Chapter 966 Real Super Race Three

“What a powerful qi!! Monkey King’s strength seems to be no worse than that of Gohan!!! It’s hard to imagine… It’s hard to imagine… There are people from the lower realms who have cultivated such terrifying power on their own!!”

Jebet took a deep breath, sweating, and his face was full of horror.

“It turns out that this is the true strength of Monkey King. I didn’t expect that there are so many people in the lower realm who surpassed me. Such a person…maybe only Lord Birus can defeat it.” The realm king murmured to himself. Suddenly his face darkened and said, “But Mr. Mukuro’s strength is even stronger than Mr. Goku!! Then…what kind of power is that?!”

“The times have changed!”

The Old World King God also sighed: “I don’t even need to develop my potential to have such power. In my time… such a person could not exist.”

These world kings made a fuss and short-sighted, Mukuro was already too lazy to complain.

So just pretend that you can’t hear them and watch the battle intently.

The Monkey King who transformed into Super Saiyan III rushed towards Majin Buu like an arrow from the string, and punched Majin Buu in the face.

Majin Buu’s body was like a ball of plasticine, his cheeks were immediately sunken, his head flew up into the sky like a cannonball, and his neck stretched long.

Monkey Wukong grabbed Majin Buu’s wrist again, centered on himself, shook Majin Buu faster and faster, and finally threw Majin Buu directly into the sky.

“Turtle!!! Pie!!! Qi!!! Gong!!!”

Monkey King showed off his tricks and blasted the body of the demon Buu who was flying to the sky.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Turtle Qigong exploded high in the sky, and the amazing power exploded Demon Buu to pieces, and the entire earth was shaken by this powerful force.

Fortunately, there are basically no living people on the earth. Otherwise, this one is enough to cause a terrifying disaster on the earth.

“Awesome!! Awesome!!! It’s so awesome!!!” The King God was excited and looked at the crystal ball: “Mr. Mukuro’s prediction is indeed correct!! Unexpectedly, Mr. Goku still hides such a powerful fighting power. , Majin Buu is dead now!”

“There is such a strong person hidden in the lower realm, we didn’t even find it!” Jebite said excitedly and embarrassedly: “Is it because our strength is too bad?! Only a strong person like Mr. Mukuro can see Goku How big is the gap between Mr. and Majin Buu.”

“Dad is really strong… He must have been practicing hard during these seven years.” Sun Wufan said with a guilty heart: “Ms. Mukuro can see that Dad’s hidden combat power is definitely stronger than Dad. It seems that only my strength is available. The least progress has been made.”

And Mukuro was a bucket of cold water that dampened their hot heads: “How can it be so simple? Haha… If Majin Buu could be killed so easily, Goku would have taken action long ago. Don’t forget Majin Buu. The guy has an almost immortal body.”

Although Majin Buu’s body was shattered, as Mukuro said, it quickly returned to its original appearance.

The demon Buu was very angry after he recovered, and a large amount of water vapor was ejected from the small hole on the top of his head, and his qi increased rapidly as never before.

“You have indeed become stronger than last time, but you are still not my opponent, you will definitely not be my opponent!” Majin Buu shouted.

He was hit hard, unable to accept that Monkey King had such a powerful power. He rushed towards Monkey King with red eyes, almost losing his mind.

Monkey Wukong didn’t expect Demon Buu to launch a counterattack as soon as he recovered. He couldn’t avoid it and was punched in the face by Demon Buu.

It fell to the ground like a meteorite, smashing a bottomless hole in the ground, and huge rocks were bombed into the sky as a result.

Majin Buu shrank into a ball and slammed into Monkey King.

Boom boom boom! ! !

After shrinking into a sphere, Majin Buu’s speed became much faster. As soon as Monkey King stood up, he was hit on his head and almost fell.

Majin Buu traversed perfect arcs and hit Monkey King at an alarming speed, causing Monkey King to fall like a sapling in a typhoon. There was no way to fight back, and his injuries were getting worse. .

“Damn it!!” The god of the world said with an iron face, and said hurriedly: “Jiebit, take me back to Earth, even if I am not Demon Buu’s opponent, I should be able to help a bunch of Wukong. If even Wukong loses. , Then the entire universe is going to be over. I don’t know how many creatures in the universe will be destroyed by this!!!”

“Save your energy.” Mukuro frowned and stopped the Realm King God: “Don’t worry, Goku is not that easy to lose. Even if you arrive on Earth, you will only drag him down. And if you die, Birus It’s over, you should know how serious the consequences are.”

The face of the world king god changed and changed, and his raised footsteps stopped. At the same time, the look in Mukuro’s eyes became extremely horrified.

Mukuro certainly knows what the realm king is thinking now. Compared to the existence of the twelve universes, destruction gods and angels, the life of the realm king god and the destruction god is a more secret secret, even if it is the realm king god. Entourage, it is impossible to know such important information.

When Mukuro casually said such a secret thing, the Realm King God was frightened.

Because Mukuro knows this kind of information…it means that once Mukuro has malicious intent on the god of destruction, Birus, he can kill the god of destruction by killing the world king god. No one in this universe can do anything to him. . Even the angels are bound by neutral rules and absolutely can’t make a move, and of course they can’t kill Mukuro for this.

For such a person, the Realm King God is very scared.

His fear of Mukuro even surpassed Majin Buu.

“Where did you know this kind of thing?!” Jie Wang Shen said with a pale face.

“You don’t care where I know from, and don’t worry that I will kill you.” Mukuro said calmly, “Although it is really easy for me to kill you…but as long as you don’t tell me what happened to me, I won’t hurt you, don’t worry. .”

The muscles on the face of the world king god trembled, and finally gritted his teeth and nodded.

A dignified Realm King God was threatened in this way.

He was frustrated and forced. But even in the world of gods, strength is king. His fist is not as big as Mukuro, so he can only accept his fate.

And at this time, on the earth… Monkey King was annoyed by the spherical Demon Buu, and then screamed up to the sky, bursting out a very powerful energy, and bounced Demon Buu away.

Boom boom boom! ! !

When Buu returned to his original appearance in the high air, Wukong attacked with continuous gas bombs, leaving Buu to passively defend.

Monkey King took advantage of this opportunity and flew behind Majin Buu at a super speed, and smashed Majin Buu’s head with his fists.

“Ah!!!” Majin Buu cried out painfully.

Falling down at an astonishing speed, raising dust and sand into the sky.

Relying on the warrior’s intuition, Wukong wanted to take the opportunity to play the turtle style qigong, but after a little hesitation, he gave up this choice.

Because Majin Buu has an immortal body, even if this tortoise-style qigong blasts out, it is of no use. On the contrary, the earth may be destroyed by this tortoise-style qigong. With the power of Super Saiyan III, the tortoise style qigong played from this angle is absolutely fatal to the earth.

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