Chapter 1020 Do you believe Xiaolan?

"How did Heiji get injured by Hinata Chen? Have you gone to find him?"Dr. Ali asked Conan.

Conan nodded. If he didn't go to Ri Xiangchen, how could he be injured by Ri Xiangchen?

"What are you going to do with him?"Dr. Agasa asked them~.

Conan looked at Heiji after hearing this. Let Heiji speak for himself. Conan himself couldn't say anything.

Hearing Dr. Agasa's inquiry, Hattori Heiji's eyes darkened. , didn’t say anything, obviously he didn’t want to tell Dr. Ali.

Dr. Ali sighed, he probably had something to hide, and he didn’t want to ask.

"Heiji, just stay here and recuperate. I'll ask for a day off for you tomorrow."Dr. Agasa said.

Hattori Heiji's expression suddenly changed, and then he said:"If Dr. Agasa asks for leave for me, it would be best to use my father's voice and pretend to be my father's identity."

Dr. Agasa was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Hattori Heiji, agreed to Hattori Heiji, and Hattori Heiji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although I don’t know if I can help you hide it, but I can hide it for a while. I really don’t know why you didn’t tell your father."

Dr. Agasa shook his head.

If Hattori Heiji's father Hattori Heizo knew about it, there might be a way to help him. Why did he insist on not letting his father know.

Of course Dr. Agasa couldn't know that this was Hattori Heizo. His weak self-esteem made him absolutely unable to tell his father about this matter.

He didn't want to rely on his father's strength to fight Hinata Tatsumi. That would make him appear inferior to Hinata Tatsumi. He had to convince Heiji Bei's character, They are exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi, they are both trying to save face and suffer the consequences.

"Conan, please take care of Heiji first, and I'll go through the formalities."Dr. Agasa said.

After Dr. Agasa left, Conan and Hattori Heiji calmed down and remained silent.

"Kudo, do you think I'm stupid? I know I'm no match for that bastard Ri Xiangchen, but I still insist on rushing forward."

Hattori Heiji clenched his fists. It hurt because he fell hard on his back, but Hattori Heiji didn't care about the pain in his back at all.

Conan looked at Hattori Heiji and wanted to say that you are quite stupid, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it. , it would be too embarrassing to say it

"In fact, we can think of other plans, there is no need to rush forward and fight Hinata Tatsumi."Conan said to Hattori Heiji

"Other plans? Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, and then asked Conan:"What other plans?" Do you have other ways to deal with Ri Xiangchen?"

Hattori Heiji's question immediately stopped Conan. What can Conan do now? It's just that Conan didn't want Hattori Heiji to be so impulsive anymore. He went to Ri Xiangchen impulsively, and he was the one who got hurt in the end.

"Also, that bastard said he wanted to pursue peace, what should I do?"Hattori Heiji stood up all of a sudden, which shocked Conan.

"Hattori, don't be so excited, you and Ye, he will definitely not be deceived by that guy Ri Xiangchen."Conan comforted the excited Hattori Heiji.

Conan had no other choice but to comfort Hattori Heiji temporarily.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Hattori Heiji would go to Hinata again. One day, Hinata would be impatient and kill Hattori Heiji. What if

? It's someone else. Conan is not worried about Hattori Heiji being killed, but the other party is Hinata Chen. Conan can't help but worry. Conan feels that Hinata Chen really dares to kill him. Maybe if Heiji comes to visit him again, maybe Hinata Chen really dares to kill him. Knows how to kill.

Conan doesn't want to see anything happen to Hattori Heiji

"Haha, do you believe Xiaolan?"Hattori Heiji asked Conan from the bottom of his soul.

Conan's expression froze and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why bring it to Xiaolan?"Conan looked at Hattori Heiji unhappily.

"Kudo, you are running away, right? Are you really not afraid of what Ri Xiangchen will do to Mao Lilan?"

"That's enough, stop talking. I'm like this now. Is there anything I can do to stop it?"Conan suddenly lined up on the table next to him. Even though his hands were red from being slapped, Conan didn't seem to feel anything.

Dr. Ali walked in at this time and saw that the atmosphere was very stiff. He couldn't help but be startled.

What's going on? Why did there seem to be some conflict between the two of us when we just went out?

"This is what you are doing?" Dr. A Li asked.

Looking at the two of them, Dr. A Li wanted to enlighten him. After all, the two of them will cooperate in the future. If the dispute is too tense, how can they cooperate?

····Asking for flowers·······

"Doctor I'm fine."

Conan said with a forced smile.

Hattori Heiji also forced a smile, looked at each other, and felt angry and sympathetic.

"That's fine. I've already gone through the hospitalization procedures. You can be hospitalized here with peace of mind."Dr. Ali nodded and said

"I'm here to watch Heiji today. Conan, you go home and rest. Tomorrow is Monday and you still have to go to school."

Dr. Ali said to Conan

"It's better for me to stay here. Dr. Ali, you haven't rested for a long time because of your research. It's better for me to stay here. Don't worry, I won't be late tomorrow."

Conan said to Dr. Ali..................

"No, you two go back. I don't need care. I can just stay here by myself. If anything really happens, I will call the nurse to handle it."

At this time, Hattori Heiji suddenly shook his head towards Conan and Dr. Agasa.

"Your injury has not been relieved yet, and it is not convenient yet."Conan said to Hattori Heiji.

However, Hattori Heiji insisted and shook his head. In fact, Hattori Heiji just didn't want to trouble Conan and Dr. Agasa too much.

"I'm fine, you go back"

"Well, if you really need something, just give us a call."Conan looked at Hattori Heiji, and seeing his repeated insistence, he stopped persuading him.

Hattori Heiji nodded. In the hospital, he usually has nothing to do. What's more, even if something happens, he can go there. Call a nurse to take care of it.

Moreover, Hattori Heiji's injury is not serious. His legs are not injured and he can still walk without any problems.

"Then let's go first."Conan pulled Dr. Ali away.

"Conan, is it really okay to leave Heiji here now?"Dr. Agasa said worriedly.

How to convince Heiji Heiji that he is also a patient and needs to be taken care of?

"No, let him have some peace and quiet by himself. The more we are here, the more confused his mind will be." Conan said

"Conan, what happened to Heiji?"Dr. Ali couldn't help but asked, why did you suddenly go to see Ri Xiangchen? What happened?_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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