Naruto God-level System

Chapter 402: Black hands are emerging


   Command room.

   While Ye Liang was busy investigating the case, Mo Wu was not idle. After communicating with Mohu, she quickly came to Xue Rulong's place.

   "Rulong, I didn't expect you to be lustful for your position now!" Mohu coldly looked at Xue Rulong sitting on the command chair.

   just after Mo Wu escaped from prison last night.

   He has learned everything. Not only did things have changed, but Xue Rulong was about to rush into trouble, and he knew that Mo Wu was involved.

   "What are you talking nonsense!"

   Xue Rulong looked at him coldly.

   As the current master of the Qiming, even if his affairs are punctured by others, he will not be a little cowardly.

   This is the quality that a veteran should have.

   "Say what? Just say why you closed your Highness!" Mohu looked at him coldly: "Also why do you decide that Scar is the murderer when things are not clear!

  You know that he is just a slave, how can he beat the rich Three Princes by his means! "

   "That's not necessarily! I once killed a ninth-stage strong man in jealousy and anger! How can it be impossible for you to kill the third prince when Scar is jealous and angry?"

   "You are quibbling!"

   The devil's lungs are almost exploding! Originally, he and Xue Rulong were old friends, and the two of them were in charge of the outside and the inside of him, but now the old friend's approach is indeed greatly improper.

   The life of a slave may be nothing, but if the three princes die in an unfavorable manner, their old faces of war stars will be gone!

   Xue Rulong is also very angry!

   It was very reasonable to leave the matter to Scar, but the unlucky nephew actually relaxed his vigilance at this time! If you say you are a criminal offender, at least you have to live for the sake of face!

   When you lie down there, tell everyone clearly that Lao Tzu is committing a crime!

   Isn't this an out-and-out idiot!

   Devil Tiger looked at Xue Rulong: "You must give me an explanation!"

"Explain? Haha, I was investigating this matter originally, but now it's the subordinates who don't care about it. Turning back, I withdrew his position and greeted him, that's it." He knew that he was doing something wrong, but Xue Rulong said It is still not admitted.

   After agreeing to Mohu, he waved his hand to signal him to leave.

   Devil Tiger is also helpless.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   He is not the leader of this trip, so he can't manage Xue Rulong. Seeing that his own words had been spread, he could only go with the magic dance.


   Mo Wu was not happy, she could see that Xue Rulong was still perfunctory, but she and others had no authority, so she couldn't do anything with him.

   "Old General, what should I do next? If Xue Rulong is in power every day, I am afraid that the third brother's hatred will not be reported. If it drags on, I am afraid the murderer will run on the universe!"

   "This..." Mohu shook his head: "Take a step, take a step."

   The location turns around.

   Ye Liang has explored many rooms.

   There are tens of thousands of contestants, and there are thousands of rooms in this noble area. Finding the murderer in a short time is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

   He wandered to a simple room.

   The inside of this room is pitch black, not only the lights are not turned on, but there is even no decoration.

   "Good fellow, such a simple room is really rare." Ye Liang looked at the house number. This is the room of the Seven Prince Mohei.

   He walked in.

   Devil is not here.

   In addition to a bed, there are several cabinets. Ye Liangzhai rummaged in the cupboard while he beat on the wall. The real bad guys have secret rooms.

   He needs to look closely.

   looked for a while, but there was nothing.

   At this time, Devil's bed attracted his attention. Except for a stack of quilts, there is only a thick black bedboard, which is surprisingly made of steel.

   This kid's waist is strong...

   Ye Liang wanted to reach out and touch it, but there was a loud shout at the door: "What are you going to do!" He looked up and found that the master Mohei had returned.

   Ye Liang hurried over to ask for peace: "We are the Qiming search team. We are looking for a murderer for the case of the third prince. I hope Lord Devil will forgive me."


   Demon Black looked at Ye Liang questioningly. He always felt that Ye Liang was very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. Seeing that he couldn't remember this person in the end, he had to wave his hand.

   "Since you have checked it, let's go out quickly."


   A few attendants arched their hands and walked out secretly.

   Ye Liang was a little confused.

   This magic black looks weird in ancient times. Not only is the furniture so simple, but the way of speaking is also very strange. If it hadn't been for the lifelessness from him, I'm afraid he would be taken down on the spot.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   analyzed again with the guards, and several people left the noble area.

   A few hours later, a black air poured out from under the Demon Black bed. Its color was weird, and even after hovering in the air a few times, it turned into a human appearance.

   "You are really good to isolate the bedboard, otherwise I will be discovered by the kid today."

   "Master, what do you mean?"

   Demon Black was in front of Black Qi, and seeing him kneeling respectfully, it was obvious that he had an affair with this Black Qi.

"I bought this bed sheet from the Taksin at a high price. Even my father, I am afraid that I can't perceive you from it. How could that kid do because of him. Lifeless!" Hei Qi said again. "This kid has the Huangquan technique in his body, and there is also a Huangquan power in his soul.

   I'm afraid this guy is also from Huangquan! "

   "What!" Mo Hei's face was moved, "Master! Didn't you say that Huangquan exercises cherish abnormalities, it is not something ordinary people can practice!"

   How can a little guard also use this technique? "

   "Who said his little guard!"

   Heiqi said again: "In addition to feeling the death qi in him, I also felt the breath of'Dugu'! Moreover, the breath is strong, I am afraid that his practice is taught by Dugu."

   "You said that the traitor was ‘Dugu’!" Mohei blurted out in surprise.

   "That's right."

Heiqi nodded. At this time, his expression suddenly changed into melancholy: "At the beginning, I was expecting'Dugu' to inherit my mantle. Who knows that that stupid lack revealed his feet, not only escaped to the universe, but also hurt Lao Tzu. Was destroyed by the King of War!

   Only hiding is the real kingly way. Don’t follow your stupid big brother! "


   Mo Hei arched his hands towards Hei Qi.

   He took a step back. Heiqi also consciously returned to the iron bed. Until it was completely submerged, Mohei walked out the door with confidence.

   He checked his watch, and it was getting dark soon.

   "Huh! Old guy, all these years have passed, and I still miss my eldest brother. That's okay! I want to see how big waves a small guard can make!"

   He walked towards the guard's residential area. ?

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