Naruto God-level System

Chapter 404: Sign in

The scar is finally out!

   If you have to thank someone, he will definitely say three words to Ye Liang!

  Brother cowhide!

   It's a pity, I don't have time to wrestle with him now.

  Under the demon tiger general's argument, the scar was finally released, but the assassination of the magic sea can only come to an end, because the spacecraft has already flown to the venue of the Universe at this time.

   The chat in the command room was yesterday.

   Ye Liang opened the door of the ship. As the first to disembark, he was naturally very honored, and the rest of the crew also arrived at the venue.

   The star of the universe!

   This is a planet that is dozens of times larger than the sun. Because it is too large, the divisions of various civilizations appear loose. The place where the Qiming is now arriving is the north of the universe star.

   It is relatively deserted here, because there are only two or three civilizations docked, and Liao is immediately uninhabited.

   Ye Liang stood dazedly on the vast ground. The sky was an endless blue sky, with green grass and flowers in the distance. The only thing that violated the peace was a towering sky-reaching pillar in the distance.

  "That is the authenticity of Optimus Prime used as a security check. In this universe star, there are six such pillars, which are located on the top, bottom, left, and right of the planet.

   If we want to go to the game, we must first go to this authenticity Optimus Prime to verify our identity. "

   "This is the thing, the security check?"

   Ye Liang looked at the ginkgo that had just disembarked in the distance, and it was such a thing that an 85-level expert was helpless.

   Mo Wu saw his gaze looking away, and also leaned over.

   She poked Ye Liang in the arm: "Hey, you are planning to help her hide her identity. You must know that she is the high priest of Dora Star, and she will use bad eyes to harm you when she says that she is not good at the game."

   "Then are you afraid of her?" Ye Liang glanced at her.

   Demon Dance was taken aback, and immediately swelled his cheeks: "Huh! I'm the High Highness of War Star, how could I be afraid of her! I'm just afraid that this girl will do damage and embarrass us."

   "Since you are not afraid, why should I be afraid of her?" Ye Liang smiled. He is now a level 87 master, and Ginguo is only level 85, which is not his opponent at all.

   is a little lack of energy.

   "Then when shall we go to the security check? I have to eat something to replenish. I have consumed a lot recently."

   "It's coming soon, and the messenger of the stars of the universe will take us to the authenticity column. After the inspection, we can move freely. By the way! You have just eaten, why are you hungry now?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I have a big appetite."

   Ye Liang shrugged.

  He is also helpless. The food on the Qiming is just ordinary meals. It is simply unrealistic to rely on that thing to supplement energy.

   Moreover, he has to restart the system with a lot of energy, which is a bit cheating.

   "Are there any alien beasts on this planet? I have a big appetite, I'm afraid you can't support me."


   Demon Dance looked at Ye Liang like a fool.

   Not long.

   Two little people flew over in the sky suddenly. They each stepped on a green flying sword, which actually looked like the legendary sword fairy.

   "Wocao! Is this a cultivator!" Ye Liang's eyes straightened as he watched these two people fly by!

   There are no people on earth who don’t want to cultivate!

   He watched the two sword immortals fly over the Qiming ship.

   "You are the contestants of this war star, we are honored, and we have been waiting for a long time again." The two sword immortals handed over, quite a strong martial arts style.

   Before Ye Liang could react, he saw the Demon Tiger strode over the Qiming.

   "That's right! We are the guests of War Star, but this year there are so few envoys, and the pomp in previous years is much larger than this."

   He looked at the two sword fairies proudly.

  As a major country in cosmic civilization, War Star naturally cannot be looked down upon.

   "Hehe, it seems that you are the old general of Devil Tiger."

   The old man bowed his hand to the devil tiger, and one of the ancient men with a white feather fan stood up and said, "It's not that I don't give you any face, but the Universe Star does have some problems this year.

  The rest of the small civilizations only have one referrer, and some of them don't even have a linker, so they can only travel with the rest of them, Wang Mohu General Haihan. "


   Mohu glanced at him suspiciously, and then jumped off the Qiming: "Since there is a cause for it, let's open the way. Our War Star is not unreasonable."

   Sword Immortal made a rush: "Then thank you General Devil Tiger."

   Wait until the greeting is over.

   The two sword fairies flew toward the authenticity pillar.


  The big army is on!

   There are flying, running, and crawling under the ground. Anyway, each has magical powers. These two sword immortals are extremely fast, even if they have been released for a few minutes, they still escape at an amazing speed.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Seeing them like this, Ye Liang quickly used an earthen dragon bomb!

   The earth here is full of energy, and the speed of the earth dragon bomb is much faster than running. He was a little driven, and the staff on Mo Wu's side also sat on it.

   "I'm a good boy, you are too strong in this strange art!"

   Scar was sitting on Tulong’s head foolishly, with a dragon horn in each hand, and he had a great time playing.

   Ye Liang and Mo Wu were standing on their necks. There was no one around them. After all, not everyone was qualified to sit with Mo Wu. He looked at Longwei's Ginkgo: "Since it's here, why didn't the sacrifice run away? Isn't the best time now ~ The magic dance next to him naturally understands what he means.

   "It's not that she doesn't want to, but she doesn't dare!"

   "Don't dare? What do you mean." Ye Liang asked. He just finished speaking when he saw Mo Wu and pointed in the direction of Jianxian! I saw that in front of the sword fairy, there were a huge number of rare and exotic beasts rushing towards this side.

   The momentum of these things has reached the seventh stage steadily!

   "Understand, if it weren't for the taker to open the way ahead, our group of people would not be able to stay alone on the cosmic stars. Because the powerful creatures here are simply countless!"

   "That's it."

   Ye Liang nodded clearly.

   Indeed, with Ginkgo's level 85 skill, it is really impossible to compare with these creatures. Once surrounded by groups, all waiting for her is dead.

   "It will be more difficult to get near the authenticity pillar in a while," Mo Wu said again.

   Just after she finished speaking, she saw the sword fairy slow down in the distance. They solemnly controlled Feijian, staring at the clouds ahead without blinking.

   "A big storm is coming! You all guard me!"

   "Big storm?"

   Ye Liang was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw a big storm blowing up the clouds in front of him. Reach the sky, the tail touches the ground!

   The black and crushed piece, just by looking at it, I feel like it will be torn apart completely!

   "This is the seasonal storm of the universe stars, and its power even exceeds the space storm. Without the help of the sword fairy, it would be difficult for us people to break through the past."

   Mo Wu just finished explaining, the air currents around it began to accelerate!

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