Chapter 965 Majin Buu’s trick

The battle between Son Gohan and Majin Buu was inextricably difficult, and the terrifying combat power shocked the Old World King God, the World King God, and Jebit.

In the eyes of the Realm King God, the fat Buu from the beginning was already powerful and unimaginable, and no one can compete with him. Now Buu has become more powerful, it is simply synonymous with invincibility! And how can they not be shocked that the Monkey Gohan, who has developed his potential, can compete with Buu like this? !

Sun Wukong, as the father of Sun Wufan, is of course very happy to see his son become so powerful.

Only Mukuro frowned as she watched, and became dissatisfied.

Because Mukuro noticed that Majin Buu only played inextricably with Monkey King on the surface. Whenever he was injured, a part of the meat would be scattered among the gravel and rubble without returning to his body. Even if you use the pig’s head to think about it, you should be able to think that Majin Buu must have an ulterior motive.

The kid Gohan was so paralyzed in the battle that he couldn’t notice this little detail.

For a fighter, this is a fatal flaw!

It seems that after Majin Buu’s matter is resolved, it is necessary for him to experience what real hard practice is.

“Goku, do it, go back to Earth and help.” Mukuro looked at Wukong and said, “If it is later, Majin Buu will succeed and things will become very troublesome.”

Mukuro has read the Dragon Ball comics, and naturally understands Majin Bu’s ability of 440 Euros.

Majin Buu scattered the minced meat among the rubble, surely looking for a chance to absorb Gohan into his body to increase his strength.

If Gohan’s power is gained by the current Majin Buu, things will be troublesome. Goku will not be Majin Buu’s opponent at all, and he can only count on Mukuro to do it himself.

But if Mukuro really makes a move, Birus will definitely be awakened!

“Is it bad?” Sun Wukong tactfully refused: “Majin Buu is now Gohan’s opponent. If I go there, two fight one…That would be too despicable, and Gohan will definitely be unhappy. .”

Gohan is also a warrior anyway, and being a warrior will have his own dignity and pride.

It’s not that when it’s a last resort, he certainly doesn’t like teaming up with others to fight against Demon Buu. Even though the current situation has begun to be unfavorable to him, it is terrible, and Sun Gohan himself didn’t even realize it.

Even a bystander, Monkey King, did not see the conspiracy and tricks of Majin Buu.

Mukuro was about to explain, but saw Majin Buu’s minced meat suddenly flying out from all directions, instantly turning into a giant net, falling from the sky to Gohan.

Sun Wufan didn’t expect such a change, he was stunned, he didn’t even know how to avoid it!

That meat net was falling very fast, even if Sun Gohan was just stunned, it was too late to escape.

He gathered his hands around his waist, and then quickly blasted out:

“Turtle!!! Pie!!! Qi!!! Gong!!!”

The blue Qigong wave blasted out of Monkey King’s palm, finally resisting Demon Buu’s meat net, preventing it from falling.

However, Gohan was unable to act because of this.

Majin Buu was still staring at him, and it was only a matter of time before Gohan was defeated.

“Do you understand now?!”

Mukuro said helplessly, “Majin Buu has secretly hidden the meat on the ground during the battle, just to wait for this moment, if you don’t hurry over to help, Gohan’s power will be lost to Majin Buu. Absorbed. Then think about how serious the consequences are.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Wukong’s face changed drastically, without any hesitation, he hurriedly used his teleportation to return to Monkey King, and then used his teleportation to bring Monkey King back to the realm of King God, and then he went to Earth and Demon. Buu singled out.

Sun Wufan returned to the realm of the realm king, fell on the ground, looked up at Mukuro, his face was a little embarrassed, obviously he also realized that he had made a mistake.

Mukuro shook his head, and had nothing to say to Gohan.

This kid obviously had the power to defeat the devil Buu, but he was defeated because of his carelessness. Is there anything more frustrated than this? !

Speaking of it, it’s embarrassing to be a teacher.

“Gohan, don’t care too much. In fact, Mr. Mukuro already knows that you will lose.” The King God comforted Gohan and said, “So Mr. Mukuro was not too disappointed.”

“Really?! I really deserve to be Mukuro-teacher… I can see that I will lose.” Gohan was taken aback, and then said in a blink of an eye: “But I lost, what should the earth do?! Or me Go and fight with Majin Buu again?!”

“No.” Mukuro said coldly, “Goku is more reliable than you, and Majin Buu will let him deal with it. You can stay in the realm of the realm king, if you return to the earth… Ren Buu absorbed it, ha ha… that would be the end of it.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Gohan blushed and lowered his head, looking at his own toes, wishing to get in.

If he really couldn’t beat Demon Buu, it would be fine, but if he loses because of carelessness, even he is very embarrassed.

Realizing Sun Wufan’s thoughts, the world king god quickly changed the subject.

“Speaking of… Mr. Mukuro really deserves to be Gohan’s teacher. He saw through Majin Buu’s moves from the beginning. Are you many times stronger than Majin Buu?!”

In the eyes of the Realm King God, only when the gap between the two is very large, can he fully see through the moves of the other person. Although he knows that Mukuro is very strong, the Realm King God does not know the boundaries of Mukuro.

“It’s really hard to imagine that there are powerful men like Monkey King and Monkey King in the lower realm. It has surprised me. I didn’t expect that there will be more powerful fighters!” Jebit was shocked.

“Of course, he is my teacher!” Son Gohan said proudly, “No one in this world is stronger than him!! Absolutely not!!”

“Your kid is embarrassed to say it?! Quickly reflect on it.”

Mukuro scolded Monkey King, gave him a lesson, and then continued to observe the battle between Monkey King and Majin Buu.

Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, and said coldly to Majin Buu, “Next, I will be your opponent.”

Goku, who has turned into Super Saiyan III, has no eyebrows and looks very cold. It really looks like that when he says this.

Looking at Wukong, Majin Buu smiled contemptuously: “Isn’t this the guy who turned strangely last time?! I remember you, now I am no longer who I was at that time, you think you can beat me ?!”

“I am not the same as I was then!” Sun Wukong said coldly, “It didn’t take long for me to get into this state. The last time I was transformed in Yangjian, I was not very comfortable, but now I am already Get used to it!!! Ah!!!”

Monkey King screamed! ! ! In an instant, the qi was raised to the maximum, and the powerful qi was once again transmitted to the realm of the realm king.

After raising his qi to the maximum, Monkey King’s body burst out with a dazzling golden light, like a round of sun floating in mid-air, and he can only be vaguely seen, with blue lightning pulsing continuously on his body. There was a loud electric explosion.

Monkey King was right, his anger was indeed stronger than when he was transformed last time. If he was fighting with Fat Buu at the time, he would really kill Fat Buu.

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