Chapter 918 Super Saiyan God

Hum! ! ! The huge dragon eyes of the super dragon suddenly lit up with a red light. With the red light on, Mukuro’s spirit suddenly lifted. There seemed to be a cold breath rushing into his body, and he quickly closed his eyes. Meditate, cooperate to welcome the coolness.

The violent and gentle forces of Six Paths collided in Mukuro’s body. Violent and gentle, it sounds unbelievable, but the description is without a trace of error.

The power was violent, but it did not cause any damage to Mukuro’s body.

The collision between the forces of Six Paths and the reaction produced is an extremely strange process that cannot be described in words…

Until the last moment, a new energy replaced the qi in Mukuro’s body.

That is a brand new and completely different… No, it should be a brand new energy state that is beyond the form of Qi! !

At the same amount, this energy possesses a destructive ability that exceeds Qi a thousand times and ten thousand times.

At this moment, Mukuro’s body was covered with flame-like aura, and his hair changed into a flame-like purple red. At the same time, the eyes became contoured, and the colors of the pupil and iris became black and red respectively.

In addition, the body has become a little thinner than usual.

“Um… so there is such a realm!” Mukuro couldn’t help sighing. If you only talk about the combat power value, Mukuro at this moment can only use trillions to calculate.

Buu! ? This kind of scum…

Mukuro said that he can do it with one hand.

Moreover, the current form is not the Ultimate of Mukuro’s power. Because above the Super Saiyan, there is another layer called Super Saiyan, the god of Super Saiyan.

However, the God of Super Saiyan can be called the Super Red God, and the God of Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan, can be called the Super Blue God.

Super Red God, in essence, has no relationship with Super Saiyan, but it can be simply understood as a state of God. And the Super Blue God, in this state, transformed into a Super Saiyan form…

Therefore, the super blue god is stronger than the super red god.

Of course, although the super blue god is stronger than the super red god, this form is very physically demanding, so the super blue god is not suitable for persistent battles. However, it is possible to better exert the power of the Super Blue God through cultivation.

For example, the two modes are constantly switched during the battle…

“Hey… a powerful force. If you talk about humans alone, you are the second strongest human I have ever seen.” Bados glanced at Mukuro in surprise.

Although Mukuro’s power has reached an incredible level. However, compared to Bados, the difference is not just one level.

You must know that angels are stronger than destroying gods. The original book gives a good explanation, if the power of destroying gods is defined as ten. Then the angel’s power is above fifteen, while Wukong who has just turned into a super red god is six, and Wukong who has turned into a super blue god is eight. Therefore, unless Mukuro can be in the form of Super Blue God II…

Otherwise, it’s better not to provoke monsters like Bados.

The reason why Bados calls Mukuro the second strongest existence he has ever seen is mainly because there is a terrifying strong man in the sixth universe…

The strongest killer of the sixth universe-Hit! !

Can compete with Wukong in the super blue god state, and has the ability to control and shuttle time, even forcing Wukong to be in the super blue god state, open ten times the world king fist to carry out the existence of the enemy …

Even the current Mukuro is not necessarily Hitt’s opponent.

“You praised it, Lord Bados.” Mukuro said humbly, not daring to make any mistakes.

“Human, your wish has been fulfilled!”

The super dragon’s voice sounded again, like a programmed execution machine. After saying this routine sentence, it suddenly turned into gleams of crystal light, and disappeared from Mukuro’s eyes like a dream bubble, wow! ! The gorgeous golden space collapsed, and all the galaxies returned to their original positions…

It seemed that he hadn’t been swallowed by the dragon from beginning to end.

Seven giant super Dragon Balls are suspended in the secluded universe…then, quickly dispersed, lasing in different directions, three of them crossed the cosmic barrier and flew to the seventh universe, and four of them passed through the universe. The barrier flies into the sixth universe…

“Young man, since your wish has been fulfilled, then return to the seventh universe as soon as possible. I believe that now you have the ability to face the coming crisis.” Bados looked at Mukuro and said with a light smile.

“Yes, Lord Bados, I will leave as soon as possible.” Mukuro nodded.

“En.” Bados nodded.

Then Si took a leisurely look at the vast and boundless universe, and said: “The existence of this universe may have a crisis at any time, and in many cases when a crisis erupts, we cannot deal with it in time, so the dragon god Sarah Martha will give a wishing bead, the power to cause miracles. I hope you can use this power properly.”

Without waiting for Mukuro’s response, Bados glanced at him with a deep meaning, then turned into a glow and disappeared, returning to the Destroy God Realm.

Mukuro was slightly taken aback…

Looking at the place where Bados disappeared, carefully pondering the meaning of her words.

What do you mean… Could it be that I saw through my lie?

After thinking about it for a long time, Mukuro didn’t think of a reason, so he simply didn’t think about it. Pull out the shuttle cube and transform it into a streamer to lasing towards the seventh universe.

And just after Mukuro disappeared, Bados appeared again.

There was a fat man standing beside him, but it was not the destruction god of the sixth universe, but the world king god of the sixth universe-Fuwa.

“Master Bados, what do you want!?” Foix said respectfully.

Although the rank of the Realm King God is the same as that of the Destroyer God, which means that Fowa’s rank is higher than that of Bados, but in front of Bados, he dare not go beyond the rules.

Without him, Bados has a big fist, and Foix is ​​just a weak force.

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