Chapter 967 Majin Buu’s changes

“Why doesn’t Mr. Wukong beat the turtle school qigong?!”

The Realm King said in doubt: “If the tortoise-style qigong was played just now, it would surely make Demon Buu’s body broken. As long as he wipes out all his cells with Qi, Demon Buu will be dead! Mr. Wukong Such a good opportunity was wasted.”

“That can’t be helped.”

The Old World King God sighed: “The earth is too fragile to withstand the tortoise style qigong just now. Saiyans cannot survive in the universe. If the tortoise style qigong is played just now, the demon Buu will not die. I know, Sun Wukong is dead anyway.”

“Master Realm King, don’t worry, Wukong has already gained the upper hand.” Jebite said excitedly: “As long as you continue to fight, you will definitely win! You will definitely win!!!”

Jebite looked excited.

God knows whether he really thinks this way, or he is comforting himself.

Mukuro silently observes the battle between Monkey King and Majin Buu. He knows that Majin Buu is not that easy to defeat, otherwise it would be Majin Buu.

This is the pervert who once killed the four world king gods and possessed the immortal body!

“Don’t you feel it at all?! Majin Buu’s qi… is undergoing an amazing change!” Mukuro said solemnly, “Majin Buu’s qi has not become stronger, but his qi has become stronger. It’s getting more and more evil.”

Qi is only a kind of energy, and it is a weapon in the hands of fighters.

In the hands of good people, weapons can be used for the right way, and in the hands of evil people, they can be used to harm the world. Therefore, the good and evil of weapons depend on the user, not the weapon itself.

But now, Mukuro feels the purest evil thought in Majin Buu’s breath, it is a kind of evil thought that wants to destroy everything! !

“Could it be that Majin Buu is going to change back to that form? How could it be?” Mukuro muttered to himself, with an ominous premonition.

“Mukuro-sensei, what are you talking about?! What form?!” Gohan didn’t understand, he just felt bad because of Mukuro’s expression.

“Don’t ask me, look for yourself.” Mukuro pointed to the picture on the crystal ball.

I saw Majin Buu flying out from the ground, standing on the edge of the hole, holding his head and howling in pain.

His body became more and more swelling, his Qi began to strengthen, and his blood vessels were constantly squirming. When his body swelled to the extreme, it shrank quickly and became a small point, and the increased Qi gradually calmed down.

Maybe in terms of strength, this little Buu is not particularly outstanding, but the absolutely evil aura exuding from him proves that he is definitely not that easy to provoke.

This is an absolutely evil… an evil creature that only knows about destruction, it is much more difficult to deal with than a strong and sensible enemy!

“Sure enough to change back to this form, it seems that the earth is going to be finished.” Mukuro said, “When things are up to this point, I can’t even think about it. With the current Goku, I can’t deal with this form of Demon Buu. .”

“Is that amazing?!” Son Gohan’s expression changed sharply, “Mukuro-teacher, how amazing it is for my father to transform into Super Saiyan III. Oh?!”

“No!! You can’t judge the strength of this Demon Buu by his size.” The Realm King God said palely: “This Demon Buu is the original Demon Buu. It is extremely evil. He only knows about destruction. It was this demon Buu who killed the four realm king gods back then! Even Babidi’s father couldn’t control him back then! Until he absorbed the realm king gods, he was better.”

What happened back then, Mukuro also knew that it was precisely because the kind-hearted Great Realm King God was absorbed to dilute the evil in Demon Buu’s heart that made Fat Buu controllable.

So to some extent, this Majin Buu has become stronger! !

Because destruction is always easier than construction, even if there is not much difference in power, but if a terrifying existence like Majin Buu deliberately destroys, even a person with a slightly stronger combat power will be difficult to stop.

On the earth, Xiao Buu looked up at Monkey King… Slowly raised his right hand, and a huge energy bullet appeared in his palm.

With the continuous injection of Qi, the energy bomb expands like an inflated balloon. If the energy bomb is like a football…

At that moment, Majin Buu is just a beetle under football.

If such a huge energy bomb is shot, the consequences will be disastrous!

Monkey King said in a cold sweat: “Hey! Majin Buu! What do you want to do?!”

The Realm King God also murmured solemnly: “Majin Buu…what does Majin Buu really want to do?!”

In fact, both Wukong and the Realm King God guessed that it was Majin Buu who wanted to destroy the earth, but they were unwilling to accept, or could not accept it.

The earth is in Wukong’s heart…It is absolutely extremely important, otherwise he will not save the earth repeatedly, even if he really knows that Majin Buu is going to do this, he doesn’t want to believe it.

“Taking this opportunity now, I want to ask you something.” World King God walked to Mukuro’s side and asked: “Mr. Mukuro, you seem to know Majin Buu well, even his form. If I ask How do you know, you will definitely not say, then can you tell me, do you know why he changed back to this way?!”

Mukuro scratched his head, equally puzzled.

In the original book, Majin Buu changed back to its original form because the fat Buu in his body was taken off and his body changed unexplained. But Monkey King didn’t enter Majin Buu’s body just now, why did the same thing happen? !

In this regard, Mukuro has two guesses.

One is that Monkey King attacked Majin Buu’s head, and by chance, it happened to shatter the meat that was wrapped in Majin Buu’s body, causing Fat Buu to fall out.

Compared to the power of Super Saiyan III, that piece of meat must be very fragile, and it is not impossible to shatter it.

The second possibility is that the origin of this world has intervened, as if it made Vegeta forcefully practice Super Saiyan II. But Majin Buu has become like this, and it seems unnecessary to discuss the reasons.

“Hurry up and flee.” Mukuro shrugged and said helplessly: “The realm king, God Realm, is destined to become a battlefield. If you continue to stay here, it will only become a burden.”

At the same time, 3.8 Buu had already shot the energy bomb in his hand, shattering the earth.

At the very moment, Jiebit used teleportation to bring Monkey King back, and the others were buried in the universe with the earth.

“Earth…” Gohan looked at the empty space and slammed his fist on the ground: “Damn it! If I could feel the change of Majin Buu from the beginning, like Mukuro-sensei, I might be able to pass in time. Block Buu.”

“What? Mukuro had a foreboding that Majin Buu would destroy the earth?!” Goku who came to the realm of the realm king was shocked.

“I felt it, Mukuro-sensei felt it from Majin Buu’s evil aura.” Son Gohan replied.

“It’s my fault!!” Monkey King said after a moment of silence:

“I was in front of Majin Buu at the time. If I practice harder and feel malicious like Mukuro, I can stop Buu.”

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