Chapter 989 Frieza’s weakness

The inverted Monkey King gritted his teeth and opened his eyes in pain.

Even if he became the Blue God, the god of super Saiyan, it would be enough to get two heavy punches from Golden Frieza in a row, and it would take him at least a few seconds to relieve his breath. But in the process of flying backwards, he also noticed Frieza’s gas bombs. Although the gas bombs actively hit him, several of them also landed on the earth.

If the earth is blown up, he won’t even want to live.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Monkey King stopped his fighting spirit, endured the burst of breath, turned and rushed down, trying to stop the gas bomb attacking the earth.

With the speed of his super Saiyan God, Blue God, it was still too late.


Frieza suddenly laughed triumphantly and said: “Sure enough, as I thought, you wild monkeys can’t even kill to protect the earth. As long as you attack the earth, you will definitely block my attack with your body.”

While laughing, Frieza raised his hands high, palms facing each other, and a head-sized energy bomb appeared between his hands.

The energy bomb was purple, similar to the energy bomb used by Frieza to destroy Namek in the original work, but when it was displayed with the strength of the golden Frieza, the power must be many times greater than the energy bomb at the time. When Monkey King tried to stop the air bomb falling on the earth, Frieza threw the energy bomb out of his hand.

The energy bomb dropped from the sky like a meteorite with an astonishing high temperature, shaking the earth before it really got close to the ground.

Monkey King was flying in the void, like an ordinary person standing in a typhoon, unable to stabilize his body even with the strength of Super Saiyan Blue. From this alone, you can see how terrible Frieza’s attack is.

Even if the Super Saiyan Blue is hit, most of it will be hit hard.

The worst thing is that in the face of this kind of attack, Monkey King can’t avoid it!

“Frieza! Don’t you want to defeat me and Mukuro with your own hands?!”

Sun Wukong shouted solemnly: “If you blow up the earth, I will die, then you can still defeat me?!”

While questioning Frieza, Wukong also blasted the turtle style qigong, withstood Frieza’s energy bomb, and the earth was not in danger for the time being.

It’s just that Monkey King can stand it for a while, but he can’t stand it for a lifetime, so he wants to persuade Frieza to let Frieza fight him head-on. Because if Frieza really wants to kill Monkey King this way, she can do it before she transforms into a golden Frieza.

Frieza looked at Wukong and said coldly: “You won’t watch the earth be blown up. As long as I attack the earth, my attack will definitely be hit. Wouldn’t that be considered defeating you?! Hey… Saiya Wild monkey, enjoy the last life!”

“Damn it!! Frieza is still so mean!!”

Gohan gritted his teeth and said, “Ms. Mukuro, can I go and help Dad?! Dad is struggling to deal with Frieza alone.”

“You shouldn’t ask me this question, but should ask Wukong.”

Mukuro shrugged and said with a smile: “If Goku agrees to go up and help, why should I stop you?!”

Gohan was at a loss for words.

He is Wukong’s son, of course he understands Wukong’s temperament. If Sun Wukong agrees to join forces against Frieza, then he is not Sun Wukong. Although Monkey King wanted to protect the earth, he wanted his own power to defeat powerful enemies.

So Gohan gave a long sigh and chose silence.

“It seems something is not quite right.” Gak kept in a cold sweat and whispered: “If I stay on the earth, I will die?! Why don’t you run away now?!”

But then he saw Mukuro’s gaze.

Mukuro raised the index finger of his right hand, mung bean-sized energy popped out of his fingertips, and then faintly spoke, “Jake…if you want to escape anytime, really, as long as you can avoid my attack. Can.”

In order to let Jake know the power of this mung bean-like air, Mukuro pointed at the sky.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Mukuro’s attack didn’t know how far it went in an instant. When Jake looked up, he just saw a firework-like glow appeared in the dim sky, and then disappeared.

In other words, most of Mukuro’s attacks went out several light years away in an instant, and then destroyed the distant planet.

Being able to shoot this far in an instant is enough to explain the astonishing speed of the attack. If its target is himself, then he will definitely be wiped out in an instant.

“Go… just kidding.”

Jake said with a cheeky face: “Everyone on the earth is my Jake’s friends. Of course, when friends are in trouble, they should cut their ribs. How can I leave you to run away?! Haha… I just opened a It’s just a joke.”

At the same time, Frieza’s energy bomb was put under pressure, hitting Monkey King’s body, and finally was forcibly detonated by Monkey King.

Turtle Qigong counteracts some of the power, and it is better to let the energy bomb explode in the air than to wait for the energy bomb to strike down.

Even if the earth would suffer severe damage, it should be able to sustain it under the protection of the turtle school Qigong and Monkey King’s body.

After Frieza’s energy bomb exploded, the power of terror swept all over, leaving a hole on the earth that did not know how many kilometers wide, and the figure of Monkey King had disappeared.

The sea water poured into the big pit, setting off the sky full of waves, a scene of the end of the world.

“The power of Super Saiyan Blue is really not as good as Golden Frieza.”

Mukuro sighed: “If you want to crush Frieza in power, you can only rely on the full version of the Blue God, the super Saiyan god.”

“The full version of the Blue God of Super Saiyan God?! Is it the state of Mukuro-sensei and Billus-sama?!” Gohan curiously asked, “Is that state really that strong? In that case, Mukuro-sensei, you Hurry up and help Dad.”

“No hurry, Goku is still alive… In fact, it is not impossible for Super Saiyan Blue to defeat Golden Frieza. It depends on Monkey King’s own performance.” Mukuro said.

The so-called Super Saiyan Blue complete state is just a state that overcomes the problem of serious physical consumption of Super Saiyan Blue, and there is not much increase in strength. The physical consumption of Golden Frieza is more serious than that of Super Saiyan Blue, so the opponent that Super Saiyan Blue can defeat in the complete version, Super Saiyan Blue can also be.

Of course, because Golden Frieza came up with an insidious way to target Monkey King, the result may be different.

“Is that Saiyan named Monkey King dead?! This method is really good.”

Because Goku never showed up, Frieza thought he had killed Goku and looked at Mukuro and said, “It’s your turn next.”

“Idiot, look back for yourself.”

Mukuro smiled and said, “Although your move just now is powerful, it is still a bit short of killing the Blue God, the god of super Saiyans. Moreover, your form would have consumed a lot of energy. Use that move. After that, your physical exertion became more serious, right?!”

“What?! How do you know this kind of thing?!”

Frieza was taken aback, and his face suddenly said: “You know this thing that I only knew when I was in this state, you know better than me?!”

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