Chapter 972 Goku fight

“You are not a super Saiyan god?!”

Billus shook his head, and said uncomfortably: “It’s really troublesome, forget it, then defeat you first, you take action, and attack it with all your strength.”

Birus’s left hand is behind his back, and his right hand gently hooks his fingers. How can he put Monkey King in his eyes? !

This is basically a posture that martial arts masters would have when facing ordinary people. But with Wukong’s mind, he doesn’t care too much about these.

Eagerly said: “Then I will shoot, don’t blame me if you get hurt.”

Monkey Wukong transformed into an ordinary Super Saiyan, rushing towards Birus at the fastest speed, so fast that even the Realm King God was shocked.

The Realm King God has the ability to kill Frieza in a flash, and the speed of Monkey King’s ordinary Super Saiyan can surprise him, of course, because Monkey King’s current Super Saiyan status is far from what it could have been in the past.

Monkey King used this speed to pretend to attack, and then suddenly appeared behind Billus and kicked Billus in the head.

Birus didn’t even need to move his feet, lowered his head at will and avoided the attack.

Wukong was stunned for a moment, then hit another punch from top to bottom.

Birus rolled over easily, jumped over Monkey King’s head, fell behind Monkey King, and kicked it out again.

Monkey King was kicked in the back and his face was smashed.

This is still the result of Birus’s mercy, otherwise, with Birus’s combat power, he can completely kick Monkey King to pieces. How could the power of the god of destruction be something a super Saiyan could bear? !

“Do you only have this kind of power?!” Birus said disappointedly: “Then you quickly tell me about the Super Saiyan God, you are not my opponent.”

“It’s a god of destruction! It’s amazing! But I can get stronger!” Goku shouted, transformed into Super Saiyan II, and attacked Birus.

But in front of Billus, Wukong’s power was as weak as an ant.

And if an ant’s power doubles or triples, can it resist a person? The answer is obviously no.

Even if he was transformed into the state of Super League Two, the situation has not changed in any way.

Sun Wukong finally stopped suppressing his whole body’s strength, and simply transformed into Super Saiyan III, attacking Birus with all his strength.

After transforming into Super Saiyan Three, Monkey King’s power has increased several times, and his destructive power has also increased a lot.

The world king God Realm was already destroyed by Monkey King and Majin Buu.

Now it has been ravaged by the terrifying power of Super Saiyan III, almost exploding. With one blow of his fist, he could leave a bottomless pit in the realm of the realm king, even the strong realm of the realm king could not withstand this kind of power.

Billus coped with this kind of combat power, but he was still very relaxed.

“Interesting.” Birus said slowly: “There are so many Saiyan transformations. What other transformations do you have? Show them all.”

“The state of Super Saiyan III is already the strongest transformation I have so far.” Wukong scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: “Master Birus is really strong, even Super Saiyan III. They are not opponents at all.”

“What?! This power is already your limit?!”

Billus was extremely disappointed.

He suddenly appeared in front of Monkey King and flicked a finger on Monkey King’s forehead, knocking Monkey King back to normal. Monkey King was rolling on the ground, rolling out hundreds of meters before stopping, almost fainting.

If Birus didn’t want to know about the Super Saiyan God through Goku, he would have been knocked out.

“According to our agreement, tell me about the Super Saiyan God.” Billus looked at Wukong and said lightly.

“The God of Super Saiyan is the Saiyan who has mastered the realm of God. This is what Mukuro told me.” Goku lay on the ground weakly and said, “If Lord Ruth wants to know more about the situation, go. Ask Mukuro.”

Monkey King pointed to Mukuro, who was watching the play.

Mukuro also knew that he couldn’t hide, and stood up and said, “Birus, the Super Saiyan God you are looking for is me.”

“Oh?!” Billus looked at Mukuro and said, “You don’t look great, what’s the matter with the Super Saiyan God?! Let me see.”

Mukuro frowned. He hated the domineering and imperative tone of Birus, so he didn’t listen to him, and explained to himself: “The so-called Super Saiyan God is actually a man-made god, a long time ago. In fact, the Saiyans also have two factions of good and evil. In order to defeat the evil faction, the good Saiyans once gathered the power of six good Saiyans and transformed them into the god of super Saiyans.”

“What?! So this is the secret of the Super Saiyan God?!” Goku on the side scratched his head and said: “Then I can transform too?!”

“Wait… If the Saiyans had turned into the God of Super Saiyans, why would they be dominated by the evil Saiyans in the end?!” Gohan curiously asked, “Could it be the Super Saiyans back then? Did the god of man lose?!”

“Yes…” Mukuro nodded and said: “The power of the Super Saiyan God has a time limit. When it is about to defeat all the evil Saiyans, the Super Saiyan God lost the realm of God, and Back to the original shape, was killed.”

Monkey King and others learned about the Super Saiyan God from Mukuro, and suddenly felt a little disappointed. They saw Mukuro directly defeating Majin Buu with a powerful force of thunder, and they thought that the God of Super Saiyan was a very powerful transformation, far from being comparable to that of Super Saiyan. Who knew that this kind of power had a time limit, that would be a bit tasteless.

Six Saiyans with kind hearts are not so easy to gather together.

“Mr. Mukuro, right?!”

The Realm King God was a little puzzled, and asked: “You said that you need to gather the power of six good Saiyans to transform, but you just turned into the God of Super Saiyans.”

“Of course… if the person who transforms into a super Saiyan god has enough savvy, he can comprehend the realm of God, and then he can transform himself.” Mukuro explained: “Now I have realized the realm of God, this is the god of destruction. The super Saiyan god who is looking for!”

Mukuro suddenly screamed out of 5.0, transforming into a super Saiyan god, with a fiery red light and arrogance coming out of his body, which is really eye-catching.

It’s not the first time that Goku, the King of Gods and others have seen the God of Super Saiyan, but when they know how difficult it is to transform the God of Super Saiyan, and see that Mukuro can transform on their own, they are all feasting. Startled.

Things like the realm of gods can’t be understood casually.

The power of God’s realm is stronger than horror, and it has been fully revealed when Mukuro and Majin Buu fight, and Monkey King and Birus fight.

With such a powerful force, what Saiyan does not want to have? !

“The God of Super Saiyan, I finally found it.” Billus stared at Mukuro and said, “I didn’t expect that the weak Saiyan could have such a powerful power as the Master. Come on, let me see how powerful you are. Strong. If you can’t satisfy me, I will kill you.”

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