Chapter 993 Against Elephant Pa

“The Destroyer of the Sixth Universe… Let’s fight.”

Mukuro hooked his finger at the elephant pagoda and motioned for the elephant pagoda to shoot, with an arrogant attitude.

At least that is the case in Xiangpa’s view.

“Damn it!! Arrogant guy!!”

Cheung Pa’s head raised a few blue veins, gritted his teeth and said: “Birus, like this guy who has no respect for the god of destruction, you actually let him live to this day. You are worried that there are too few strong men in your universe. Already?! As a brother, I will help you discipline and discipline him, let him know what the god of destruction represents.”

“I hope you can succeed.”

Billus waved his hand and went to the side listlessly.

“You…” Xiangpa was even more annoyed by the treatment of Birus, and vented his anger on Mukuro’s body.

He slowly raised his right hand, towards Mukuro, a fist-sized gas bomb appeared in his palm, and purple lightning flashed on the gas bomb.

Mukuro felt that this purple gas bomb contained very powerful energy, and there was a devastating aura in it. Elephant Pa should have input the energy of the destructive skills into it.

16 Mukuro remembers that the so-called destructive skill is actually a special skill of the Master of Destructive God, which can essentially erase the existence of a person or material. Even the god of destruction, Billus, has not used this trick against Mukuro.

If he was hit by this trick, Mukuro wouldn’t know whether he would survive, so he didn’t dare to try with his own life.

Mukuro looked at the elephant face coldly, and said, “Xiangpa, do you know what you are doing? So far, I can treat the battle between us as a battle, but if you take this anger If you shoot it out, I will think that you are declaring war on me. When that happens, I will release my fighting power without reservation.”

“So what?! I am the god of destruction! How could it be threatened by someone like you?!” Xiang Pasi didn’t take it seriously.


Xiangpa yelled, and the destructive gas bomb in his hand hit like a cannonball at a terrifying speed.

Mukuro and Xiangpa were originally only ten meters apart, and when this gas bomb came out, it hit Mukuro’s face almost instantly.

Xiangpa stared at Mukuro coldly, with a grinning smile, as if he believed that Mukuro was dead.

Mukuro sneered coldly, spreading the repulsive force on the surface of his body, and at the same time transformed into the Blue God, the god of super Saiyans, and moved away with teleportation.

Although Mukuro did a lot of things, they were actually completed in the blink of an eye.

The air bomb fired by the elephant phalanx passed through the afterimage of Mukuro and flew into the depths of the universe.

“The God of Destruction of the Sixth Universe-Xangpa. I have reminded you that you are declaring war on me when you shoot this gas bomb, so I have to do my best.”

Mukuro stood behind the elephant, transformed into a full version of Super Saiyan Blue, and slammed the elephant on the back of the head with a seemingly unpretentious punch. There was obviously no brilliance on his fist, but there was a thunderous sound of breaking through the air, and the air shock wave from the hit made the fat on the back of Xiangpa’s head tremble.

Elephant Pa was taken aback!

Moving at high speed to avoid Mukuro’s attack, Mukuro’s fist was also missed.

Just who is Mukuro? !

Several duels with Birus have allowed him to accumulate a wealth of combat experience. He catches up with the elephant in an instant, and continues to fight with his right fist.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Xiangpa was taken aback, and there was no time to avoid it. His fat body flew into the depths of the universe at an unimaginable speed and crashed into a planet.

Seeing that Xiangpa was at a loss, Bados couldn’t help being slightly surprised: “How come?! There is such a powerful power as a Master in the seventh universe?!”

“It’s just that Xiangpa is too careless, otherwise it’s impossible to be so embarrassed.”

Birus said nonchalantly: “But Mukuro’s strength is really good, and it is almost impossible for Xiangpa to beat him.”

“Sister, didn’t you meet Mr. Mukuro seven or eight years ago?! Could it be that he didn’t have such strength at the time?!” Weiss asked curiously.

“No, he was very weak, very weak… I didn’t expect him to improve so much in just a few years.”

Bados was surprised: “Saiyans?! What a strange race.” For their angel family, no matter what, they would not be too surprised.

The blasted planet shattered in the universe, like a blooming firework.

Xiangpa rushed out of the flames of the planet’s explosion, and angrily said: “Saiyan! How dare you fight back?! Do you really think that with your little power, you can challenge the God of Destruction?! You never know the God of Destruction? Real power!”

Xiangpa let out an angry roar, which turned into a flash of lightning and rushed back.

Do not! !

His speed is much faster than lightning! !

When Xiangpa rushed out of the storm of the planet’s explosion, Mukuro clearly felt a change in his breath.

Mukuro didn’t know the specific changes, but it was a fact. The dangerous aura exuding from Xiangpa’s body was even stronger.

Mukuro’s heart shuddered, and another momentary movement jumped to the back of the elephant, and then a tortoise-style qigong shot out.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The backhand of the elephant kerchief is a slap to slap the tortoise-style qigong and fly to other places, and then hit Mukuro with a wave of qigong with the other hand.

Mukuro clasped his fists in both hands and slammed the qigong wave back.

“It turns out that this is the destructive power of the God of Destruction when fighting seriously. It is indeed stronger than the power of Birus when he is playing. If the person fighting you is Goku or Gohan, they have already lost.” Mukuro stared at it. Xiangpa said very seriously: “Unfortunately, your opponent is me. I am not as easy to deal with as the two of them.”

“Really?! Destruction!!”

The elephant yelled, and suddenly slapped Mukuro with a palm.

There is no qigong wave on the palm of the elephant, nor any brilliance of 327, as if it was just a random wave of the palm.

But at the moment the elephant paws out, Mukuro does feel a very dangerous aura and rushes to his face.

The surface of Mukuro’s body was always covered with a layer of repulsive force. When that breath struck, Mukuro’s body-protecting repulsive force collapsed, completely unable to resist the opponent.

Mukuro immediately made a judgment, and avoided using teleportation again.

He was sure that if the force hit him just now, he would definitely die!

“It’s a dangerous move.” Mukuro squeezed a cold sweat and said, “In that case, I have to make a killer move. Elephant Pa, you are at your own risk.”

Mukuro spread his hands to the sides of his cheeks and shouted:

“Sun Fist!”

In an instant, Mukuro’s body burst out with a very dazzling light, as if there was an extra round of sun on Birus’s den.

Weiss, Bardos and others were taken aback. No one had seen such a move before, and they were immediately stabbed so that they couldn’t open their eyes.

Even Goku and Gohan didn’t expect Mukuro to use this trick suddenly, until it was too late when they wanted to close their eyes.

Mukuro took advantage of the elephant’s eyes to be sealed, and threw dozens of Qi Yuans into the past.

In the cosmic space, sound cannot be transmitted, so the sound of Qi Yuan Zhan can not be heard by the elephant.

In addition, Xiangpa’s eyes were sealed, and Xiangpa had caught Qi Yuan Zhan. If it were not in front of Birus and others, Mukuro even wanted to use the Devil Eyes.

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