Chapter 971 The god of destruction awakens

In the vast depths of the universe, on a cube-like planet, the god of destruction Birus suddenly woke up from a deep sleep and slowly opened his eyes.

He looked around, puzzled.

There are many hourglasses floating around Birus. The hourglasses are all wrapped in a translucent light film. There is nothing to pull, but they can float in mid-air regardless of the influence of gravity. Birus held up a finger and shot a Qigong wave at one of the hourglasses, and the hourglass exploded like burning gunpowder.

After the hourglass exploded, Bi Ruth was more puzzled.

“Oh, Lord Billus, you finally woke up earlier than planned.” A man slowly walked out of the darkness.

This man has light blue skin, purple lips, and a white curly hair standing tall, which smells like killing Matt. He was holding a staff in his hand, he was wearing clothes with a strong Egyptian taste, and his hair style was obviously strange but with the style of a great master.

His appearance is somewhat similar to the Bados Mukuro has seen.

Even in the face of the god of destruction, Birus, he still had a calm expression on his face.

“It’s Weiss.” Billus lay motionless and asked: “How long have I slept? Why didn’t these time bombs explode?!”

“Birrus-sama slept for a total of thirty-five years, four years earlier than planned.” Weiss said with a smile, “This is the first time I have seen Sir Birus wake up early, what’s the matter? Did it happen?! By the way, you haven’t said why you want to wake up at this point in time.” Although he called an adult, Wes didn’t have the slightest respect at all.

“Because the God of Super Saiyan has appeared, um…it seems to be the name, but it doesn’t seem to be.” Birus got up lazily, rolled to Weis’ feet like a ball and said, “No wonder there is no time bomb. The explosion, it turned out to be four years earlier, and the God of Super Saiyan appeared four years earlier. Is he more powerful than I dreamed?!”

“Dream?! Haha… Is there any time when Billus-sama’s dream works?!” Weis called it respectful, but actually teased Billus.

Birus became annoyed and said: “It will definitely work! That is a dream of foreknowledge! The dream of foreknowledge tells me that my enemy will appear, and he is called the God of Super Saiyan!! The God of Super Saiyan is four ahead of schedule Appearing in the year, he must be even more powerful than in his dreams.”

“Oh yeah… there will be an enemy of Lord Birus, he must be a very powerful person.” Weis’s tone is still very relaxed, even frivolous, and there is still the meaning of teasing Birus. .

Birus is an apprentice he taught himself.

He knows better than anyone how much combat power Birus has. To say that there was someone who could rival Birus in the seventh universe, Weiss was the first to not believe it.

As the god of destruction in the seventh universe, Birus has lived for so many years, how could he not hear what Weiss meant? !

But he couldn’t beat Weiss, so he could only bear it.

In order to verify his own ideas, Billus gave himself some confidence, and took Weiss to find his prophecy fish.

The prophetic fish is a fish lying in a wine glass. There is a little unknown liquid in the wine glass, which has just submerged the tail of the prophetic fish.

Birus found the prophetic fish and asked, “Prophetic fish, do you remember thirty-five years ago, did you say that my strong enemy will appear in thirty-nine years?!”

“Is that the matter?!” The prediction fish was a little dazed.


“I’m sure you said it!!” Billus threatened loudly.

“Then take it as it is.” The prophet fish skillfully perfuse Birus, obviously not the first time to do this kind of thing.

Weis silently followed behind Billus, unable to stand it anymore.

Even if the prophetic dreams of the fish and Birus are true, what is the point? ! It’s better to take a field inspection.

Wes stared at a ball on the staff in his hand for a long time, and said: “The Saiyan planet has been destroyed by Frieza, and the Saiyans are almost extinct. The Saiyans who are still alive are now in the world. King God Realm.”

“World King God Realm?! How could Saiyans appear in such a place?! Go, Weiss, let’s go over and take a look.”

Birus took the initiative to walk behind Weis, and put one hand on Weis’s back, waiting for Weis to take him to the realm of the realm king.

When the Destroyer God moved, the Realm King God noticed the movement.

The Realm King’s face changed drastically, and his face panicked: “It’s awful!! Lord Billus really came here, what should I do?! What should I do?!”

“I’ve always heard you say Lord Birus, is he really that strong?! Is he even better than Mukuro?!” Monkey King looked forward to: “I really want to try against him.”

Monkey King was defeated by Demon Buu, and he has long since returned to normal.

After this period of rest, his physical strength has almost recovered.

At this moment, as soon as he heard that someone stronger than Mukuro was about to appear, the Saiyan blood in his body boiled, making him excited.

Being able to fight against the strong has always been the greatest pleasure of Monkey King.

Mukuro was silent on the side, he was ready to let Wukong be a cannon fodder, first to test the strength of Birus, anyway, as the protagonist, Wukong will be fine.

Although Mukuro knows that Birus is very strong!

It is far from what he can deal with now, but it is still good for him to be able to observe Birus when he is fighting against Monkey King.

After knowing the style of Birus, it will be easier to fight.

Mukuro said, “Goku, your Super Saiyan III consumes a lot of energy. If you want to fight Billus, take a break now.”

Wukong nodded and walked to Jiebee and said, “Jiebee, can’t you help people recover from injuries and strength?! How can you help me?!”

Jebi thought for a while, but he helped Wukong regain his strength.

The waiting process is very long, even at the speed of Weiss, it takes less than half an hour to get over.

But every minute and every second during this period is also suffering for Mukuro and others.

Half an hour later…

I saw a colorful rainbow light descending from the sky and landed on the grass of the Realm King God Realm. After the light dissipated, the figures of Vis and Birus appeared in front of Mukuro and the others.

“Are you the Lord Billus, the god of destruction among the world king gods?!” Monkey King hurried to the front of Weiss and said:

“Please fight against me, okay?!”

“I am not the god of destruction, the god of destruction is behind me.” Weiss said with a smile: “You have to ask him if you want to fight.”

Weiss stepped aside, and Birus also took advantage of the situation and walked in front of Monkey King.

Billus’ hand poked Sun Wukong’s body lightly.

Then he said puzzledly: “Are you a Saiyan?! Looks very weak, not as strong as Wes said, are you really the god of super Saiyan?!”

“I’m not the God of Super Saiyan, but I know where the God of Super Saiyan is.” Goku grinned: “As long as Lord Birus fights against me, I will tell about the God of Super Saiyan. How are you?!”

Wukong has learned to bargain.

“Sun Wukong!! What are you talking about?!” The Realm King God quickly stopped and said, “Talk to Lord Billus to be polite!!”

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