Chapter 969 Little Buu’s strength

“Okay… so awesome!! Is this Majin Buu’s true strength?! Even Super Saiyan III’s Goku has fallen into the wind!”

“I’m going to lose, Goku is not Majin Buu’s opponent, what should I do?! Can I only count on Mr. Mukuro to take action?!”

“That Saiyan named Mukuro must not be able to beat Majin Buu!” The Old World King God was very excited to refute the World King God and Jebit: “Mukuro and Monkey King are both Saiyan people, even if he is better than Monkey King. Strong, but how strong can it be?! That little strength advantage can’t kill the immortal Majin Buu! They still have a chance to join forces now!”

The Old World King was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and hit the dead tree trunk with a fist, shaking the crystal ball on it.

If someone puts the portrait of Mukuro in front of him at this moment, he might use the portrait as a sandbag to vent it.

I have to say that the old world king god seriously underestimated Mukuro’s strength. He thought that Mukuro’s strength was only 10% or 20% higher than that of Super Saiyan III’s Monkey King.

Majin Buu relies on immortality. If Mukuro is really only ten or two percent higher than him, it is indeed impossible to kill him, and even be dragged down by him, but in the realm of Mukuro’s super Saiyan god, how? May lose to Majin Buu? !

It’s just such an important matter, it is naturally impossible for the current Old World King God to know.

The Old World King exclaimed: “Who can communicate with Mukuro through the heart?! Ask him to join forces with Monkey King, or the entire universe will be over.”

“Should I go back to the Realm of the Realm King God Realm? Just to say a word, I shouldn’t be killed.” Jebit said nervously.

Jebite’s mood right now is very mixed.

As a servant of the Realm King God, he has the responsibility to protect the peace of this universe. Of course, he has to find a way to solve Majin Buu, but he doesn’t want to die.

With his weak chicken-like strength, he returned to the Realm of the Realm King God Realm. If he happened to be hit by a Qigong wave from Demon Buu, wouldn’t he have to report to King Yama? ! He is not as strong as Mukuro and Monkey King.

“No need.” The Old World King gritted his teeth and said: “I just complained. Those troublesome and wayward Saiyans can’t listen to us. There is really no way to wake up Lord Birus. Let’s look at it again.”

Through the crystal ball of the Old World King God, it can be seen that Wukong and Xiao Buu became more and more fierce, and the sky above the world king God Realm was almost obscured by the qigong wave they released, and many of them blasted towards Mukuro’s position. .

Mukuro transforms into Super Saiyan II, and then uses repulsion to resist the Qigong wave of Super Saiyan three levels.

After all, these qigong waves were only bounced out, and the target was not Mukuro himself. The power has been greatly reduced.

After fighting for such a long time, Monkey King’s physical strength has been severely exhausted, but Majin Buu is not exhausted at all. When Wukong was hit by the demon Buu again, he changed from Super Saiyan III back to normal, and he couldn’t sustain it anymore.

“Hey, I still want me to shoot in the end.”

Mukuro let out a long sigh and flew to Monkey King quickly. That was heart-tiring.

It didn’t take long for him to master the power of the Super Saiyan God, without the training of Vis, and there is no way to transform into the Super Saiyan, the so-called Super Blue God, Super Saiyan for the time being. Blue.

If Birus jumped out now, it would be too cheating.

To be honest, Mufeng is not yet Birus’ opponent.

Mukuro landed in front of Monkey King and said: “Goku, what is your mood now when you understand that your power is not enough to protect your important things? I hope that after this incident, you can practice harder, if there is more… …”

“Mukuro, what are you talking about?!”

Sun Wukong said with a dazed expression: “How do I feel that you are giving a last word?! Is Majin Buu really that scary?!”

Mukuro really has no power to complain. Of course Majin Buu is not that scary. He wants to kill Majin Buu anytime.

But if you kill Majin Buu, a god of destruction, Birus will jump out. Mukuro’s heart is really tired. He doesn’t want to face Birus now.

“Forget it, this kind of thing will have to be faced sooner or later, I don’t believe it, I can’t handle Birus with my current strength.”

Mukuro said with a strong spirit: “Now let’s kill Majin Buu first.”

“Drink!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Mukuro yelled, his body burst into flames, his hair turned red, and his body also became thinner.

There is no extremely powerful aura exuding from his body, but the gorgeous appearance can tell that it is unusual at a glance.

This is not what a Super Saiyan should be!

“Mukuro, what is this?! How did your anger disappear?!” Monkey King was taken aback, had he ever seen such a transformation? !

This is no longer an area he can imagine! !

Mukuro turned his back to Monkey King and said, “Of course you can’t feel my anger, just like you can’t feel the anger of the Realm King God. Haven’t you ever wondered why you can’t feel the anger of the Realm King God? !”

Mukuro has mastered the realm of the Super Saiyan God. Of course, he can feel the breath of the Realm King God, but he doesn’t know whether Goku can perceive it.

Because in the original work, it is never mentioned that Monkey King and other Dragon Ball fighters cannot perceive the aura of the world king god.

It’s just that the Dragon Ball fighters in the original can judge the strength of the Demon Buu based on their breath, but they overestimate the power of the God of the World King, so the possibility of not feeling the breath of the God of the World King is very high. After all, although the realm of the realm king is scumbag, but the realm is different.

The Dragon Ball fighters themselves have the ability to hide qi. They can’t feel the qi of the realm king and don’t react too much, which makes sense.

“God’s realm?!”

“Mukuro, are you a god?!” Goku took a breath.

“I don’t know if I’m a god, because I only have the power of a god when I transform into this state.” Mukuro clenched his fist and said, “Since I’ve transformed into this state, I will quickly take the Majin Buu. Kill it, maybe it will prevent things from getting worse.”

Mukuro suddenly shot, his figure disappeared suddenly, rushing towards Majin Buu like a ghost, and hit Majin Buu’s cheek with a punch.


Even with this immortal body, the power of Mukuro’s attack has surpassed the limit that Majin Buu can withstand.

The demon Buu who fainted had no resistance at all, and was immediately destroyed by Mukuro’s energy.

“It’s so simple?!”

Wukong was dumbfounded and said: “Mukuro…You have defeated Majin Buu without even using the qigong wave. Is this the power of the gods?!”

“It doesn’t mean that the power of the gods will be very strong. For example, the realm king gods and old world king gods you see. Although they all have this god realm, they don’t have the power that gods should have.” Mukuro smiled. Said: “If you want to be so powerful, both power and realm are indispensable, otherwise you can only be like the world king god, even a demon Buu can’t handle it.”


At this moment, there was an awkward cough not far away.

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