Chapter 916 Summon Super Dragon

“Young man, since you have already gone to the sixth universe to collect the wishing beads of Lord Salama, the dragon god, it means that you have already collected those wishing beads of the seventh universe.” Bados suddenly gave a lot of attention. Said with interest.

Mukuro suddenly felt a bad feeling, but he didn’t dare to hide Bados. I had to bite the bullet and said, “Well, the Super Dragon Ball of Universe Seven, I have already collected it. Only one short, but I already know the exact location.”

“Oh? Is that so? I’m going with you. I just want to see the power of the wishing beads made by Lord Salama!” Bados said with a smile.

“En…good.” Mukuro replied.

Although he didn’t want to, he didn’t dare to refuse Bados. Women-always a group of fickle animals, this is the law of the universe.

Even God can’t go against it.

Don’t look at Bados’s good-spoken meaning now. But if you make her angry, the entire universe will be ruined. If you face Bados…the current Mukuro, the only thing you can do is let the system send yourself back to the world of Hokage, Pirate, Shinigami, or Monster Tail. Otherwise, Bados would be able to kill himself at 16 o’clock with a wave of his hand…

However, Mukuro didn’t worry about whether Bados would make a move to snatch his super Dragon Ball. Because he knows that the angel family is completely neutral, and will not be greedy because of the super Dragon Ball. Just like the gods of destruction, Billus and Weiss, got the Super Dragon Ball in the original book, their vision is so high that they won’t take the Super Dragon Ball in their eyes.

Such a pure-hearted state of mind is also teaching people to worship!

“Then let’s go, where is the seventh wishing bead? I’ll take you there, it should be faster than the shuttle cube.” Bados said.

Hearing what Bados said, Mukuro didn’t twitch.

I took out the Super Dragon Ball Radar directly. On the Super Dragon Ball Radar, there was only one flashing light spot, located in the center of the sixth and seventh universes.

“At this position.” Mukuro pointed to the blinking light spot on the radar to Bados.

“Oh… it’s in this position, okay.” Bados nodded, then pointed to the super Dragon Ball radar, and asked curiously: “What is this?! I was able to find Lord Salama, the dragon god Super Dragon Ball created.”

“This is the radar that my wife made to detect Super Dragon Ball.” Mukuro said.

“That’s amazing!! I didn’t expect that there are such amazing scientists in the Seventh Universe. Okay, put your hands on my back and we are going to set off.” Bados said.

“En.” Mukuro nodded and put his hand on Bados’s back. In an instant, colorful streamers appeared, piercing the sixth universe…

“Um… is it here? But… I didn’t find the wishing ball.” Bados looked around and looked around, surrounded by an endless starry sky.

“It’s here.” Mukuro cast his gaze on the scarlet planet in front of him.

“Oh?! Is it this?”

Bados’s eyes showed Mingwu’s look.

Mukuro did not speak, floating in the universe, and when he flipped it over, a group of faint blue qigong waves were gathered, with five fingers bent, the qigong waves bounced a few times in the hand, and suddenly flung out, a light blue energy rushed forward. Throwing away at the scarlet planet.

“Crack…crack! Click!”

Sound cannot be transmitted in the universe, so the sound of energy bombs sweeping the surface of the planet cannot be heard, but the naked eye can suddenly collapse the surface of the rock-wrapped star, and the dust solid attached to the surface begins to scatter violently, making the entire rocky planet look like It trembled, and soon, a gully cracked on the surface of the planet. Gradually, the gully grew more and more until it covered the entire planet…Finally, the planet could not withstand the huge energy bombardment! !

“Rumble rumbling!!!”

The star exploded, revealing the orange-red glaze inside, and four bronzing bright red stars were also exposed, which was very bright and bright no matter from which angle it was viewed.

“Sure enough, it’s a four-planet, just like in the original book. Now…seven Super Dragon Balls are all collected.” Mukuro muttered to himself.

With a move of Mukuro’s mind, the six Super Dragon Balls in the Heavenly Royal were removed.

Then, under the guidance of Mukuro, the seven Super Dragon Balls finally came together. At this time, in the vast space of the universe, seven giant Super Dragon Balls are neatly arranged together, which looks magnificent! !

“Buzzing buzzing buzzing~~~”

The seven Super Dragon Balls gathered together and immediately seemed to be under some kind of traction. The frequency of light flashing became more and more frequent, and each time it flashed, it made a soft groan similar to a dragon.

“By the way, I heard that the wishing of the wishing ball needs to use the language of God. I am not a god… Do you need me to call Master Xiangpa over.” Bados said.

“No…no, Lord Realm King God taught me.” Mukuro said hurriedly. What a joke! ? Let the foodie like Xiangpa come over…There will be a chance to make a wish for yourself! ?

“Oh? So, let’s start quickly.” Bados stepped aside, leaning on the magic scepter and looking from a distance, a hint of curiosity in her delicate face.

“En.” Mukuro nodded.

Then he took a deep breath and shouted loudly in the word of God:

“Come out… the Dragon of God!!” As Mukuro’s voice just fell, the seven super Dragon Balls calmed down, and the golden flashes no longer appeared. This was the last tranquility before the Shenlong debut, just like a storm. Long brewing! !

After a long period of silence… there were several thunderous sounds in the universe! !

It seems to be from the ancient thunderbolt that created the world! !

The vast and sacred breath instantly permeated countless galaxies. The super Dragon Ball, which is as big as a planet, shines with golden light, and it is getting bigger and brighter, and soon burst into infinite light like a star! ! !

Tints of golden lightning drew each other between the Super Dragon Balls. Turning around, it gradually diffused into the universe… Suddenly, the whole world seemed to have changed color, vast and sacred, with an extremely magnificent sight! ! Shocked Mukuro’s heart! !

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