Chapter 1113 Kuroba

Kaito’s Misunderstanding Aoko’s tone was very harsh, Kuroba Kaito felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but in the end Kuroba Kaito still Hold it back.

Now is not the time to quarrel with Qingzi. The key is to ask clearly about Ri Xiangchen and why Qingzi is with Ri Xiangchen.

"Qingzi, let me ask you something important. Why do you know Ri Xiangchen?"

After interrupting Aoko's other words, Kuroba Kaito asked Aoko, why does she know Ri Xiangchen?

Ordinarily Aoko should not have any interaction with Ri Xiangchen, and what is the purpose of Ri Xiangchen's coming here? What is it?

Kuroba Kaito and Ri Xiangchen can be considered enemies. They suffered a lot in his hands, and Kuroba Kaito also knows one thing, that is, his mother went to find Ri Xiangchen. The key is that now There was no contact, so Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Even though his mother, Kuroba Chikage, rarely contacted him, this time was different. This time, he knew that his mother was looking for Ri Xiangchen..

So there is no room for Kuroba Kaito not to worry. Before, Kuroba Kaito wanted to go to Ri Xiangchen to ask questions.

But now he can’t leave, so Kuroba Kaito didn’t go either, but Kuroba Yu Kaito has not forgotten

"Who is Ri Xiangchen?"

Aoko frowned and asked,"Well, actually Aoko doesn't know Chen's name yet, so it's normal not to know at this time.

But about this, Kuroba Kaito doesn't know.


Kuroba quickly Tou couldn't control himself and punched the telephone pole next to him. He let his hand scratch his skin and did nothing.

Originally, Kuroba Kaito had misunderstandings and suspicions in his heart, but now he clearly saw Aoko. Conversation with Ri Xiangchen, but Aoko denied it, and Kuroba Kaito regarded it as pretending to be stupid.

Deliberately not telling, deliberately pretending to be stupid, if there was no inside story, Kuroba Kaito would definitely be beaten to death won't believe it

"I saw you with him before. Do you really not know him?"Kuroba Kaito asked with anger.

Being questioned like this, Aoko felt very unhappy, but then Aoko suddenly came back to her senses and seemed to understand a little. Could it be that what

Kuroba Kaito said was that very hateful person? Guy, damn it, I actually forgot to ask that guy’s name.

Aoko became even more upset when she thought of Tatsumi.

But Aoko was also curious, why does Kuroba Kaito seem to know that guy? How did they know each other? ?

Although Aoko was very curious in her heart, of course Aoko wouldn't say anything because of Kuroba Kaito's attitude. She hung up the phone directly and ignored Kuroba Kaito at all. This lady was already very unhappy. At this time, you come to make me angry.

Aozi, who was willful for the moment, hung up the phone directly. Kuroba Kaito outside, once again punched the telephone pole with a blaster. The telephone pole was also very innocent. It was obvious who provoked it. Who, in the end, had been punched twice.

But the telephone pole was fine, and Kuroba Kaito's fist collided with the telephone pole, and the result can be imagined. I guess I saw Kuroba Kaito like this The person who acted this way must think he is a fool.

After standing here with a gloomy face for a long time, Kuroba Kaito was pointed at by others when he left. At this time, Kuroba Kaito came here His purpose has been forgotten by him. These are no longer important. What is important is to understand the information about Ri Xiangchen. You must understand things about Ri Xiangchen, especially the relationship between him and Qingzi.

"Ri Xiangchen, I hope you won’t deceive Qingzi, otherwise I won’t let you go."

Kuroba Kaito clenched his fists and swore secretly.

After returning home, Kuroba Kaito said hello to the housekeeper, and then left home. Kuroba Kaito was preparing to go to Rice Flower Town.

This time, Kuroba Kaito couldn't I won’t go and investigate because this matter involves Aoko. If I don’t know what the relationship between Ri Xiangchen and Aoko is, Kuroba Kaito will feel uneasy. Besides this purpose, Kuroba Kaito There are other purposes.

The other purpose is of course to find Kuroba Chikage. Now he can't contact Kuroba Chikage, and he doesn't know what is going on with his unreliable mother.

Kuroba Kaito would never have imagined that, Kuroba Chikage is already Tatsu's woman, and Kuroba Kaito should be regarded as Tatsu's cheap son.

If Kuroba Kaito knew this, he might not be able to help but go crazy.

At that time, he should choose to fight Chen. , this kind of thing is also possible, after all, he absolutely cannot accept such a thing.

Kuroba Kaito went to Mihua Town. As for school, Kuroba Kaito has no time to think about it, so he took a long vacation..

Anyway, Kuroba Kaito often asked for leave, and he was good at studying, so the teacher allowed Kuroba Kaito to ask for leave. Chen had already returned home at this time, but he didn't know that Kuroba Kaito was coming to look for him. He doesn't care about this even if he knows it. Anyway, he doesn't care whether Kuroba Kaito is his cheap son or not. If he really wants to attack Kuroba Kaito, he will never be ambiguous. Of course,

Chen doesn't do it now either. know these

".~I thought you would come back yesterday, but I didn’t expect you would come back today."Belmod walked out of the room and said

"Belmode, come here and help me."Chen said to Belmode

"What are you busy with?"Belmod walked over curiously and asked Chen doubtfully.

"Help move some of Hongzi's books into the room."Chen pointed at Hongzi's books and some props.

The car was already full. Bellmode was a little surprised when he saw it. He didn't expect that Hongzi had so many things.

Nothing to do, Bellmode Naturally, Mode came to help.

(Denuo Zhao) Can I see these?"Judy hesitated and asked Hongzi.

Judy felt that it was too difficult to surpass Belmod in terms of ninjutsu, so it was better to try elsewhere.

See if she could rely on magic. And then defeat Belmod, that’s what Judy had in mind at this time anyway.

"If you want to see these, it’s not impossible."Koizumi Hongzi nodded and did not refuse.

If it were in the past, Koizumi Hongzi would certainly not show these things to others generously.

After all, these things are secret and must not be allowed to be seen by outsiders.

But now After learning ninjutsu from Chen, Koizumi Anko didn't care so much about these things. Of course, that doesn't mean she doesn't care at all.

If she didn't care at all, Koizumi Anko wouldn't care about it now. I will continue to study these magics. After all, they are inherited from the family, so I still pay more attention to them._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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