Chapter 970 Super Saiyan God

After killing Majin Buu, Mukuro returned to normal.

He turned his head and saw that the Realm King God and others, who had just fled to the lower realm for refuge, had returned to the Realm King God Realm. The person who had just made the embarrassing cough was the Old Realm King God.

He is also a god anyway, but in the end he is unable to fight against the little Buu who has no realm of gods. Isn’t he just the cowardly and incompetent god in Mukuro’s mouth? !

If they could move back in an instant later, he could pretend that he couldn’t hear Mukuro’s evaluation, but he couldn’t pretend to pretend now.

But Mukuro’s strength lies here. What if he is embarrassed and dissatisfied? !

“Cough cough cough… In short, congratulations on defeating Majin Buu, you are the heroes of the entire universe.” The Old World King said embarrassingly, “Should you look for the Seven Dragon Balls next? The earth and the people killed by the demon Buu are resurrected?! Let’s go quickly, and the realm king, God Realm, can leave it to us for repair.”

The old world king is rare to be serious, but it is only to cover up his embarrassment, but Mukuro is already unable to complain.

What he is more worried about now… is the god of destruction Birus! ! Has he been awakened by the breath of his own super Saiyan god?

If it is because he releases the breath of the super Saiyan god 363 and finds it here, then things will be a big trouble.

“Old ancestors, what are you talking about?!” Realm King God said with a serious face: “Did you not see Mr. Mukuro’s transformation just now?! That is not human power. As Realm King God, we have the responsibility to investigate clear.”

“My lord, is there anything wrong with Mr. Mukuro’s transformation just now?!” Jiebet on the side said strangely, “Although his power is incredible, Mr. Mukuro did use that power to defeat Majin Buu. Do you want to say that Mr. Mukuro is not a human?!”

“That’s what it means!” said the world king god: “Jiebit, you are not a real god, so you can’t feel it. After Mr. Mukuro turned into the so-called super Saiyan god, you just asked why Mr. Mukuro breathed. Has it disappeared?! Actually it hasn’t disappeared…because he has become a god, only god can feel the breath of god.”

The world king god looked at Mukuro and slowly explained what happened to the god. Both Jebite and the Dragon Ball fighters were taken aback.

Jebit is the servant of the Realm King God, and God should be high in his heart. Therefore, when Monkey King and Monkey Gohan entered the Realm King God Realm, his reaction was very big. How could he dare to believe that the people in the lower realm were able to rely on his own power? God? !

This is not in line with common sense at all! ! !

In the perception of Dragon Ball fighters, the increase in combat effectiveness is the increase in Qi, which makes the fighter’s strength, speed and other aspects have made great progress.

Realm… they never thought about it.

What’s more, Mukuro still uses his fists and feet when attacking. On the surface… it is no different from ordinary fighters, and they can’t understand it.

Of course, they were still shocked by the fact that Mukuro became a god.

“Unexpectedly, Mukuro has become a god. I didn’t even dare to think about this kind of thing before.” Goku scratched his head and said, “I practiced in the underworld for seven years before I turned into Super Saiyan III. I thought I could catch up with Mukuro. No, who knows that I was thrown farther. Mukuro, the realm of gods…that can’t be cultivated by humans, right?!”

“Ms. Mukuro, what’s the matter with the Super Saiyan God?!” Sun Gohan asked, “I think the way you fought just now seems to be the same as a normal fight.”

“Unreasonable! Unreasonable! God realm should be a realm that soldiers of the lower realm can’t cultivate in a lifetime, how can you do it?!” The Old Realm King Shen shook his head and said.

Mukuro shrugged and said, “You have so many problems. Of course, the Super Saiyan God cannot be cultivated by ordinary fighters. After I transform into the Super Saiyan God, my anger will change in essence, yes. The use of qi will also be more ingenious, so you will not feel my qi, and my combat effectiveness will also increase a lot.”

“Since that is not a realm that humans can cultivate… Then how can you transform into Mukuro?” Monkey King asked, “Can you teach me?!”

“Not in the mood.”

Mukuro shrugged, and directly refused Monkey King’s request, and Birus, the fucking thing hanging above his head, didn’t feel that way.

Mukuro walked to the front of the world king god and the old world king god.

Perhaps it was because Mukuro’s face was too ugly at this moment, and the two fellows, the Realm King God and the Old Realm King God, were shocked.

Backed quickly, looking very embarrassed.

Mukuro just killed Majin Buu…

Now they walked up to them with an unkind look, even if they were the world king gods, this would be frightened, for fear that Mukuro would kill them if they didn’t agree with them.

Mukuro was upset now at the thought that Birus might have awakened, and he was not even in the mood to care about their feelings.

“World King God, can Mo perceive the situation of the Destroyer God?!” Mukuro said coldly, “Quickly tell me whether the Destroyer Billus has awakened from his deep sleep.”

“What do you want to do with the God of Destruction?! Don’t you want to fight him?!” The Old World King’s face changed greatly, “Even if you already have the realm of God, you can’t be Lord Billus, the God of Destruction. Opponent.”

“Has the god of destruction awakened?!” Mukuro asked, his voice cold.

Birus, the god of destruction, still poses a great threat to Mukuro. Mukuro feels uncomfortable when he thinks that someone in the world can kill him.

Because the lives of Birus and the Realm King God are tied up, Mukuro did not kill the God of Destruction by killing the Realm King God, and he has been very restrained. If the Realm King God continues to be ignorant, Mukuro really doesn’t mind the pain. Killer.

The Realm King was shocked suddenly and tremblingly said:

“I can feel that Bi… Lord Birus has just awakened, as if he was awakened by the breath of your Super Saiyan God.”

“I remember! It seems that you didn’t want to kill the Demon Buu because of this!” The Old World King’s face changed drastically, and said: “Will Lord Birus, the god of destruction, find here? This time it’s a lot of trouble. Ah, I don’t know how many planets will be destroyed as a result.”

“Sure enough, I wake up, then we can only fight Birus.”

Mukuro secretly said inwardly.

Before Birus awakened, Mukuro had always wanted to avoid awakening the evil star, lest he would be beaten by his fat. So before he knew the accurate news, he was very nervous.

But after knowing that Birus had woken up, there was no point in being worried, and the battle was always to be faced.

Mukuro’s mood calmed down instead, and there was some expectation in the faint.

It may be that after possessing Saiyan blood, Mukuro’s thoughts have also changed, expecting a showdown with a master like Destroyer, it doesn’t matter if he loses.

When Mukuro showed expectation, it was the Realm King God and the Old Realm King God who were the most nervous.

“Mukuro, do you really want to fight Billus?!”

“Don’t you want to, he can’t come?” Mukuro casually said: “Even if it is the god of destruction, it is impossible to scare me to flee without a fight. He will come if he wants to come. I want him to suffer and let him understand. I am not a soft persimmon!”

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