Chapter 987 Amazing improvement

Frieza was not close to Buu at first, at least two to three hundred meters away.

This distance may not be a big deal to Dragon Ball fighters with amazing speed, but it takes at least a little time to fly over this distance, and that time is enough for the fighters to react. But Frieza suddenly rushed over, even if he was as strong as Demon Buu, he couldn’t find it at all!

In other words, he can no longer see Frieza’s movements with his eyes!

This is the third-level vision of the Super Saiyan, and it can’t capture Frieza’s movements at all. God knows how fast Frieza is already.

This is still the case where Frieza has not become the final form.

Since the speed has increased so much, his strength will certainly not be weakened.

Frieza punched Majin Buu’s head, as if hitting a ball of tofu, Majin Buu’s head was immediately shattered, and the crushed meat splashed around.

As strong as the devil Buu, he was beaten by Frieza with a single punch, lying motionless on the ground.

“Why?! Frieza’s strength has increased so much?!” Wukong couldn’t sit still, stood up and said: “How long has he been resurrected?! He has become so much stronger?! He is now just like he was in the past. Two people!”

“So strong!”

Gohan also said with a solemn expression: “If he hadn’t become a super Saiyan god, even I would not be his opponent, why can he become so much stronger in a short time?! It’s incredible!”

While shocked, Wukong and Gohan felt that God was unfair.

From the super Saiyan level to the present, even if they have various adventures and Mukuro’s help, they have spent more than ten years. How many ten years can they have in their lives? ! They have put in a lot of effort for this. But Frieza only spent less than a year cultivating to this level. This is what a real person is better than a person, better than a dead person.

“Strictly speaking… Frieza has never been at the level of a Super Saiyan. It took four months to cultivate to this level.” Mukuro said calmly, “As far as the speed of cultivation is concerned, Frieza Lisa is indeed very amazing, but only to this degree, and can’t get through any storms.”

Mukuro looked down on Frieza in his heart.

How about he is the most outstanding genius in the history of the Frieza clan? ! How about he has a super combat power of up to 120 million since he was born? !

God is fair, when he gets such a strong starting point and super potential, his upper limit is also limited.

Being a golden Frieza is already Frieza’s limit.

Although the Saiyans didn’t have a high starting point, they couldn’t see the upper limit, and they could reach the realm that Frieza couldn’t imagine.

However, Mukuro knows Frieza and is full of confidence, but it doesn’t mean that Goku and Gohan can.

Frieza has not yet transformed, and possesses such a strong combat power, which surprised them and at the same time was very excited. This is the Saiyan bloodline at work.

“It turns out that I have become so much stronger after only four months of cultivation, so I can meet him.” Wukong said excitedly: “After practicing as a super Saiyan god, I have not yet met a close opponent.”

Monkey King rushed to Frieza impatiently, as if worried that Mukuro would stop him, not waiting for Mukuro’s reply.

Mukuro ignored him and watched Frieza silently.

He had long known that Frieza after cultivation was amazing, he had tapped the potential in his body, and even achieved the realm of gods with absolute power.

But Frieza’s power is still beyond Mukuro’s imagination.

Fortunately, the person who was attacked by him was Majin Buu, otherwise he would definitely be killed by a single move.

Even the most resistant Majin Buu was beaten to death with a punch and passed out. This proves that Frieza’s power has exceeded the limit that Majin Buu can bear, even if he has an immortal body. Useless.

Now that Goku takes the shot, Mukuro takes this opportunity to see Frieza’s strength.

“Son Wukong, are you here to be my opponent?!” Frieza said coldly: “I am no longer who I was back then. With your strength, there is only one dead end. Let the Saiyan named Mukuro come out. ”

“If you beat me, of course Mukuro will shoot.” Monkey King eagerly said: “Mukuro said that you only became so strong after four months of cultivation. Show me your strength and let me see. I also want to know. Are you stronger or my Super Saiyan God stronger.”

“Super Saiyan God?! What an arrogant name.” Frieza sneered: “Unfortunately, the name sounds loud but it has a very weak feeling. Come on, let me see who the Super Saiyan God is It’s not really that powerful.”

“I don’t need it now. Even if I don’t change my body, I can fight with the current you…” Wukong took the initiative to attack Frieza, rushing out with a white arrogance, Frieza also exploded in response.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The battle site was on a cliff by the sea, and the force that erupted when they collided with each other directly shattered the cliff and a large amount of rubble fell into the sea.

As the cliff was shattered, they fought fiercely, and the sound of fists and feet bombarding each other was like the sound of thunder.

The warriors on earth saw such fierce battles, they all retreated far, for fear of being affected.

“It’s amazing.” Jake said in a dumbfounded voice: “The warrior on the earth is so powerful and too dangerous. After returning, you must notify the Galaxy King and let him pay attention to the earth. By the way, I have to adjust my guard, and I will no longer be responsible. The earth is up.”

Gak was trembling all over, with cold sweat on his head.

His combat power is only four figures, even a fraction of Saiyans can’t match.

On the earth where the strong are running all over the place, Jake has no sense of security at all.

“Fighting at this level scared you to death… You still call yourself an elite of the Galaxy Patrol.” Mukuro said disdainfully, “If you want to leave, hurry up, but you will bear the consequences. .”

“What are the consequences?!”

Gak was stunned: “What do you say as if I would die if I escaped?!”

“Almost.” Mukuro said with a faint smile: “F2.0 Lisa is playing inextricably with Monkey King. Hey… You said that if a spaceship flies to the sky at this time, what do you think they will do?! Goku may not be able to do it. , But Frieza will definitely smash your spaceship, believe it or not?”

Gak’s face changed, and he didn’t even dare to put a fart.

Even the devil Buu couldn’t take Frieza’s punch. Now Frieza has become the same as before. If he shoots Jake, Jake will definitely lose his bones!

“That… your name is Mukuro, right?!”

Jake said with a smile: “Why do you look so calm? Are you not afraid at all?!”

“How could Mukuro-sensei surpass Frieza?!” Gohan despised Gak from the side: “Mukuro-sensei is the most powerful Saiyan in the world. Even the god of destruction, Birus-sama, can do nothing about Mukuro-sensei. Frieza is even worse.”

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