Rulong suddenly glanced at Mo Wu.

   "What do you mean!" Mo Wu couldn't help pressing Nai immediately! He also understood what Xue Rulong meant, which meant that this epaulette might not be the other prince.

  Magic Dance too!

   In order to save Scar, it is not impossible to pretend to be a murderer!

   Ye Liang clenched his fists.

   Hearing this sentence, he naturally understood that Xue Rulong was arguing, but from his standpoint, he had no right to bargain with him.

   just when the two sides are deadlocked.

   General Demon Tiger suddenly stood up.

   He slapped the command table: "Let it go! Still don't let it go!"

   The atmosphere immediately became tense.

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