Chapter 920 Vegeta Suddenly

“It’s nothing. As a martial artist, when you see the wrongdoing, of course you have to choose to uphold justice.” Mukuro said awe-inspiringly.

He didn’t mean to blush at all. If he wanted to maintain justice, he estimated that there would be no evil in the world.

And Mukuro didn’t do it casually.

He has been paying attention to Vidiri a long time ago, just waiting for the moment when this hero is beautiful, and in order to prevent Gohan and Vidiri from meeting, Mukuro specially arranged for Gohan to go to the best school in the east. For this reason, Kiki returned Thank you very much…

Sure enough, after hearing Mukuro’s words, Vidili stared at Mukuro.

Girly feelings are always spring…Bidelli is naturally no exception. Although she does not look fragile at all, Bidelli also longs for a boyfriend.

But her requirements are relatively high… The most important point is to be stronger than herself, but so far, apart from her father, Vidia has not encountered anyone stronger than herself. Of course, Vidia believes that she is stronger than herself. No match for Satan is entirely subjective. Now she can definitely blow up Satan.

And the man in front of him… not only is handsome, but also so powerful.

Thinking of this, Vidili couldn’t help but blush…

Mukuro naturally noticed this too, so you should not stalk and stalk girls. Women are a kind of magical animal, and the best way is to try to catch them. Of course, this is based on the premise that the girl has a certain affection for you.

If you don’t have a good impression, then choose to stalker.

However, Mukuro could see that Vidili had some good feelings for herself, and said: “Mr. Satan’s daughter, Vidiri, the justice warrior, I am happy to meet you. My name is Mitarashi Mukuro. I have other things to do. Busy, see you next time.”

As he said, Mukuro turned around to leave…

But my heart couldn’t help saying: Hurry…hurry up and stop me.

“Can you wait… Mukuro.”

Sure enough, Vidili called out Mukuro.

“Is there anything else? Vidili.” Mukuro turned his head and looked at Vidili suspiciously. But he was also relieved in his heart, if Vidili didn’t call him… then it would be embarrassing. Mukuro really didn’t know how to talk back to Vidili.

“You… are you really a martial artist?! Just raising your hand to smash Gatlin, is it also a martial artist’s method!?” Vidili asked with a blushing face while looking at Mukuro.

“Yeah, yes.” Mukuro nodded and said.

Hearing Mukuro’s answer, Vidili’s eyes suddenly lit up. Immediately became a bit twitchy. Compared with the cold and decisiveness in the fight just now, this would be more like a girl.

After a while, Bidili said with some embarrassment: “That…that…can you teach me such a method, I want to become stronger.”

“Of course, there is no problem at all.” Mukuro smiled and said, “Then we will make an appointment at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon in the forest on the east side of the Western Capital. I will teach you how to use Qi…Oh, that’s what I just used. s method.”

“En, en…Okay, I will never be late.” Vidili said hurriedly.

“See you first, then.” Mukuro said with a smile.

As he said, he used the dance air technique to take off.

“Fly…You can actually fly!?” The boss with eyes widened again, Vidili said with some stammering, “This…is this also a means of “qi”?!”

“Of course, I will teach you from tomorrow.” Mukuro smiled.

“We have to wait until tomorrow… then all right.” Vidili said with some regret. Seeing such miraculous methods, she really couldn’t wait for a minute.

Outside the solar system, a spaceship is approaching.

Inside the spacecraft is a huge training ground.

In the field, a warrior with flame-like blonde hair was exercising with sweat and rain, and there were lightning bolts around his body! !

It is in the form of Super Saiyan II! !

If Goku is there, he must be able to recognize who this guy is, the prince of the Saiyan clan, a genius warrior… Vegeta!

After a while, Vegeta stopped exercising.

Looking at the earth already in sight, Vegeta clenched his fists and murmured: “Monkey Goku, and the Saiyan named Mukuro…this time I come to the earth to defeat you!! I am so comfortable on the earth! On the planet, you will certainly not know…

Above the Super Saiyan, there is another realm! ! The form I named Super Saiyan II! ! In the universe, I don’t know how many battles have passed before I reach my current strength…Wait, I want to make you feel desperate! ! Let you know, as the prince of Saiyan, I am the strongest Saiyan! ! ”

On the earth, Xidu…Mukuro, who was lying on the sofa and doing nothing at all, was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. Muttered to herself: “This guy Vegeta… I didn’t expect that he has also reached the form of Super Saiyan II. The inertia of history is really big enough.”

“Mukuro, there is still a month to go before the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference. This time, didn’t you say that you want to participate?” Buma asked on the side.

“Go… of course I want to go.” Mukuro smiled: “I have made an agreement with Goku seven years ago. If I don’t go, I guess Goku will definitely bother me with Tenten in the future. Moreover, this time it will be No. 1 in the world. The martial arts conference, but it will be very interesting.”

“Right, Mukuro.”

Bouma suddenly looked worried.

After a pause, he said: “Seven years ago, you said that in seven years… the earth will suffer an unprecedented crisis, is it about to arrive now?”

“En.” Mukuro nodded and said, “It’s coming soon. The beginning of everything…this is the world’s number one martial arts conference.”

“Ah!?” Bouma’s face was full of astonishment, but she didn’t expect it to be so sudden.

“However, don’t worry.” Looking at Bouma, Mukuro said with a smile: “This time the danger, for me now, can be easily solved.”

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