Chapter 991 Visitors from the sixth universe

Mukuro used Turtle-style qigong to hit Frieza into outer space, causing Frieza to struggle painfully in the shock wave.

Frieza now has no golden form. Even if the fighting power is still good, it is not worth mentioning in front of Mukuro, who has transformed into the blue god of the super Saiyan god. An opponent without the realm of God may not be as good as the ant in front of a warrior with the realm of God. Naturally, Frieza can only make unwilling screams.

His body is like a mud cow falling into the sea, collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Mukuro’s turtle school qigong carried him out of outer space, Frieza’s figure had completely disappeared.

“Mukuro, what are you doing?!” Goku was puzzled.

Because he was also in the time when Wes was retreating, he didn’t know what happened, and thought Mukuro was going to grab his opponent.

In other words, Weiss’ time regression is limited, and only those who stay with Weiss can not be affected by time regression.

These mixed thoughts flashed through Mukuro’s mind, and then said: “Killing Frieza was to protect the earth. Something happened just now. Because of your carelessness, the earth will be destroyed by Frieza, so I have to Shot.”

“Ah?! Has the earth been destroyed?! But isn’t the earth okay?!” Monkey King pointed to the ground with a look of confusion.

This guy’s head is so simple that he can’t understand what Mukuro is saying.

Mukuro had no choice but to explain: “The earth had been destroyed by Frieza, but Wes used time to go back to save it. I just took the first shot to kill Frieza, also to prevent Frieza from destroying the earth. After the battle with Frieza this time, you have to get me rid of my easy laxity!”

When practicing with Birus, Weiss had warned Wukong and his son more than once.

Even though the body of their warrior is far tougher than the average person, the flesh and blood body is always the flesh and blood body and will be injured. Once they relax and don’t use qi to protect themselves, any person with good combat effectiveness may severely injure them!

Goku looked at Weiss and the others to verify whether Mukuro’s words were true.

Weiss nodded and said, “Goku, what Mr. Mukuro said is the truth. After a year of training with us, your strength has improved a lot. It seems that the gap with Mr. Mukuro is not much. But in fact, you It’s still far behind Mr. Mukuro.”

“Dad, you really have to learn your lesson this time.” At this time, Gohan also flew over and said, “If it weren’t for Mukuro-sensei’s timely action, you have been blown to death by Frieza, and we can’t always ask Dragon Ball to let you. resurrection.”

Even Weis and Gohan said that, even if Goku didn’t want to admit it, there was nothing he could do.

Wukong sighed and said with a frustrated face:

“I have always worked hard to surpass Mukuro, and later my goal has changed from surpassing to catching up. When I finally turned into a super Saiyan god, I thought I was going to succeed, but the result was still the same. That big gap.”

Wukong is really frustrated, it seems that the blow is quite big.

Mukuro has known Goku for so long, and this is the first time he has seen this optimistic and cheerful guy have such thoughts.

No way, Mukuro had to explain: “Goku, at least your current strength is not very different from mine. The difference between you now is only your mental state. Just pay attention to this thing. There will be strong enemies in the future, you Just be careful.”

“There will be strong enemies in the future?!” Wukong was stunned for a moment, expressing his suspicion.

Now even Golden Frieza is dead, the combat power possessed on Earth is also one of the best in the Seventh Universe, and only the God of Destruction and Weiss are above them.

To say that there will be strong enemies appearing in the future, it is really hard to imagine.

Wukong turned his head to look at Birus, his expression was complicated enough, to use Birus as an enemy was still unimaginable for him now.

Immediately, Wukong looked at Mukuro solemnly and said, “Mukuro, if this happens, it’s up to you to protect the earth.”

Mukuro laughed and laughed, I really don’t know what to say.

But even if you tell Wukong that the future enemy is not Birus but someone else, it is hard for Wukong to imagine, so Mukuro simply shut up.

After Frieza was killed, Mukuro first used Dragon Ball to recover the severely damaged earth, and then stayed on the earth to rest for a few days, while Goku and Gohan continued to go back to practice with Wes.

A few days later, when Mukuro was at Bulma’s house, he suddenly felt two unimaginable auras appearing in Universe Seven, located on the side of Birus.

Among these two breaths, one is very similar to Weiss, and is far superior to Super Sayaren Blue or even Birus. The other is similar to Birus, but slightly weaker than Birus, not much stronger than the full version of Super Saiyan Blue.

Mukuro once felt the air similar to Weiss.

Undoubtedly…that was exactly the aura of Bados and Xangpa, and finally… they went to Universe Seven.

Bulma saw that Mukuro looked different, and couldn’t help wondering: “Mukuro, what’s the matter?! I rarely see you so nervous.”

“Maybe there is another girl he is attracted to.” No.18 said coldly: “His current strength is almost as good as the god of destruction. If there is anything else that can make him nervous, probably only he likes it. Girls are pursued by others.”

“It makes sense.”

Bouma said with deep approval: “On the eighteenth, you know Mukuro best.”

Mukuro felt depressed in his heart, and almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood.

Isn’t that true? !

Obviously, it is Bados that makes him nervous now.

In order to become a super Saiyan god, Mukuro once went to the sixth universe, but was discovered by Bados and cheated Bados for this. After so many years, Bados has known the facts, even if Bados doesn’t care, Mukuro has to think about how to deal with her.

Mukuro smiled bitterly: “That’s because someone is coming from Birus. I have to go over and see, maybe this time there will be a major event that will affect the fate of the entire universe.”

Seeing that Mukuro said it seriously, Bouma and the 18th stopped joking, but urged Mukuro to go over and take a look.

Mukuro moved in an instant, and appeared in Birus’s den in the next second.

When Mukuro appeared, he happened to see Wukong and his son practicing in overweight exercise clothes. The heavy exercise clothes made them look like extra-large fat men. Even a normal punch made them stagger.

Bados and Elephant Pa are floating in the air, looking at them with interest.

Weiss flew to find Billus.

“Huh… Mukuro, are you here?!”

Sun Wukong, who was cultivating, found Mukuro and couldn’t help wondering: “Hey…Is it worried that Gohan and I will surpass you, so I rushed to practice?”

Hearing Wukong’s words, Mukuro’s heart tightened. He really wanted to be fat to beat Wukong. He just sneaked over to see the situation, but it turned out to be good, and Sun Wukong sold him.

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