Chapter 992 Meet Bados again

Because Monkey King had so many mouths, Bados and Xiangpa immediately announced the existence of Mukuro.

Xiangpa turned his ball-like body and looked at Mukuro up and down.

Then he said: “It’s Saiyan again?! There are so many Saiyans here in Birus, is it a training ground for Saiyans?!”

“Hey, isn’t this the little Saiyan who lied to me back then?!”

Bados smiled and said, “You seem to be better than you were in the past. In order to get the Super Seven Dragon Ball, you cheated me so hard.”

“Lied to you?! Bados, do you know this Saiyan?”

Xiangpa said strangely.

“That’s it.”

Bados replied: “I can’t remember the exact time. About seven or eight years ago, he went to our universe to find Seven Dragon Balls, saying that he was to transform into a super Saiyan god and defeat a demon cloth. Ou’s powerful enemy. For this, he also made up a lot of lies, until I contacted the Seventh Universe’s Realm King God that they were false.”

Mukuro scratched his head, awkwardly embarrassed.

Although he had known that there would be trouble when meeting Bados again, he did not expect that Bados would expose the events of the year in person.

I have to save myself some face anyway, okay? !

“Hey, hey, Bardos, don’t wrong me.”

Mukuro quickly protested: “I didn’t lie to you about Majin Buu. I turned into a super Saiyan God to clean up Majin Buu. The god of destruction in this universe and the two over there. Every Saiyan can prove this.”

Mukuro points to Goku and Gohan.

“We can prove that some time ago, Mukuro really turned into a super Saiyan god and defeated Majin Buu.”

Goku first testified to Mukuro, and then said: “Mukuro is really bad you can think of this way to become a super Saiyan god, but how can you go to the sixth universe?!”

“Yeah, Mukuro-sensei, it’s difficult to travel to other universes, right?!” Gohan asked curiously, “Mukuro-sensei was also better than Super Saiyan II, and he hasn’t reached the super level yet. At the level of Saiyan three, why are they capable of traveling through the universe?!”

Now they all have a powerful force that surpasses Super Saiyan III. Of course, they know that even Super Saiyan Blue can’t go to other universes. So I am even more curious about the fact that Mukuro was able to travel through the universe.

Could it be that Mukuro’s strength surpassed that of the Super Saiyan God, the Blue God? !

“It’s because of the shuttle box.”

Bados uncovered the truth and said: “Mukuro has a shuttle cube that can travel between different universes. Even I don’t know where he got it.”

“What?! Is it a shuttle box?!”

At the same time, Billus and Weiss flew over, just in time to hear Bados’s words.

They were all taken aback and looked at Mukuro with wide-eyed eyes.

You know, the shuttle cube is a kind of transportation that can travel between different universes, and it moves very fast.

In the original work, Xiangpa had worried that if the shuttle cube fell into Hitt’s hands, it would make Hitt an unstoppable killer.

Now that the shuttle cube is in the hands of Mukuro, who is not inferior to Hitt, or even stronger than Hitt, Birus’ mood can be imagined.

But after thinking about it, Birus was relieved that Mukuro originally had the ability to teleport, even if it was the god of destruction, there was no way to catch him. In the first battle in the realm of the world king, Birus was forced to a tie by Mukuro’s teleportation.

So even if Mukuro has a shuttle box, what is the difference? !

So Birus put Mukuro’s affairs aside, stared at the elephant, and said uncomfortably, “What are you doing here?!”

“Wait… Mukuro, who is that guy who looks very similar to Billus-sama?!” Goku asked Mukuro, pointing at Jangpa.

“That is the twin brother of Birus, called Xangpa, the god of destruction in the sixth universe.”

Mukuro explained: “The woman standing next to him is the sister of Weiss, the angel of the sixth universe, responsible for caring for and supervising the god of destruction.”

“Compared between Lord Pirus and Lord Xiangpa, who is stronger?!”

Monkey King continued to ask.

“Of course it is better than Ruth.”

Mukuro said: “You can tell by looking at the size. But Bados seems to be a bit stronger than Vis, so it’s hard to say which of the sixth universe and seventh universe is stronger.”

Mukuro came to such a conclusion and immediately caused Xiangpa’s great dissatisfaction.

In the original work, Bados said this answer. Xiangpa was very angry. The same conclusion was made by Mukuro. How could Xiangpa endure? !

He raised his right hand with his palm facing Mukuro, and said angrily: “Birus, who is this guy?! If you don’t object, I will destroy him!”

“You can’t do it…”

Billus said nonchalantly: “I want to ruin this guy too. He is too awkward, and everyone else will call me Lord Billus. Just call me the name of the guy who owes you. If you have the ability, help me destroy him. Bar.”

Xiangpa was stunned for a moment, cold sweat oozing out of his face.

Even if he didn’t want to admit it, in fact he was better than Ruth. He knew this very well in his heart.

If even Birus can’t destroy Mukuro, of course he can’t.

But with such a cruel fact, Xiangpa simply cannot accept it. Could someone in the seventh universe surpass the god of destruction? !

“Why can’t it be destroyed?!”

Xiangpa asked: “Is he already stronger than you?!”

“No, of course not.” Birus said: “His strength is not as good as you, but this guy is very evil, and his strength is stronger and he can’t beat him.”

“Isn’t it possible to use “destroy”?!”

“Stupid! I just said, it’s not that I can’t beat him, but I can’t hit him.” Billus said with a gloomy look: “No matter what method he uses to attack, this guy can avoid it, if he wants to escape. If you don’t, no one can kill him. He can still survive in space, so destroying him is impossible, maybe Weiss can do it.”

Mukuro knew his own situation, and if he didn’t use the shuttle cube, Wes could indeed kill him.

However, Weiss is restricted by certain rules and is not allowed to shoot.

If Mukuro used the shuttle 3.5 yuan, even Weiss would not be able to catch him.

So to some extent, Mukuro is already invincible.

“Since the power is not as good as the god of destruction, there is nothing to worry about.”

Xiangpa’s confidence came up all at once.

He despised Birus and said: “Birus, you can’t kill him because you are too weak, right? Since you don’t object, I will destroy him and show you.”

It just so happens that Mukuro also wants to try the strength of the elephant, so he has no objection.

Long before the battle with Golden Frieza, Mukuro had fought with Billus. At that time, it was a tie and there was no victory or defeat.

Mukuro is not afraid of playing against the elephant that is slightly inferior to Birus now, but is looking forward to it.

Even Birus can’t kill him, so what is the fat man like Pa? ! If you can use this to defeat the god of destruction, then you will make a lot of money.

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