Chapter 986 Sweep the miscellaneous soldiers

What do you mean by opening your eyes and talking nonsense? !

What does it mean to be brazen? !

Jake interprets these nine words perfectly. In order to survive, this guy gets so cruel that he hits himself in the face, what else can Mukuro do? ! I can only write him a word of service in my heart.

Asking Mukuro asks himself that he can’t do this kind of thing.

To someone who has surpassed himself in some way, Mukuro is truly convinced.

Frieza’s spacecraft landed on a cliff near the sea.

The spaceship just stopped, and densely packed warriors flew out of it, as if ants were foraging for food. If a patient with intensive phobia sees this scene, it is estimated that it will be uncomfortable for a long time.

“Goku and Gohan, this time leave the battlefield to Klin and the others. They will also fight. The earth can’t always count on you to protect it.” Mukuro said coldly, “If you want the earth to be safe forever, everyone must be safe. They are not the flowers in the greenhouse because they have a strong fighting capacity and contribute to it.”

“But… Mukuro, is this really good?!” Goku flew to Mukuro’s side and said, “Although everyone on earth can deal with Frieza’s men, if Frieza makes a sudden move, they will be in danger. Yes, I can feel Frieza different from before.”

“Ms. Mukuro, I’m also worried about Klin and the others.” Gohan said in a deep voice, “Ms. Mukuro, you are right. We underestimated Frieza just now. He really got stronger, even Super Saiyan. Rensan could not be his opponent.”

After two years of training with Weiss, both Goku and Gohan’s perception abilities have become much stronger.

Frieza is still in the initial form of suppressing power, and they can already perceive the difference in Frieza.

Mukuro praised: “Very good. It’s good to be able to perceive Frieza’s changes. You don’t have to worry about Frieza’s sneak attack. Although this guy is not good, he won’t be reduced to a sneak attack on Klin and the others. ”

“Don’t say Mukuro, it feels weird to be praised by you.” Goku said embarrassedly: “You are still with Lord Birus, you already feel the difference between Frieza, and we even have to meet before we perceive it. . If it weren’t for you to insist that we come back, the earth would be finished.”

“Dad is right, Mukuro-san, you have saved the earth countless times.” Gohan said, “If you weren’t there, we wouldn’t be able to protect the earth. Since you said that everyone should exercise, then let’s not take action. ”

Frieza’s men flew out of the spaceship, Uyang Uyang, and confronted the Dragon Ball fighters. No matter how they looked, they were crowded.

Frieza’s guy floats among his men, adding a lot of color to their lineup.

Frieza faced the warriors on earth, including Buu, who didn’t even mean to be scared at all.

After defeating Little Buu, the Realm King God and others ran to Namek Star to recover together, and Fat Buu was also resurrected.

And because he was restored to his peak state, Buu is not the weakened Mr. Buu in the original book, but the real Majin Buu. This Majin Buu is no weaker than Super Saiyan.

“Daddy once told me… In this universe, you must never fight against the Destroyer and the Demon Buu. Are you Buu?” Frieza said strangely, “Let me see what strength you have. Come on, give it all to me!”

With Frieza’s order…

The more than one thousand soldiers suddenly flocked to the Dragon Ball fighters like a tide, screaming for killing.

The Dragon Ball warriors evaded one after another, moving to different directions, trying to separate these soldiers so that they would not cooperate.

After Frieza’s subordinates were dispersed, his confidence was not as strong as the initial charge, and he even seemed a little unafraid when attacking.

The Saiyans once killed Frieza and later became stronger, the soldiers of Frieza Legion who were still alive, it is impossible to be ignorant.

Even their opponents that King Frieza couldn’t beat, they rushed up and could only give away their heads. But being stared at by Frieza, they can’t even think about it. The only thing that can make them rejoice is that Wukong and his son are still watching the show.

After a short period of hesitation, a considerable part of the Frieza Army’s miscellaneous soldiers rushed towards Gak.


“Jake was stunned for a moment, leaving a cold sweat and said: “Why are you all coming to me?” ! D! ”

Jake hurriedly fired several shots at Frieza’s army, then turned around and ran away.

The Frieza soldier who was chasing in front laughed and laughed: “You look the weakest. Who do you beat if you don’t beat me?!”

Mukuro couldn’t help but said with a smile: “Haha, it seems that before coming to earth, the Frieza Legion must have investigated the warriors on the earth. Only this Jake is not a warrior on the earth, so he was regarded as a soft persimmon. .”

“Ms. Mukuro, don’t you really need to help them?!”

Gohan worried: “If anyone is killed, everything will be too late.”

“Mukuro, you don’t want to wait until someone is about to be killed before you take action?! Is it too late?!” Goku asked also.

“There will be no danger.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Since Frieza’s death, the strength of Frieza’s army has been getting worse and worse, and a lot of waste has been mixed in. But there is no way. Frieza’s army without Frieza has lost its quality. You can only win by numbers, and such a team can even sweep the turtle fairy.”

As Mukuro said, the Frieza army is really weak today.

The Frieza Army soldiers who had at least four figures in combat effectiveness at the time were actually beaten by Guixian to one Guipai Qigong, and a large number of people were blown into flight.

“I’m not playing anymore!!”

Buu impatiently said: “I want to kill you all at once and turn them into chocolates!”

Buu shot a pink light from the tentacles above his head, and the light split into countless paths in the air. At the same time, he attacked the soldiers of Frieza Army. As long as they were hit by the light, they all turned into chocolate.

Mukuro was shocked to see from behind.

If Frieza is hit by this move, it won’t turn into chocolate directly, end the battle, right? !

Then there is no fun.

And there are really so few rays of light flying towards Frieza.

“Does the trick to deceive children really think it will work for me?!” Frieza sneered disdainfully, and struck out a purple wave of qigong from his fingertips. The wave of qigong was very small but very fast.

The magic light of Majin Buu was destroyed at once, and the residual energy of Frieza’s attack even continued to fly towards Buu.

Buu was taken aback and hurriedly avoided, saying, “Who are you?! Except for the Saiyan named Mukuro, I have never seen such a strong guy.”

Because Buu was resurrected later, this Buu hadn’t even seen the God of Destruction, and he would naturally be surprised to see an opponent of Frieza’s level.

Frieza said coldly: “It turns out that Majin Buu has only this level. It’s so disappointing. Then I will get rid of you first.”

Frieza’s figure suddenly disappeared and appeared next to Buu in the next second.

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