Chapter 905 Mukuro’s play

At this moment, Trunks, who had eaten fairy beans, stood up. Sharu frowned and said with disdain, “Isn’t it fairy beans? What an annoying thing. But, huh, Trunks, your death date is here!!”

Speaking of Sharu, both fingers pointed at Trunks.

Then, a shock wave of terror was blasted out.

Trunks, who had just recovered, had no time to react. And Sharu’s shock wave is definitely not something Trunks can bear.

“Yeah! Damn it!!!”

Gohan cursed in a low voice.

Gohan had already regarded Trunks as a partner. Without any hesitation, Gohan suddenly jumped over, trying to pounce Trunks aside.

But after all, Sharu was too close to Trunks, and the speed of this shock wave was extremely fast. Even though Gohan’s speed was very fast, he couldn’t get out of his body. He threw Trunks aside, but Sharu’s shock wave hit him in the left arm.

Gohan’s arm bones were shattered, and his entire arm was drooped.


490 Piccolo shouted when Gohan was injured.

“Ahhhhh… it’s a rare surprise.” Sharu was obviously satisfied with the situation he had caused, and slowly landed from the air.

“It seems… the Sharu game is over.” Sharu said coldly, “I’m tired of this game. And, I will never let you guys go, just let you guys. Be wiped out with the earth.”

As he said, Shalu closed her lower abdomen slightly, put her hands and wrists together, and placed it on the left side of her waist, obviously in order to release the rhythm of Guipai Qigong.

“Why… how could this happen!? I actually… I was so tired that Gohan went again. How could it be like this!!” Trunks looked very upset. In the future world, the one who has the deepest feelings for him is Gohan. He became a fighter under the guidance of Gohan. Gohan also lost an arm and life to save him.

Unexpectedly, in this era… it would actually be the result.

“Is there any fairy beans!?” Piccolo asked, looking at Klin.

“It’s all used up.” Klin looked a little embarrassed. Originally, thinking about the existence of Mukuro, this battle was just a cutscene, so I didn’t prepare a few fairy beans at all. Who ever thought that fairy beans would not be enough? I would have prepared more if I knew it.

“I will never forgive you!! Destroy with the earth!!” Sharu thought of the shame Gohan had put on him, and couldn’t help but grow more angry and shouted. The whole body’s qi increased by three points again, and the lightning flashed crazily.

Damn it…Saru’s power is too strong…I can’t imagine…Even if I am in a state of victory…not necessarily his opponent…what to do…what to do…Gohan Desperate in his heart.

At this moment, Shalu had already gathered a powerful enough tortoise school qigong, as long as it was released, it would be able to destroy the entire earth overnight. And the earth, because of this powerful force, has undergone terrible changes. In some areas, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons have begun to appear… just like the planet Namik that is about to explode that day.

“Wh…what’s going on!?” “Ah…is there an earthquake!?”…

People in the world are also panicked.

“Ah… Sharu’s body is emitting a strange light, and the whole earth is shaking! What exactly does he want to do!?” The reporter’s voice was a little scared.

“It’s no big deal, just special effects!” Satan said nonsense.

“Gohan… you did very well. Next… leave it to Master me.” When everyone was in despair, a flat voice suddenly sounded. Everyone looked for the sound, and then they were stunned, because it was Mukuro who made the sound.

“Master…” The expression on Gohan’s face was a bit sluggish.

Throwing a fairy bean to Gohan, Mukuro smiled and said, “What!? Do you really think that Master will ignore the earth? It’s hard to find such a habitable planet, how can I watch him be destroyed? What? If it wasn’t for your lack of xinxing, you need to sharpen it. I would have shot Sharuzai a long time ago. How, do you know now? What a painful thing when you don’t have the power to protect what you cherish. Got it. So remember, you must practice hard in the future and stop thinking about being lazy.”

“Know… I know, Master.” Gohan said embarrassedly.

“Ahahahaha — you two stupid guys are still discussing such unrealistic issues. Mukuro!? A Saiyan who is stronger than Monkey King and Monkey King!? Humph. No matter what you have. What kind of power is going to die today!! The power I have gathered is enough to destroy the entire solar system.” Sharu roared.

Sharu isn’t boasting. At this moment, the super-strong turtle style qigong accumulated between his palms, if released, would indeed be so terrifying.

“Really? Then you can try it.” Mukuro said contemptuously.

Then he moved instantly and appeared in front of Gohan, with his arms around him, his expression indifferent, and he stood a few hundred meters away from Sharu, facing each other.

“Then you can die for me!” Sharu shouted.

Between the palms, the tortoise school qigong that had accumulated to the limit burst out. In an instant, the entire sky seemed to darken, leaving only the blue turtle-style qigong that Sharu blasted out! ! Carrying the power to destroy the world, he blasted towards Mukuro.

But Mukuro didn’t move at all.

“Mukuro, what is he doing!? Don’t you fight back!?” Klin was dumbfounded.

“Master…” Gohan also looked a little nervous.

Seeing that Mukuro hadn’t moved yet, Sharu also felt relieved. Humph, no matter how strong you are. It’s too late for this meeting. In the next second… in the next second, your own tortoise-style qigong will swallow you. Then, destroy the entire earth.

But in the next second, Sharu looked dull and stunned.


Author: Rolling all over the floor, the new book asks for support, “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System” begs for the support of the brothers, come to Poland to subscribe to the beauty.

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