Chapter 914 Mentally disabled children-Elephant Pa

This fat purple figure is Pa, the god of destruction in the sixth universe, and the twin brother of Birus, the god of destruction in the seventh universe.

Like the god of destruction, Birus, Xiangpa’s personality is also moody, and it should be said that he is indeed a twin brother, the same unruly, lonely, and incomprehensible. It’s just that compared to Birus, Xiangpa’s temperament is simpler…It can also be said to be stupid.

As long as he is not irritated, he is basically a mentally retarded child, which is very easy to deceive.

As a god of destruction, in addition to fulfilling his own duties, like Birus, Xiangpa’s biggest hobby is to taste delicious food, but compared to Birus’ picky eaters, the grade of Xiangpa is significantly lower. Ronghe bird’s egg can satisfy him.

“Hey, Master Xiangpa, I really can’t do anything with you!”

Bados shook his head, stood up, ready to meet the requirements of Xiangpa, after all, she still had to listen to Lord Destruction.

So he lifted his slender finger, and tapped it twice. The huge Ballong bird egg in Xiangpa’s hand floated directly and fell into Bados’s hand.

The Balong bird is a primitive bird on a certain planet in the Lower Realm. It has good energy attack power when it grows up. Its eggs are very large, like an ostrich egg wrapped in a thick eggshell. In fact, the taste of Balonge bird eggs after being cooked can only be said to be average, and it cannot be compared with the food on the earth.

Maybe Bados knows, but she won’t tell the destruction god Par. Because she always thinks that elephant paws are already fat, and if you eat them, you will get fatter.

“It’s really rare to see such a big Ballonge egg!” Bados turned the weight of the bird’s egg and looked up at the elephant:

“Master Xiangpa likes to cook it, or to open it and fry it to eat?”

“Uh…is there a difference?”

The Destruction Idol Pa tilted his head, his head is not very bright, he does not have any cooking skills at all except eating, and he can’t distinguish the difference between the two.

Without thinking too deeply, Xiangpa bit his finger and urged: “It doesn’t matter what you do, it’s delicious.”

“Then cook and eat as before, Master Pa, wait a moment!”

Boiled eggs is the easiest way to save trouble. Bados smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then waved the scepter in his hand extremely gracefully. The crystal ball on the scepter suddenly flickered, as if opening the door to the dimension space. A complete set of kitchen utensils appeared in front of him. As angels, they are more powerful than the gods of destruction…

Bados lifted the cauldron, filled it with water, lit the firewood, and after the water boiled, without adding any seasoning, he threw the bird’s egg directly into it.

After a while, five minutes, Ballonge’s eggs were already cooked.

“Well, Master Pa, you can eat now.” Bados chuckled lightly.

Hearing what Bados said, Xiangpa hurriedly picked up the Balonghe bird eggs, peeled off the eggshells, and ate them in a hurry. While eating, they shouted: “Na…Bados, this is what I have eaten. It’s the most delicious food, Birus must have no chance to eat it. Hehe…Should we go over and anger him?”

Hearing this, Bados held his forehead and raised the corners of his eyes slightly.

“Master Xiangpa, this is not good, our Ballonghe bird is almost extinct. If Master Xiangpa takes the delicious Ballonghe eggs to the Seventh Universe, we will have even fewer here. “Bados said.

She is not keen on such silly things.

“So we should hide this delicacy and don’t let anyone know it!” Bados suggested temptingly, like abducting children with intellectual disabilities.

“What you said makes sense, Bados.”

Xiangpa’s eyes turned, and the golden eyes were thoughtful.

After thinking for a long time, I finally seemed to have figured out something. I struck each other with my palms, puffed my chest up and laughed: “Yes, Bados, what you said is correct, I shouldn’t reveal such a delicious thing. Yes, exclusive use is right.”

There are fewer and fewer Balonghe birds. This kind of delicacy can only be eaten by himself, and Xiangpa can’t help but feel happy.

Really a mentally retarded child…I feel sorry for it.


Seeing Master Xiangpa being fooled by himself, Bados covered his lips and smiled lightly, and then prepared to send the elephantpa back to sleep.

Although Bados serves as a waiter for the destruction god Xiangpa, he is more often like a nanny, and Xiangpa’s mind makes him better than Rus, the god of destruction. When the Destroyer God was first selected, both she and Wes wanted to choose Xiangpa. Because there is nothing easier than serving a silly, foolish god of destruction…

But in the end, it was Bados who chose Xiangpa. The main reason is because…Weiss can’t beat his sister Bados, there is no way…

Without spending too much tongue, Bados’ strategy soon succeeded. After seeing Xiangpa’s contented Pidianpidian running to sleep, Bados’ delicate face showed a faint smile, and the scepter in his hand was facing the ground. Sweeping, the garbage and kitchen utensils on the floor disappeared miraculously. As angels, not only are they terrifying in strength, they also have all kinds of strange magic.

Then he lifted the skirt and sat on the floor, continuing to watch the situation in the lower bound.

The scepter in his hand lit up, and the crystal ball at the top showed the scene of the lower realm again, and the one in the center was Mukuro…

“Huh!” Bados yelled softly.

“This is… Shuttle Cubes, interesting… Obviously a mortal, there are things like Shuttle Cubes. Um… Could it be that the God of the Seventh Universe gave him it? That… He came to the Sixth Universe to the end. What is it because of.”

Bados murmured, obviously becoming more and more curious about Mukuro. And Mukuro, who didn’t even know his every move, fell into the eyes of Bados…


Lao Na: Brothers… The recent update is indeed a bit tricky, but when my new book passes the new book period, this one will come back and update stably. Don’t worry… Brothers.

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