Chapter 1019 Treats Dr. Ali as omnipotent

"Conan, Heiji, what's wrong with you two?"

When Dr. Agasa saw Conan and Hattori Heiji coming back, he asked them.

Conan seemed fine, but why did Hattori Heiji look injured? Why did it suddenly happen like this?

"Doctor, now is not the time to talk about this. Please show Hattori first. He seems to be seriously injured."Conan said anxiously.

However, Dr. Agasa was immediately confused and asked him to take a look at Hattori Heiji? Come on, he is not a doctor. How should he look at this?

"Conan, I'm not a doctor. If Heiji is really in trouble, then send him to the hospital."Dr. Agasa said.

At this time, Conan looked helpless. He also wanted to send Hattori Heiji to the hospital, but if Hattori Heiji refused, there was nothing Conan could do.

"Dr. Agasa, please check Hattori first. I also asked him to go to the hospital, but he just refused."Conan said helplessly.

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and would never go to the hospital.

"Okay, but I'm not a professional doctor, so I can't detect many things."

Dr. Ali said it in advance.

"I'm fine, just apply some medicinal wine and it'll be fine. Hattori

Heiji said with a forced smile.

However, both Conan and Dr. Agasa could see the reluctance in Hattori Heiji's smile. It seemed that he was really in pain.

"Where did it hurt? Let me take a look first."Dr. Agasa said.

Immediately afterwards, Hattori Heiji exposed his swollen back. Dr. Agasa couldn't help but gasped when he saw it.

"How about PhD? Is it serious?"Conan saw Dr. Ari taking a breath of air-conditioning and couldn't help but asked worriedly.

"Well, it's not serious. It just looks swollen. It doesn't seem to be a big deal. It should be fine after the swelling goes down."

Dr. Ali said while touching his chin.

Conan was speechless. Since it's not that serious, why did you act so serious and frightened him?

"It's okay since it's not that serious. Conan said with a sigh of relief.

"Don't let go too early. Who knows if you've injured any bones? If so, it's not a trivial matter."Dr. Agasa said seriously.

Conan thought about the scene where Hattori Heiji was knocked out by Hinata Chen and hit the wall hard, and he became worried again.

"It's really possible that the bone was injured. Is there any way to check?"Conan asked Dr. Ali anxiously.

"What can I do but come out so that I can know."

Dr. Agasa spread his hands and said, he doesn't have any special abilities. Maybe he can tell the situation of Hattori Heiji just by looking at it. This is simply impossible.

"But he didn't want to go to the hospital."Conan said depressedly.

In fact, Conan doesn't mind leaving Hattori-in. After all, his health is important, but Hattori Heiji is not willing to go at all, and Conan has no choice.

"Dr. Ali, haven’t you studied a lot of things? Isn't there anyone who can help?"Conan asked Dr. Ali.

Dr. Ali was speechless,"Conan, you really regard me, Dr. Ali, as omnipotent."

Conan smiled. Yes, there are specialties in the arts. Although Dr. Ali studies a lot of things, not everything is useful.

Some black technologies do exist, but Conan can't have whatever he wants.

"So what should we do now?"Conan asked Dr. Ali.

"Apply some medicinal wine first, but he must be sent to the hospital, and his injury also needs to be swollen." Dr. Agasa said looking at the painful Hattori Heiji.

Then he didn't give Hattori Heiji a chance to object. He took Hattori Heiji with him and headed towards the Rice Flower Hospital.

Hattori Heiji's objections were useless, after all, the pain now made him unable to move. No more

"Don't worry Hattori, we will instruct the doctor not to expose your condition. Conan said to Hattori Heiji.

Conan also knew what Hattori Heiji was worried about, so he said to Hattori Heiji to reassure Hattori Heiji. (becg)

"Dr. Ari, can you slow down a little? Hattori

Heiji said to Dr. Agasa with difficulty.

Now Hattori Heiji was already injured, but Dr. Agasa drove so fast that he was about to die.

Especially the back. Dr. Agasa’s Beetle was originally small, but now It's even more uncomfortable. Now Hattori Heiji's back is swollen and he doesn't dare to touch the backrest at all.

"Okay, I'll slow down." Dr. A Li said a little embarrassed. He was so fast just now because he wanted to send Hattori Heiji to the hospital quickly.

Now it seems that he really has to go slower. Hattori Heiji simply can't bear it.

Slowly, finally arrived at the hospital, Conan Full Moon Black Line

"Dr. Ali, although I told you to slow down, you shouldn't be so slow. If you had known, you would have called an ambulance."Conan said speechlessly.

"Stop talking so much and take Heiji to see a doctor quickly."

They took Hattori Heiji and did some examination. Then Conan asked the doctor:"Doctor, how is my brother's condition? The doctor glanced at Hattori Heiji, and then said:"It's nothing serious, just a slight bone fracture. It will take a while to recover.""

Swollen and fractured bones are not a big deal. The bones are not broken, but they need to be cultivated. You can't use too much force for the time being.

"Oh, that's good."Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, he had to stay in the hospital for a few days until the swelling in his back subsided before he could be discharged."The doctor said

"This is no problem, but there is one more thing that would trouble the doctor, that is, the fact that he was injured and hospitalized should not be leaked out."

The doctor frowned when he heard this. Is he still a figure? So the injury should not be leaked. Besides, why would he leak the patient's condition without any problem?

"Well, because I didn’t want my family to know and wanted to hide it from my family to avoid being scolded, I asked the doctor for help."Conan made it clear why

"No problem, this is my professional ethics."The doctor nodded.

Then Conan and Dr. Ari returned to the ward. Hattori Heiji was already hospitalized. Although Hattori Heiji did not want to be hospitalized, the doctor's advice and Conan's persuasion made Hattori Heiji stay here in the end.

"Don't worry, I will never let your family know about your current situation. But in the future, you must not provoke Ri Xiangchen easily. You are no match for him. You have suffered so many losses. Don't you still have it? Long memory?"

Conan taught Hattori Heiji a lesson.

At this time, Dr. Agasa realized that the reason why Hattori Heiji was injured was because he was injured by Ri Xiangchen._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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