Chapter 990 Earth explosion

Frieza was shocked and felt like seeing the legendary Super Saiyan for the first time.

He worked hard for four months to achieve this golden Frieza form, which is definitely the first ever. In other words…before him, this state had never appeared before, and the person who knew this state best was his Frieza. But Mukuro seemed to know better than him, and said the weakness of this state in one mouthful.

It’s no different from someone crossing into the Dragon Ball world and then discovering themselves as dumplings.

Is there anything more cheating than this in the world? !

“Why do you know my situation so much?!” Frieza said in shock: “Damn! Who are you?!”

“In your eyes, I should be a Saiyan.”

Mukuro smiled and said, “It’s just that I, Saiyan, is more special and knows more things. And is it really okay for you to talk to me like this?! Be careful, wait a minute, you don’t know how you died. .”

Mukuro had already reminded Frieza just now, and Goku had relieved his anger.

However, Frieza even dared to talk to Mukuro, turning her back to Goku.

Give your back to an opponent at the Blue God level, the God of Super Saiyan. Isn’t it because the birthday star hangs himself? !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Wukong Fei rushed over and kicked Frieza’s back, kicking Frieza out.

Frieza crashed into the bottom of the sea. Even though the sea water removed more than ninety-nine percent of its power, the terrifying impact still left a bottomless chasm on the bottom of the sea, as if it had stretched to the core of the earth.

“Damn wild monkey!” Frieza was really furious, and rushed up red-faced, fighting with Wukong again.

But unlike the previous battle, Frieza has no way to gain the upper hand.

With the rapid decline of physical strength, Frieza could only tie with Goku of the Super Saiyan God Blue God, and even began to lose the wind.

Such obvious changes can be seen even by a dull person.

Not to mention Wukong.

“Frieza! You are done!”

Wukong calmly said: “Just like what Mukuro said, you just ran to the earth in your current state, so your body cannot withstand such a powerful force, and the physical exertion is very serious. If you wait for you to get used to it. If you come back to Earth in this state, I really may not necessarily be your opponent.”

“What?! How dare you look down on me?! I am no longer the me I used to be!” Frieza was very angry and tried his best to punch Wukong.

Monkey King took Frieza’s fist with a palm and said: “Frieza, do you feel it yourself?! Your physical strength is about to be exhausted to the limit, and it is impossible to maintain such a high-intensity battle. Even this state cannot be maintained.”

As soon as Wukong’s voice fell, the golden color of Frieza’s body gradually disappeared, and it was obvious that she could no longer maintain the state of Golden Frieza.

Qi also began to decay significantly, and after losing a strong combat power, Frieza also fell from the realm of gods.

I have to say that Wukong’s crow mouth is really effective.

“This Frieza dares to challenge Dad and Mukuro-sensei only to this degree. It’s really reckless.” Gohan shook his head helplessly and said, “Mukuro-sensei, even if he really adapts to this state, he won’t be your opponent. Bar?!”

“It’s terrifying! Saiyans are so powerful…Even the Universe King Frieza is not their opponent.” Gak whispered: “You must notify the Galaxy King when you go back this time. The earth is too dangerous. , Our Galaxy Patrol must not come near here casually, otherwise we will definitely die miserably.”

“Jake, what are you talking about?!” Mukuro asked suddenly.

“Ah?! No, I didn’t say anything.” Jake was frightened by Mukuro and shook his head quickly, how dare he admit that he had said something just now.

Mukuro looked at Frieza who had changed back to his original form, suddenly a little curious.

Frieza was supposed to be beaten back to his original appearance by Vegeta, and then suddenly attacked and destroyed the earth, killing Vegeta.

Now the person who is fighting Frieza is replaced by Wukong, what will happen to it? !

Mukuro thought for a while… I thought that most of it would still be attacked by Frieza and bombard the earth, because Goku is not a person who will be especially careful in battle. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be hit hard by the sneak attack.

“damn it!!”

Frieza suddenly hit the ground with a punch, and said angrily: “Why?! Why did it become like this in the end?! I have obviously become very strong, why can you damn Saiyans also cultivate to this state? !”

“It’s meaningless to say these words now.” Monkey King said lightly: “I’ll give you one last ride, and don’t resurrect again in the future.”

“Huh! You won this battle! But do you think the winner will be you?!” Frieza suddenly smiled coldly.

“What?!” Wukong’s face was taken aback.

However, just such a stunned effort is already a great opportunity for people at the level of Frieza and Monkey King, and they can do a lot of things.

Frieza slapped the earth with a palm, and the qigong wave slammed towards the center of the earth, and said sharply: “Even if I can’t maintain the golden Frieza form, I am still stronger than I was before, destroying a small planet like the earth. It’s so easy…Ahaha!”

Frieza’s qigong wave penetrated into the center of the earth, and the earth was torn apart like a falling egg, magma spewed out of the cracks, and the earth was shaking like crazy.

The destruction of the earth is only a matter of a second or two.

“It turned out to be like this in the end.” Mukuro sighed, “Wess, after you go back, you have to train Monkey King hard and let him have a long memory. It’s always a distraction in battle. A very stupid thing.”

“Mr. Mukuro, why don’t you seem to be flustered at all?! Don’t you have many relatives and friends on earth?” Weiss asked curiously.

“Because I know you have the ability to reverse time.” Mukuro smiled: “As long as you let time go back three minutes, it’s fine. Even if you don’t want to, I can go to the Namekians and borrow their Dragon Ball for one. use.”

Weiss was stunned for a moment and glanced at Mukuro.

Only then quietly said: “I can’t see through you more and more. I even know that the limit of my backward time is three minutes. You have said so, I will help you.”

Wes jabs down with his staff, and a strange force spreads across the universe quickly, and everything Mukuro sees is going backwards.

The power to control time, this ability is too heaven-defying, too enviable.

If it doesn’t take a long time to restore the timeline of the universe after every use, the Master’s trick is simply invincible.

It’s just that Mukuro didn’t have time to sigh. When time went back three minutes later, Mukuro appeared behind Frieza in an instant, grabbed him by the back of his neck and threw him towards the sky Sky’s Path: “You guy is always more Fit to die under this trick…”

“Turtle!!! Pie!!! Qi!!! Gong!!!”

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