Chapter 919 Vidili

“Master Fuwa, are you in contact with the Realm King God of the Seventh Universe?!” Bados looked at Fuwa, who was standing by, and asked.

“Already contacted, Xin said that recently, there has been no contact with the human world of the seventh universe, and there is still a crisis… he also does not know what kind of crisis the seventh universe will face, and asked me if he Know what’s going on.” Fuwa said.

“Master Bados, is there something going on in Universe Seven?” Fuwa asked Bados with a puzzled look on his face.

“It’s nothing, just found something interesting.” Bados smiled, without a trace of anger in his eyes. As an angel, she was deceived by humans for the first time. However, this made Bados more interested in Mukuro.


Mukuro, Goku, father and son, and their companions saved the earth from Sharu. People finally returned to a peaceful and happy life.

However, once you get used to peaceful days. Stupid humans began to increase again…Humans are such creatures…

Seven years have passed since the battle with Sharu.

This quiet city is called Satan City.

Although it is wrong, and according to Satan’s statement, he was only Sharu who helped the blonde lightning warrior defeat Sharu, but the blonde lightning warrior has never appeared since that battle, so everyone believes that Mr. Satan saved the earth. . So he changed the name of the city he lived in to Satan City, and Satan became a hero in the world…

On the winding road, the robbers are evading the police.

“Hehe… Kill these stupid policemen.”

The robber hehe, then used the universal capsule to conjure a bazooka and launch it! ! All the police cars chasing directly behind him were overturned.

I have to complain, the police in the Dragon Ball world are definitely a group of weak.

But at this moment, suddenly a flying machine stopped on the highway, blocking the path of the robber, and a girl with a ponytail jumped out of it.

Standing in the middle of the highway, holding a few pairs of handcuffs in his left hand to stop the robbers.

“Don’t get in the way!! Get out of the way, little girl!!” The robber with very strong muscles got out of the car and cursed directly.

“Put down the weapon, and then use this to copy yourself! Otherwise, huh! Wait a minute, but you will feel better.” The girl said without changing her expression.

“Ho…Did you hear that?!” The robber embraced his arms and said with a disdainful face, looking at the companion on the side with a smile.

“Old… Boss!! This girl is Satan’s daughter!! She claims to be a soldier of justice. I saw her on TV.” Another robber recognized the girl’s identity.

The identity of the girl is the daughter of Satan-Vidili.

Because of Satan, Bidili liked to practice martial arts since he was a child, and won the championship in the 24th World No. 1 Budo Club Junior Group Competition. After Mr. Satan became the “hero of saving the earth,” Vidili also gained fame. She likes to uphold justice, help the police deal with bad guys, and save those in distress. She has long surpassed Satan in strength.

But Vidili didn’t know that his strength surpassed his father.

“Really? Satan’s daughter…seems very interesting.” The robbers said.

“Boss, she seems to be very powerful.” Robber Ma Zai said.

“Nonsense!! Will anyone be better than me?! Satan is not my opponent either! Hey, Satan’s daughter, she’s very beautiful.” The robbers said.

“Huh! Stupid things!!” Vidili snorted coldly. There was no fear on his face, and he threw the handcuffs aside.

Suddenly, he jumped high and kicked the robber boss in the jaw.

Kick the robber boss directly to the ground.

“Mmm…it’s really not easy.” The robber boss got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Then attacked again, but Vidili dodged all of them.

Then, Vidili, who was once again seized of the opportunity, threw a punch to the ground.

“Boss!! It doesn’t matter.”

“No…it’s okay…huh! Little girl, Laozi has no time to play with you.” Suddenly, a universal capsule was thrown out of his hand and turned into a handful of Gatling.

The boss of the robber took it in his hand, and aimed his gun at Vidili…

Bidili’s face instantly became embarrassed. Although her martial arts exercises are very powerful, the average strong man would not be her opponent, but she did not perceive the existence of Qi, so she could not dodge guns and weapons at all. threat……

“Hey, aren’t you good at fighting?! Why aren’t you moving now?!” The robber old god-tier looked at Vidili grimly.

“I can’t waste time with you anymore. I’ll suffer when the police chase you. So you just die for me!!” the robber boss roared.

Gatling’s trigger was also pulled in his hand, obviously without the intention of pitying Xiangxiyu.

The flames poured out, and it only took a moment for Vidili to die. At this moment, she was already full of despair… Regret that she shouldn’t be so reckless.

However, after several seconds, Vidili still felt no pain at all.

I opened my eyes with some doubts…

I saw a figure standing in front of me. Vidili was dumbfounded, and then just about to speak… Suddenly the boss stared, his eyes full of disbelief.

She saw the countless bullets pouring out of Gatling…All were still in front of this figure, completely out of gravity, looking so strange.

“You…Who are you!?” The robber boss stuttered a little.

Mukuro smiled, did not speak, raised his hand and grabbed it directly. Gatling in the hands of the robber boss turned into a ball of scrap iron and fell to the ground.

“Vidili, go get their hands and feet handcuffed, and leave them here, I believe the police who will be late will take care of these things.” Mukuro looked at Vidili who was still in a daze and smiled. Opened his mouth and said.

And Vidili, this reacted.

He nodded hurriedly and picked up the handcuffs he had just left aside. He ran in front of several robbers and handcuffed them skillfully.

“Thank you for saving me.”

After doing this, Vidili walked to Mukuro and said a little embarrassed.

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