Chapter 926 Qualifiers start

“Your face is terrible, it’s okay.” A staff member of the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference looked at Pic and asked with concern.

“Nosy!” Piccolo said with his arms around him, his face full of displeasure.

His skin was originally green, but it was regarded as malnourished. Mukuro on the side wanted to ask the staff, are you blind?

“Oh!!! Ah! It’s you!!!” Suddenly, a voice full of surprises rang, and he seemed to be very familiar with Wukong.

They are the narrators of the world’s number one martial arts conference. Goku, Klin, and Bick… are all players who have participated in the world’s number one martial arts conference many times. He naturally recognized them at a glance.

“Huh?!” Klin was surprised.

“Hi, long time no see.” Wukong said hello.

“Wow-today is really a lucky day. I didn’t expect to see you again… Hey, I really miss those days before. I have been looking for you all the time.” The commentator was very excited.

Then this guy looked around, looking like I knew the big secret, stretched his head to go to Wukong’s ear, and whispered: “I know, in fact, it was not Satan who defeated Sharu, right?! I can see that Satan is very weak.

To be honest, the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference without you is too boring. The players who came to participate in the competition are all very poor. I don’t want to explain the game anymore. Oops…you won’t destroy the playing field like you did last time. ”

The commentator couldn’t help being a little scared when he saw Piccolo behind Wukong.

“Maybe,” Piccolo said lightly. With the strength of the Dragon Ball fighters, the casual shock wave can easily destroy the arena, which is simply too random.

“Please pay attention to all the contestants, the world’s No. 1 Budokai qualifier is about to start! Except for the junior group, there are 195 contestants this time! We will determine 16 winners through the qualifiers In order to enter the official competition of the world’s No. 1 martial arts tournament…but the defending champion-Mr. Satan!!!

You will directly enter the official competition of the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference! ! So now we start selecting another fifteen contestants! ! In order to ensure the fairness of the competition, the qualifiers were conducted as usual, using strength measuring instruments, and the fifteen contestants with the highest strength scores won! !

In order to give you a demonstration, we are honored to invite the defending champion Mr. Satan, let’s take a look at his power value! ! Please, the defending champion-Mr. Satan. “This staff member is impassioned and seems to look forward to Satan very much!!

“Ho ho ho-who else can beat me!!!” Satan yelled and ran out.

“Hey, you guys can all be promoted, and see you in the ring.” Seeing that the martial arts conference has started, the commentator greeted him and left. He still had a lot to do.

Looking at the unusually hard-working Satan on the ring, Klin crossed his hands and said helplessly: “Haha…there are so many people who can beat you here.”

Among the Dragon Ball fighters, Klin is absolutely nonsense.

At this moment, Satan on the field…

“Woo-” he looked unusually serious, and said to a dynamometer: “Ah yah ah-ah ah ah-ah ah ah-ah ah ah -”

Satan “ahhhhh” for a long time, the staff on the side are a little sleepy.

“Black—” Finally, Satan beat out his own attack! ! Exercising all the power, blasted on the dynamometer, and a number appeared on the dynamometer.

137! ! 137! ! ! !

“It’s…showing the score!! One hundred and thirty-seven points!! It’s one hundred and thirty-seven points!! As expected of Mr. Satan, it’s so amazing, so amazing!!!” The mustache staff yelled hoarsely.

Obviously, this value of Satan is already a very good value.

“Come on, everyone!! I hope someone can force me to use my real ability.” When I left, Satan clenched his fist to signal to everyone, very arrogant.

“Oh! It seems that this year’s champion is still Mr. Satan.”

“Yeah, what a terrifying power! It is said that each point represents a strength of five kilograms. That is to say, Mr. Satan can produce hundreds of kilograms of power.”

There was a lot of discussion around people, and they all thought that the champion of the world’s No. 1 Budo Club would be Satan.

“Now, please hold the number plates in your hands and line up in front of the dynamometer. Please test in an orderly manner.” The voice of the broadcast sounded.

“Huh?! Didn’t Tianjin rice and dumplings come?!” Wukong looked around.

“Maybe I didn’t come. After the last Sharu incident, Tianjin Fan said that he might never see each other again.” Klin explained, without any sadness.

Regarding Tianjin Fan, I will no longer contact you. Mukuro has his own guess: It is estimated that he is afraid of his love with dumplings and will not be blessed by everyone, so it is better to not contact him directly. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why I don’t want to see a life and death partner again. Of course, Mukuro didn’t express his guess directly, he always wanted to save some face for Tianjin Fan. Besides, if the truth is not like this, wouldn’t it be embarrassing…

“No. 18, wait to control the power.” Seeing No. 18, which is about to be tested, Mukuro hurriedly exclaimed. If you don’t explain it, it’s almost impossible to directly explode the dynamometer with the character of the 18th.

“Yeah.” Nodded on the eighteenth, indicating that he knew.

Then I saw the 18th walk to the dynamometer, raised his hand and tapped lightly.

774! ! 774! ! ! !

“Seven seven seven… Seven hundred seventy four?!” The test officer looked dumbfounded.

I walked to the dynamometer, took two shots, and said, “Sorry, please wait a moment. The machine seems to be out of order and needs to be repaired.”

Mr. Satan, the world champion, only hit one hundred and seventy-three. Seven hundred seventy four? ! This is more than four times Mr. Satan’s blasting value. How could anyone in the world have such a terrifying power? ! And still a woman…

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