Chapter 927 Realm King Shenxian

The moustache staff fiddled with it for a long time and found that the machine did not seem to be broken. Then he looked at the 18th with apologetic expression, and said: “It should…should be fixed, this player, please test it again.”

“Control some power.” Mukuro whispered helplessly.

“Really, how can it be controlled so easily?!” No.18 complained. It is easy to blast the earth with her strength.

But letting the 18th control her strength very little is indeed very difficult for her. After all, the strength of the 18th is not achieved by cultivating step by step, and there is no concept of the 18th with the precise control of power.

“Pop!!” The two fingers of the eighteenth knocked on the dynamometer.

203! ! 203! ! ! !

The mustache helped his eyes on the bridge of his nose, looked and looked again, and found that he was right. Fiddled with the machine again, there was no malfunction…

I wanted to make the 18th test again, but after seeing the gaze of the 18th that was enough to kill people, he abruptly held back.

The test continues… The beard’s dumbfoundedness also continues.

234! ! ! The value of Mukuro.

202! ! Kling’s value.

208! ! Wukong’s numerical value.

210! ! The value of Piccolo.

Mustache only feels that his worldview has collapsed. This… how is this possible… It must be that the power testing machine is broken, yes… it must be like this.

“It seems that this machine is completely broken. Go ahead and prepare a new one. We will test it again later,” said the mustache.

“Get out of the way!!” It was Vegeta who suddenly shouted angrily.

It was his turn to test, but something like this broke out. She was already a fierce Vegeta, how could she endure it.

“Ah?!” The mustache was taken aback, wondering what the black-haired guy in front of him was doing.

Then in the next second… his jaw was about to fall in shock.

I saw Vegeta hit the dynamometer with a punch… and then the dynamometer was just like being hit by a cannonball, and it shattered! !

Except for the Dragon Ball fighters, everyone in the room was already dumbfounded.

The subsequent qualifiers were gone, although a new dynamometer was replaced. But Moustache didn’t dare to let the Dragon Ball fighters test it again… In case he exploded another dynamometer, he had nowhere to cry, knowing that the cost of this one was expensive.

First of all, it was the competition in the junior group. There was no other possibility… Xiao Wutian won the final victory, and then punched the fellow Satan.

Xiao Wutian is totally indifferent, if it weren’t for Mukuro to wrap Satan with repulsive force. It is estimated that Satan will be punched to death by Xiao Wutian. Of course, this is mainly because Xiao Wutian didn’t keep any hands. He thinks that Satan is very powerful.

Although there is Mukuro’s protection, Mukuro is at best to save Satan’s life. Xiao Wutian’s punch still slams Satan into dizziness…

“Now I will rest for 30 minutes, and then the official competition of the world’s No. 1 Budokai will take place. The official competition will officially start at 1:40 in the afternoon. Let’s wait and see.” The commentator stood in the middle of the ring, impassioned. Said.

Soon it was the afternoon, the Dragon Ball fighters after a big lunch. They are all going to the staging area of ​​the competition, looking forward to the next battle.

At this moment, two people blocked their way.

They were two guys in blue weird uniforms, one tall and the other short, with a smile on their faces that didn’t seem malicious.

Mukuro’s pupils shrank slightly. Of course he recognizes the two of them… The Seventh Universe’s Realm King Xin and his attendant Jebit, especially Xin, are standing in the air using the dance technique.

“Hello, I think you two are Monkey King and Mukuro.” Xin said.

“You know me?!” Wukong asked strangely. For Xin, he did not have any impression. You must know that the costumes of the world king gods are very special and easy to be remembered…

“I’ve heard something about you… so I really want to discuss it with you.” Looking at Wukong, Xin said with a smile on his face. God’s cultivation is good. “I also passed the qualifiers, I hope I can play against you.”

“Ha! Please take care.” Wukong stretched out his hand familiarly.

Xin smiled, but didn’t refuse. Shaking hands with Wukong, he sighed at the same time: “It’s really not a mere name, with unfathomable power.”

Just when he shook hands, Xin used the ability possessed by his world king god. Perceiving Wukong’s strength for a while, it was indeed the same as the Northern Realm King said, very terrifying.

“Then say goodbye first.” Xin nodded politely, then turned and left.

“He…Where is he sacred?!… Goku.” Although he is not clear about Xin’s details, it does not prevent Piccolo from being able to feel Xin’s horror.

“I don’t know… but at least it is certain. Winning a game with him is definitely not easy.” Wukong’s full face of fighting spirit, obviously thinking of fighting, Wukong became excited again.

“Hehe…his identity is really scary.” Mukuro said with a sudden smile.

“Huh?!” Wukong was taken aback. Looking at Mukuro, he asked curiously: “Mukuro… the weird guy just now, do you know his origin?!”

“Don’t worry about 2.7, you will know soon.” Mukuro said with a smile.

After selling it, I didn’t explain the origin of Xin to everyone. Although everyone is very curious, they all know about Mukuro’s evil interests. If they don’t tell you, they will definitely not tell you. As for forcing Mukuro to say? ! Who can force him…

“Everyone! All the players are here. Now, draw lots to determine the order of the battle! Please call the players with their names to draw lots…” Ten Thousand Years, the unchanging commentator of the World’s No. 1 Budo Contest, Shouted excitedly on the ring. You ask him why he is excited? He will definitely answer: Because this world’s No. 1 martial arts conference is attended by Monkey King, it will be very intense and extremely exciting! !

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