Chapter 988 Golden Frieza

“Birus?! Haha…Birus, god of destruction?!”

Gak secretly smiled and said: “You people are really naive, the god of destruction, Birus, is just a legend, impossible to exist, and there is no him in the records of the Milky Way King. If the god of destruction really existed, it would have been long ago. I don’t know how many planets have been destroyed.”

“Are you suspicious of the existence of the God of Destruction? You are really courageous, so please ask yourself later.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Because Mukuro has already sensed it, the positive breath of Vis and Birus is approaching at a very alarming speed, and it has now reached beyond the earth’s atmosphere. With the strength of Yiweis and Destroyer Birus, there is absolutely no problem with hearing what Gak just said. If the guy Billus is unhappy, the guy Gak is done.

Gak was taken aback by Mukuro, and even more suspicious.

Boom boom boom! ! !

At this moment, Vis descended from the sky with Birus and landed beside Mukuro and Gak.

They turned into a rainbow of light, and the impact when they landed on the ground was quite strong, and they bounced Gak out like a ball.

Mukuro had been prepared long ago, so it was fine to protect himself and the trees below with air.

“Weiss, Birus… why did you also come to 16th Earth?!” Mukuro asked, “It takes about half an hour for you to come here. Birus is generally not willing to run that far. ?!”

“Both you and Weiss said that the food on the earth is delicious. I will come and have a look. If it is not as delicious as you said, I will destroy the earth.” Birus threatened.

“Whatever you want, but you have to wait until Frieza is defeated if you want to eat.”

Mukuro calmly said: “Now that the earth is threatened by Frieza, it may be finished at any time. Who is in the mood to cook for you?! Or else, you will kill Frieza?!”

“Don’t come to this set, the god of destruction is absolutely neutral and can’t intervene in your affairs.” Birus said coldly: “You guys have the power to approach me, you can kill Frieza at any time, don’t Put garlic in front of me.”

Mukuro shrugged noncommittal and continued to watch the show with peace of mind.

In the process of communicating between Mukuro and Billus, the bombed Jake has crawled back, full of mud.

He suffered a big loss just now, but he didn’t dare to get close to Vis and Birus, and walked around to Mukuro’s side and said, “Mukuro, they are the gods of destruction you said?! It doesn’t look very good, they really have that. Is it awesome?!”

“That’s because they are gods, how can you, an ordinary person, feel their breath.”

Mukuro joked: “If you think he is nothing great, you can challenge him to try. Maybe you will go down in history for challenging the sacrificial god of destruction.”

Gak shrank his head in fright, and honestly hid behind Mukuro, no longer daring to question the existence of the god of destruction.

If it is timid and fearful, if this guy Jake dares to recognize the second place in the Dragon Ball world, no one dares to recognize the first place. Even Archielobe can’t catch up.

At the same time, the battle between Monkey King and Frieza was almost complete, and Frieza was completely at a disadvantage.

The normal Frieza is no better than the normal Monkey King.

Goku looked at Frieza and said seriously, “I can feel that you still have real power that is useless.”

“Hmph! You wild monkeys are really troublesome.” Frieza snorted coldly: “Since you want to see, let you see enough. Don’t want to live after you read it–ah!!!”

Frieza yelled, and his body gradually turned golden, and the qi that could be perceived by ordinary fighters disappeared.

If it is said that Mukuro was before, it was only speculated that Frieza used power to break through to the realm of gods. The current facts undoubtedly prove this point.

Even in terms of the strength of Qi, Frieza’s Qi is still above Super Saiyan Blue.

“Huh! This is my latest form, my true strength.” Frieza said very proudly: “Can you Saiyans feel the opponent’s combat power?! Then you should know how powerful I am now, use How about your taste in naming, this state is called Golden Frieza?! Haha—”

“Call it whatever you like, it just so happens that I also have a new form.”

Monkey King yelled and turned into a super Saiyan god and said: “This is a Saiyan who has the realm of God. It doesn’t make any sense to only increase combat power in front of the interface of God Realm.”

“Really?! Haha…Then I will defeat your god!”

Frieza shot suddenly, still punching Wukong.

Wukong was shocked. Before he could see the situation clearly, he was hit by Frieza and flew out.

He was blasted into the sea, and the terrifying impact repelled the sea, and the seabed could be clearly seen.

“Saiyan in the realm of gods?! Haha… the wild monkey is always a wild monkey.”

Frieza said disdainfully: “Mongoku, don’t die so easily. It will be hard to destroy my hatred if you and the Saiyan named Mukuro are not slowly tortured today!”

“It’s over… It’s over!”

The expression on Gak’s face looked like a dead father, and said: “Even that Saiyan is not Frieza’s opponent, Mukuro, are you really okay?!”

“How is it possible?! Even the God of Super Saiyan can’t handle Frieza’s move?!”

Gohan took a deep breath and said, “Can Frieza become so strong after four months of cultivation?!”

“Frieza is a monster, there is no way, but the God of Super Saiyan is not that weak. Take your time.” Mukuro still said calmly.

Wukong was careless just now, he was punched by Frieza, but he was only slightly injured. The strength of the god realm made him not die so easily.

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Wu 003 flew up from the bottom of the sea, with blood on the corners of his mouth and obvious bruises on his face.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, “It turns out that this is your strength. Mukuro is right. You are very different from before. Your strength has improved a lot. Then I have to show my real strength!”

Goku transformed into a super Saiyan god, Blue God, and said, “This is my strongest form right now. Come on, if you can defeat me in this state, you are qualified to challenge Mukuro.”

“Wild monkey, make no mistake, I am here to kill you, not to challenge you!” Hearing Wukong’s words, Frieza said with dissatisfaction.

“Aren’t the results all the same?! Just one fight.”

Wukong disapprovingly said, “Come on, start the second round.”

The Monkey King who transformed into Super Saiyan Blue took the lead and turned into a blue light to rush towards Frieza, punching Frieza’s body, and spitting out a large mouthful of gastric juice.

Frieza was not to be outdone, and instead sent Monkey King a punch, both of them were in pain.

However, Frieza’s injury seemed to be a little lighter, and he took a breath and punched Monkey King into the air.

You know, when the strength is raised to the level of gods like Frieza and Monkey King, even the gas bombs have very terrifying power. Even if one of them falls on the ground, it will be fatal to the earth.

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