"I really don’t know why Hongzi would like you if she is so beautiful."

Nakamori Aoko said to Chen. Because she was resentful towards Chen, she liked to exclude Chen when she spoke.

"Well, do you want to know the reason?"

Chen suddenly smiled evilly, and then asked Nakamori Aoko.

Instinct told Nakamori Aoko not to understand, and Nakamori Aoko followed her instinct and immediately distanced herself from Chen. She distanced herself, and used that kind of He didn’t look at Chen with a look at good people, but it wasn’t wrong. Chen was not a good person in the first place.

"I don't want to know anything."Nakamori Aoko looked at Chen warily.

"In this case, then prepare to leave, we are leaving too."Chen once again issued an expulsion order to Nakamori Aoko.

"Are you leaving?"Nakamori Aoko's expression was slightly stunned.

"Yes, we are leaving. It doesn't matter if you stay here, but only God knows whether anything will happen here."

Chen looked at Nakamori Aoko with that malicious smile, which made Nakamori Aoko's expression change drastically.

What if the previous scene happened again?

Anyway, Nakamori Aoko has already had a psychological shadow on this castle, and the area of ​​​​the psychological shadow is huge. Not too young.

In fact, Nakamori Aoko also wanted to leave, but she didn't dare to leave at all.

"Well, could you please take me out of here with you?"

At this time, Nakamori Aoko no longer cares about face. Face is not important at this time. What is important is how to leave here.

"Oh, you want to leave with us?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just asked you to take me away from this place, I'm afraid."Nakamori Aoko said tremblingly.

Seeing Nakamori Aoko trembling, Koizumi Hongzi was slightly speechless, and then glanced at Chen.

How did you scare people? I remember that Nakamori Aoko is also very courageous. , I don’t know what kind of fright Chen gave her to scare Nakamori Aoko into this state.

"Then Qingzi, just follow us."Koizumi Anko said.

Hearing Anko speak, Aoko breathed a sigh of relief, but Nakamori Aoko felt very shy in her heart.

Before, she should have been more embarrassed, but she actually said that she was scared, and she didn't know that Hongzi How does Zi see herself.

In fact, Nakamori Aoko is overthinking. Hongzi does not think of Qingzi, but looks at Xiangchen, which is a bit strange.

Facing a beautiful woman, and she looks so similar to Xiaolan. Beauty, it's too much for you to scare people like this.

But she is a witch, so she doesn't seem to be qualified to criticize Chen, because she usually seems to be quite excessive when doing things.

Hongzi agreed, and Chen certainly wouldn't say anything What, Kuang Chen didn’t have any bad feelings towards Nakamori Aoko.

He drove away from here, and then Chen put Nakamori Aoko down. Nakamori Aoko looked at Chen with a tigerish face, as if he remembered Chen.

"Just wait, I will definitely seek revenge on you one day. Zi said a harsh word to Chen

"Yo, you still want to seek revenge from me, but do you think you can do it?"Chen glanced at Nakamori Aoko, and then said calmly.

That plain tone made Nakamori Aoko feel angry, and she couldn't help but snorted at Chen.

"Just wait, I will definitely do it."

Nakamori Aoko gestured towards Chen with her fist. She had never suffered such a big loss before. This time she completely remembered Chen.

"Well, I'm waiting for you to come to me for revenge, and I hope you don't involve yourself."Chen smiled slightly, then drove away.

"What's the meaning? Put yourself in?"Nakamori Aoko glanced at the car driving away in confusion.

"Anyway, I can never let this matter go. I was almost scared to death and I definitely wanted to seek revenge from him."

Nakamori Aoko gritted her teeth. Women are more vengeful, especially beautiful women.

Although Nakamori Aoko is still just a girl, she will definitely hold grudges, and she still holds grudges very much.

Nakamori Aoko stamped her feet, and then Go home, but when she goes back, Nakamori Aoko basically chooses places with many people to go. The crowds of people can embolden her. After all, she was scared before, so Nakamori Aoko can feel at ease when she sees other people. Come down.

Not long after Nakamori Aoko left, a figure came out of the hiding place. If Nakamori Aoko was still here, he would definitely be very familiar with this person.

Because this person is Nakamori Aoko's childhood sweetheart, Kuroba Kaito. This is the current Kaito Kid.

Kuroba Kaito is the second generation of Kaito Kid, and the first generation of Kaito is Kuroba Kaito's father.

"Ri Xiangchen, why does he appear here, and what is his relationship with Qingzi?"

Kuroba Kaito's face was very ugly.

He originally came here to buy things, and then he saw Aoko getting off a car, and then Kuroba Kaito saw Hinata sitting in the car.

Then At that time, Kuroba Kaito did not show up. Instead, he hid himself and did not want to alarm Riga Chen.

In fact, Kuroba Kaito didn't know that when he looked over, Chen had already noticed him.

Yichen's Keen, it was too easy to discover Kuroba Kaito, and he discovered Kuroba Kaito easily.

But Chen didn't do anything, Kuroba Kaito didn't know that he had been discovered

"Go ask Qingzi?"Kuroba Kaito wanted to ask Aoko about Ri Xiangchen. The most important thing is that Kuroba Kaito wanted to know the relationship between them.

When he saw Aoko getting off Ri Xiangchen's car, Kuroba Hakaito felt very uncomfortable.

He simply took out his cell phone, and Kuroba Kaito dialed Aoko's number.

At this time, Aoko was still walking home. When he heard the ringtone of his cell phone, he was frightened. Jump

"Phew, scared me to death."Qingzi felt startled, and then he looked angrily to see who was calling him.

"It was actually a call from Kaito."Qingzi frowned and then chose to answer the question.

"Hey, what are you doing on the phone with me?"

Aoko said angrily. The reason why she was so angry was mainly because she was scared before, and she now has some conflicts with Kuroba Kaito.

The reason is of course that Kuroba Kaito praised the thief Kaitou Kid in front of her. She doesn't care at all that Aoko hates Kaitou Kid very much, so naturally there is a conflict.

Kuroba Kaito is Kaitou Kid, so praising Kaitou Kid is praising himself.

And Nakamori Aoko hates Kaitou Kid very much because of her father. De, naturally can't stand hearing Kuroba Kaito praising Kaitou Kidd in front of her._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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