Chapter 915 Bados suddenly appeared

“En!? What a magical power… it makes a planet disappear out of thin air. Um… I never imagined that the human beings in the seventh universe actually mastered the power of time and space. However, that huge orange-red planet… seems to be the dragon god Salama. The wishing beads made by adults, I heard that any wish can be achieved. The purpose of that human being from the seventh universe is to collect wishing beads?” In Bados’s peeping, Mukuro is moving a super dragon ball to the heavenly palace. Space.

Badosi’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, but it was only surprise. For countless years, she has gone through the vicissitudes of life, and she has never seen what kind of character she has, and the abilities shown by Mukuro only made her a little bit interested.

For Mukuro, who has shuttle cubes, collecting Super Dragon Ball is very simple. Hmm… It only took two days to collect the Super Dragon Ball from Universe VI. In this regard, Mukuro is naturally very satisfied: “Well, now I can prepare to return…”

Just at this time–

“Papa Papa–” applause rang out.

Mukuro was taken aback, and his mind suddenly rose to an unprecedented level. who! ? Can actually come to my side silently…

Lifting her head, she saw a young girl with fluttering silver hair in a green gown standing in front of her. There was a blue halo floating around the girl’s neck, her silver-gray hair tied into a bunch of high protruding ponytails, and she stood flat in the air, applauding at Mukuro.

“You are… Bados!?” Mukuro exclaimed subconsciously.

To say who is the strongest existence in the sixth universe, it is undoubtedly Bados, the servant angel of the God of Destruction. To be reasonable, in fact, people who have reached the level of the god of destruction Billus, the god of destruction Pa, or their servants, Vis, and Bados, usually don’t pay too much attention to the universe. They are like high-level observers who transcend the universe. Even if they see the destruction of the galaxy and the expansion of the dark forces, to them, they are just watching the cutscenes shown in a game, and it is not worth mentioning. .

For characters like them, as long as they are not lucky enough to hit them in person, they can basically be ignored.

The most obvious gap between gods and humans is that people are trapped in worldly value judgments, and they will produce right and wrong judgments, good and bad judgments. God treats all beings as equal, and there is no distinction between high and low life, because compared with them, human beings are inferior to God.

Just as someone said: “Children are right and wrong, and adults only look at the pros and cons.” The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. This is a god, and it will not be good to anyone, nor be bad to anyone. Everything is fair. This is the state of the god…

For the god of destruction, everyone has an equal right to die! Well, for him… whoever offends him will die and will not be treated specially. The reason why Mukuro didn’t stop after entering the sixth universe was to collect the Super Dragon Ball.

Just to avoid being discovered by her, I didn’t expect that in the end… I was discovered. What is this? Fortunately, Mukuro didn’t feel malicious in Bados.

“Oh… the little guy from the seventh universe, you seem to know me!? Can you tell me why? Haha, don’t be so wary. Since you found it by your own ability, then I am too embarrassed to come back .”

Bados held the magic staff and slowly floated in front of Mukuro.

Hearing Bados’s words, Mukuro’s tight heart eased a lot. What he was most afraid of was that Bados shot him because he came from the seventh universe, and he entered the sixth universe without authorization and was discovered by the supreme god of the sixth universe. This is embarrassing.

But from the current point of view, Bados does not seem to care about his identity.

“Thank you Lord Bados.” Mukuro said hurriedly.

His brain turned rapidly, and within a few moments, Mukuro had weaved a lie. To be nonsense, Mukuro will never blush, otherwise, in the five worlds, how did Mukuro deceive so many wives? It all depends on a talkative mouth…

“Master Bados, the situation is like this… In our seventh universe, we are about to face a heinous catastrophe… The Demon Buu, who represents the Ultimate evil, is about to be reborn. He was facing Buu in those days. During the Ou’s catastrophe, nearly half of the lives of the Seventh Universe died. Even the supreme God of the Realm had died… Master Realm of God couldn’t bear to see this happening again. He ordered me to collect the Super Dragon Ball, Then make a wish to become a strong man beyond Buu, so I will come to the sixth universe.” Mukuro said sincerely with a full face.

“You mean… the realm king of your universe asked you to come!? So…what is the name of the realm king of your universe?” Bados asked.

It’s just Mukuro’s casual remarks, but Bardos will not completely believe it. The realm king god is aloof, and the god’s name is generally not told to others at will. If the little guy in front of you can tell, then you can believe it…

Otherwise, you can only go to the Seventh Universe to verify it.

“Xin, the name of our universe king god is Xin. And the lord of the universe king god also told me that the king god of the sixth universe is named Fuwa. And your name, and the name of the sixth universe destroying god is called Xiang Pa. Originally, Lord God of the Realm wanted to find Lord Billus to solve Buu’s problem, but Lord Billus was sleeping… Lord Weiss said that Lord Billus’s getting up was very serious, such as 0.4. If you wake up Lord Billus. Maybe… Maybe it’s more terrifying than Buu. If there is no other way, I can only ask me to collect the Super Dragon Ball.” Mukuro said without thinking. Not to mention the Realm King God, even the whole king himself knew it.

“En.” Bados nodded, and said: “It seems that the little guy Xin trusts you very much. He has told you so many secret things between the gods. Haha… But, Weis is right. Bilu Master Sri is very angry about getting up…hehe.”

Seeing Bados like this, Mukuro knew that he had passed the blunder.


“The Pirate’s Strongest God Level System”! ! Seek support! !

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