Chapter 1114 Teacher Judy is very studious

"Teacher Judy, you can do it, but don’t damage these books."Koizumi Hongzi said to Judy

"Don't worry, I will cherish these books."Judy nodded seriously. Koizumi Hongzi can show it to her, which is a great trust in her.

So Judy will naturally not damage these books, she will definitely keep them well.

"By the way, Teacher Judy, if you want to increase your strength by learning magic, I advise you to give up."

At the end, Koizumi Hongzi kindly reminded Judy, which made Judy a little confused now.

"Why?"Judy asked Koizumi Hongzi in confusion.

Koizumi Hongzi was just thinking about how to explain to Judy. At this time, Chen said to Judy:"Because magic is not that easy to learn."

This is a key point. Koizumi Hongzi has been learning magic since she was a child and can only master it now.

In comparison, Judy knows nothing at all. How many years does it take for her to learn? Does she have that long?

"Also, magic is not comparable to the ninjutsu you are learning now, at least in terms of power, magic is simply incomparable."

Chen told Koizumi Hongzi the second reason. Didn't you see that Hongzi didn't value magic that much? How could Judy still not see it?

"Indeed, although magic has some good abilities, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is completely incomparable to ninjutsu."

Koizumi Hongzi nodded and acknowledged Chen's words.

This is indeed a fact. After all, this is a scientific world, and it is very unexpected for magic to appear.

The magic here is completely different from the magic in the real magic world. There is no way to compare

"Then I still plan to take a look."

Even after hearing what Chen and Koizumi Hongzi said, Judy still didn't give up her plan.

In addition to strengthening her strength, Judy actually had another purpose, which was to satisfy her curiosity.

For magic and the like Judy is very curious about things. This is even more curious than when facing ninjutsu.

"I want to learn more about magic."

The curiosity in Judy's heart (becg) was not concealed at all. That's right, there is no need to hide anything here.

"Okay, Teacher Judy, if you don't understand something, you can come over and ask me."Koizumi Hongzi said to Judy

"Since you said this, Hongzi, I’m afraid I’m not qualified to be your teacher. There’s no need to call me teacher in the future."

Koizumi Hongzi said to Judy.

There is no need to call her teacher, Judy feels that she is responsible for it. After all, she is indeed not as good as Koizumi Hongzi in some places.

Even in some cultural knowledge, Judy is not as good as Koizumi. Anko.

After all, if you want to become a witch, you must learn a lot of knowledge, so Koizumi Anko is a very educated person.

"If I really don't understand something, I'll ask you. Hongzi, don't fail to answer it then."Judy blinked at Koizumi Hongzi, and then said

"As long as I have time, I will definitely give you the answer. It feels good to have a disciple."Koizumi Anko said with a smile.

If Judy learns from her, then this can be regarded as her apprentice.

Of course, this is actually just a joke, and Judy can't really call her teacher Koizumi Anko.

"Sister, we haven’t eaten yet, is there anything to eat?"Xiao Ai asked Mingmei.

Now Xiao Ai is really hungry, because in the morning, Xiao Ai didn't eat breakfast because she was angry with Chen. As for the reason for being angry, of course it was because of Nakamori Aoko.

"Xiao Ai is hungry, then I will cook it for you."Mingmei said to Xiao Ai, and then Mingmei walked into the room.

"By the way, Xiao Ai, I still need you to do me a favor."Koizumi Hongzi said to Xiao Ai at this time.

"You should know that I am currently working on a magic potion and I hope you can help me"

"I'll help you? I'm afraid I can't help with this."Xiao Ai couldn't help but said, Xiao Ai really doesn't think he can help Koizumi Hongzi in this matter.

After all, this is a potion, related to magic. Xiao Ai is not familiar with it, so he doesn't dare to guarantee that it can be done. help

"It doesn't matter, I'm just trying it out to see what I can research by combining magic and science."

"When the time comes, you can ask Chen Lai to help test the efficacy of the medicine."Koizumi Hongzi suddenly looked at Chen.

Chen's expression was slightly confused, and then he glared at Koizumi Hongzi angrily,"Okay, I actually want him to be a guinea pig."

"Stop looking for me, find someone else." Chen said angrily.

Although no matter what Koizumi Anko makes, it will not cause any harm to him, but Chen doesn't want to try it.

Just like putting a poison in front of you, even if you know that the poison will not kill you, you will I will never drink it.

Also, even Koizumi Anko herself doesn’t know what she made.

"Hey, where's Judy?"

Chen just turned around and found that Judy was gone.

"Teacher Judy went to study. It seems that Teacher Judy is very easy to learn."Koizumi Hongzi said.

Yes, Judy has already taken Koizumi Hongzi's book to study. As for how much she can learn, Chen is not optimistic about her anyway. Chen feels that if she can persist for three days, he will definitely You have to look at it with admiration.

At first, Chen had not read Koizumi Hongzi's magic book.

Even Chen didn't have the patience to read the content recorded in it, and he didn't believe that Judy could persevere.

"It seems that Judy is very determined to seek revenge on me."Belmod said

"Who told you to do all the bad things?"Xiao Ai glanced at Belmode after hearing this, and then said calmly.

"Little girl, you are not much better than me. The medicine you developed has harmed many people, especially your parents."

Belmod looked at Xiao Ai coldly.

In fact, in his heart, Bermod was also very hostile to Xiao Ai's parents, but now he has put those hatred in his heart.

Bermode let go , but Xiao Ai is still hostile to Belmod. The main reason is that she was bullied by Belmod in the past.

If it were her, Xiao Ai might think of letting it go, but including her sister Having been bullied, Xiao Ai is naturally unwilling to let it go.

Therefore, Xiao Ai has never let go of her hostility towards Belmode._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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