Chapter 925 Confident Vegeta

“Mr. Satan, welcome! How sure are you to win this competition?!” A beautiful reporter held up a microphone and interviewed Satan.

“To be honest?! I think I have twenty points of confidence, haha!!” Satan’s answer is still very arrogant, but no one does not believe it.

“Hahaha—hahaha—I am the champion!!”

“I heard that Miss Vidili will also participate in the competition. Excuse me, do you have the confidence to hold on to the end, and then have a one-on-one battle with Mr. Satan?!” Another reporter looked at Bi, who was standing next to Satan. Dilly asked.

“What do you care about me, long-winded.” Vidili said very Tsundere.

After a pause, Vidili seemed to have thought of something. A little shy said: “However, this time the world’s number one martial arts conference will definitely be able to beat Dad.”

“Oh? Miss Vidili seems very confident, can you tell me?” the reporter asked.

Vidili shook his head: “You’ll know when the game is on.” One month of training has given Vidili a clear understanding of 507 Mukuro’s power.

At the same time, Vidili also has great confidence in Mukuro’s defeat of his father.

“Hehe… Satan still loves to brag.” Klin said with a smile.

“Huh? Brother, look, it’s Uncle Bick.” Xiao Wutian saw Bick.

“Uncle Piccolo, have you seen my dad?” Gohan asked.

“Gohan, you are here.” Piccolo also greeted with a smile. Then he shook his head and said, “No, I just came here, and I didn’t see Wukong.”

“Really, why did Wukong come here?! Will it be in the lounge?!” Qiqi frowned and said, although her mouth was fierce, he still wanted Wukong very much.

“Hey-how are you guys.” At this moment, a voice of greeting suddenly sounded. It was Wukong who didn’t know when, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

“Wukong!!!”, “Dad!!!”, “Wukong!!!”…Seeing Wukong, everyone pounced on him… Obviously everyone was very happy to see Wukong.

“Ah!! It looks like me, it’s my child.” Suddenly, Wukong found Wu Tian hiding behind Kiki, and said with a look of surprise.

“Wu Tian, ​​call Dad.” Qiqi patted Wu Tian Dao.

But Wu Tian still hides behind Qiqi, after all, since Wu Tian was born, he has never seen Wu Kong. Suddenly…a dad suddenly appeared, and he would feel a little scared on any child of six or seven years old. This is normal.

“Dad…Dad.” In the end, Wu Tian still called out, but he was looking forward to Wu Kong. Then Wukong gave Wu Tian a big hug… it was full of joy.

“Monkey Goku!! Mukuro!! You two guys, I must defeat you this time!!” At this moment, a voice full of anger suddenly sounded.

Wukong was taken aback, looking for a sound, and his face was full of surprise: “Vegeta?!”

It was not someone else who was speaking, but Vegeta who had been on earth for a month. To say, Vegeta is really pitiful. When I came to the earth, I started looking for Mukuro and Goku. However, Goku is not on the earth at all, and Mukuro hides his aura. How could Vegeta be able to find it, so Vegeta stupidly searched for it for a month and didn’t find it.

At this time, he heard about the existence of the world’s number one martial arts conference, and wanted to come here to try his luck. If you can’t find it anymore, Vegeta is going to destroy the earth.

Seeing Mukuro and Goku at this time, they were naturally very angry and immediately wanted to start the fight.

“Vegeta, now is not the time to fight. It will soon be the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference, in the martial arts conference, let us have a final battle. After all, you have been waiting for a month, and you won’t care about this moment. Right.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Then make you proud for a while! Humph!!” After speaking, Vegeta turned his head and left. But just stepped out a few steps, suddenly turned around. Staring at Mukuro and asked: “You just said that I have been waiting for a month. Did you already know that I came to the earth?!”

“Of course.” Mukuro said with a shrug.

“Then why don’t you come to me?! Are you not afraid that I will destroy the earth?!” Vegeta’s face was extremely embarrassed, he felt like he was being played with.

“Haha… First of all, I didn’t feel the slightest evil aura on you. Second, do you think you might have a chance?!” Looking at Vegeta, Mukuro asked lightly.

“Damn it…” Vegeta could clearly feel the contempt in Mukuro’s words: “You will regret it, this time I will definitely defeat you! Although you became the Super Saiyan before me, but you I will definitely not know that there is a more powerful realm above the Super Saiyan. Wait, I will make you feel desperate!!”

After a harsh word, Vegeta turned her head and walked aside.

“Oh?!” Mukuro glanced at Vegeta who had gone away in surprise. Unexpectedly, apart from the development of the plot, Vegeta can still achieve such strength at this time. Is it because of the blessing of the world of Dragon Ball? ! Worthy of being the second leading actor in the Dragon Ball world.

“Vegeta, it feels like he has become stronger.” Wukong scratched his head.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Of course, we are not the only ones getting stronger in this world…”

“Hehe…I’m really getting more and more excited to be able to fight so many powerful people.” Wukong was shaking all over, not afraid, but looking forward to the fight.

“Okay, let’s move faster. Otherwise, the registration will be closed.” Mukuro said hurriedly, seeing the posture of closing the booth next to the registration office.

The few people who had signed up walked to the rest area, and as expected, Wukong became interested in Klin’s hair.

“Klin, you are not bald.” Wukong said in surprise.

Klin frowned and said with an unhappy expression: “I have told you before, I am not bald, my bald head is shaved.”

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