Chapter 1021 Why are you so murderous?

"Doctor, I didn’t expect you to be very curious."Conan looked at Dr. Ari and said.

Dr. Ari touched his head embarrassedly. Of course he was also curious, and he was also concerned about Conan and Heiji.

"In fact, it was because of Toyama and Ye's matter that Hattori went to find Hinata Chen, and this was the result."

Conan spread his hands and said.

Dr. Ali was stunned for a moment, and then said earnestly to Conan:"Conan, you are not completely sure in the future, so you should avoid provoking Ri Xiangchen."

"Also, if you call the police this time, you might be able to cause some trouble to Ri Xiangchen."

Conan shook his head towards Dr. Ali,"Dr. Ali, your thinking is too simple. Hattori was injured by Ri Xiangchen, but in"197", Ri Xiangchen never touched Hattori from beginning to end."

"Moreover, Hattori was the first to do this, and Ri Xiangchen could only say it was self-defense."Conan said helplessly.

Another thing Conan didn't say is that even if you call the police, it will be of no use.

For example, Sato Miwako, who definitely has a lot of connections with Hinata Chen, is now the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"I don’t want to get involved in these things, but I still want to remind you that sometimes you need to be soft temporarily."

Dr. Agasa said to Conan.

Obviously Dr. Agasa wanted Conan and the others to be patient for the time being and wait until they found evidence that could put Ri Xiangchen to death.

In fact, Conan thought the same about this, but sometimes Hattori Heiji simply didn't I can't help it.

Or maybe Conan can't help it. It's just that Xiaolan is not involved now. Otherwise, Conan would have exploded long ago, and he would definitely not be any better than Hattori Heiji.

Dr. Agasa glanced at Conan , and has no intention of continuing to say anything. In fact, Conan is not a child anymore. He must understand what he should know, and he will still do what he should do. At most, Dr. Ali can only remind him that he can't influence Conan's thoughts.

Chapter 1 Of course Hattori Heiji did not come to school the next day, but Dr. Agasa had already asked Hattori Heiji for leave.

"He Ye, I heard that you are back home."Yuanzi asked Heye

"Yes, I also brought some specialties from my hometown."He Ye smiled and took out the specialties he brought. Although it is not valuable, it is He Ye's heart. Naturally, it cannot be measured by money.

"When you have time, I invite you to come and play in Osaka."He Ye said

"OK, if we have time, we will definitely go."Yuanzi nodded.

"By the way, why didn’t Heiji Hattori come? Will he go too?"Sonoko glanced at Hattori Heiji's position.

Kazuha glanced at it and didn't find it strange.

"Sonoko, Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi frequently skip classes. This is normal. I guess they have encountered some big case."

Kazuye curled his lips and said. After all, Kazuye is very good at skipping class, and this kind of skipping class is not just once or twice.

So Kazuye is already used to this scene.

"That's right, that guy is also a high school detective, and all the raw detectives are the same."Yuanzi said somewhat rudely.

Obviously, Yuanzi has a certain opinion about the so-called high school student detectives.

Yuanzi feels that as a high school student, he should study hard instead of doing those messy things.

The most important thing is Because of these messy things and often ignoring the people around her, Yuanzi was actually complaining about Xiaolan's grievances.

"By the way, Xiaolan, Kudo Shinichi has disappeared for a long time. Has he contacted you?"

Sonoko suddenly asked Xiaolan.

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head. Kudo Shinichi has not contacted her for a long time, but it doesn't matter, Xiaolan has almost forgotten Kudo Shinichi.

"Could something have happened to that guy? Yuanzi guessed

"Sonoko, you really care about Kudo Shinichi. Could it be that you like him?"Kazuye suddenly joked to Sonoko.

Sonoko curled her lips,"I won't care even if he dies, why should I care about him?"

"What have you been laughing at? Hattori Heiji didn't come. Does it have something to do with you? Hongzi asked Chen in a low voice.

"Well, guess what."Chen smiled slightly, and then said to Hongzi.

Hongzi curled his lips slightly, do you still need to guess? Yesterday, Hattori Heiji suddenly came to the door, and then he didn't come today. He must have something to do with Chen.

"Did you kill Hattori Heiji? Hongzi asked Chen.....

"No, if I kill him, then Hattori Heizo will probably come to the door by now, but that guy will probably stay in the hospital for a few days."

Chen is sure of his power. Hattori Heiji will have to stay in the hospital for at least a few days.

"Also, Hattori Heizo seems not to care about his son, but if you really kill him, you will face the thunderous wrath of Hattori Heizo"

"But you’re not afraid of Hattori Heizo. Why don’t you kill that annoying guy and also kill Hattori Heizou by the way?"

"Hongzi, why are you so murderous?"

Chen looked at Hongzi with strange eyes, and suddenly felt so inconsistent. Why did Hongzi's murderous intention suddenly become so serious?

"Have it?"Hongzi doesn't think so. What's wrong with being more willful if you have the strength?"

"In fact, it's quite interesting to keep them, why bother with them? I hate fighting and killing them the most."Chen Tan spread his hands and said.

However, after Chen finished speaking, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly cast a contemptuous look at Chen, obviously despising Chen.

"What you said makes me want to despise you."

"Uh, isn't what I said true?"Chen was stunned for a moment.

"cut."Koizumi Hongzi turned her head and didn't want to talk to Chen. What do you hate most about fighting and killing? Your favorite thing is fighting and killing.

However, Koizumi Hongzi is really wrong. Chen really doesn't want to talk to Chen now. Why do you like to play 2.6 to kill? The main reason is that there is no opponent.

Do you still want to fight against a group of ants? It is impossible to have such an idea.

"Hey, what are you two whispering about? Yuanzi came over and asked.

Kazuo and Xiaolan, who were sitting in front, also turned to look at Chen and Hongzi with curiosity in their eyes.

"Yuanzi is very gossipy, why are you so gossipy too?"After Chen glanced at Yuanzi, he then asked Heye and Xiaolan.

Heye and Xiaolan's faces turned red, and Heye defended himself:"There is no gossip, we are just curious, why are you reacting like that? Big, could it be?……"

Could it be the one with Ye, which instantly attracted the attention of other people in the class. It seems that gossip is human nature. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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