Chapter 906 Sharu Doom

I saw that the Super Tortoise Style Qigong that I blasted out, actually… actually was directly held in the palm of one hand by Mukuro, forming a substantial blue sphere. Mukuro was still picking it up, and said, “This is the shock wave that you said can destroy the entire solar system? Well… it seems to be the same thing as the baseball I usually play.”

At this time, Mukuro has also started Super Saiyan II.

Unlike Gohan, who needs to accumulate anger for half a day, it only takes an instant for Mukuro to transform into Super Saiyan II. Besides, if it wasn’t for Super Saiyan II, how could Mukuro be able to do so easily? Saru can handle it.

“It’s amazing, in the same state, Master’s anger is more than a hundred times stronger than mine!!” Gohan looked at Mukuro, who was very relaxed in the battle, with a shocked expression.

“Turtle pie…Turtle pie qigong was actually held in Mukuro’s hand to play. I’m not dreaming. Yamucha.” Klin asked sluggishly, looking at Yamucha on the side.

The expression on Ya Mucha’s face was also sluggish, without speaking, she slammed Klin’s bright bald head with a light bulb…

Suddenly, Klin’s bald head formed a big red and swollen bag.

“It’s still swollen… It doesn’t seem to be a dream 490.” Yamucha murmured.

“Ah…it hurts, ah…it hurts.”

Klin hugged his head and squatted on the ground, tears of pain almost streaming out. It also reacted from the shock brought by Mukuro. Looking at Yamucha and complaining: “Yamucha, what are you doing? Do you know it hurts…” As he said, Klin touched the big bag on his head with his finger, and couldn’t help taking a breath. It seems really painful.

“Ah…that, didn’t I also think it was a dream? Ahaha…haha.” Yamucha scratched his head and said with a embarrassed smile.

“Really…remember to beat yourself next time.” Klin muttered.

“That’s amazing!! Mukuro… His strength is no longer on the same level as Gohan. He can actually achieve such an unimaginable level.” Piccolo murmured.

“This is…this is the strength that Super Saiyan II can achieve!? It’s…it’s terrifying.” Trunks murmured. At the same time, there was a look of hope in his eyes. To survive in the near-apocalyptic world in the future, Trunks knows more than anyone that power is precious, and naturally he will have a desire…not enough, even if Trunks desires again, Even if the combat effectiveness becomes as strong as Mukuro, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this point. Because the power used by Mukuro is not the power of Super Saiyan II at all, but the power of the pupil of reincarnation, using the ability to control the repulsive force can achieve this.

Moreover, even if Mukuro wants to do this, he needs to do his best. And Mukuro’s purpose has been achieved, it will deter Sharu.

“Audience friends… Another person boarded the Sharu game. He…he also turned into a blond lightning bolt. And, so powerful… He actually held the light from Sharu into a small piece of light. The ball.” The reporter broadcasted it conscientiously.

“That…that’s just a stunt.” Satan himself didn’t believe it.

“Then Mr. Satan, do you know this kind of stunt?” the reporter asked.

“Ahaha…this kind of simple stunt, of course I can. Ahahaha…” Satan said with his arms folded, but his tone was a little faint.

Mukuro naturally heard Satan’s bragging. When Goku was fighting, Mukuro only thought it was a complete joke. But when he was fighting, someone was pushing… Mukuro only felt that Fuck is really disgusting… If it wasn’t for you to have a beautiful daughter… I would never see the sun the next day, I swear.

Although he is not ready to do it, Mukuro does not intend to let Satan continue to blow.

“Really? Mr. Satan… Then, I will stop. Then Sharu will hand it over to our world martial arts champion, Mr. Satan. How about it? Mr. Satan.” Mukuro looked at Satan who kept boasting with his arms on his hips, suddenly high. Whispered.

“That… that… I suddenly have a stomachache. I can’t fight… The mission of defeating Sharu to save the world can only be handed over to you. I… I’m so unwilling.” Satan panicked, and then suddenly lay on the ground. , Said unwillingly.

“Oh… your stomach hurts? Then don’t talk.” Mukuro said lightly.

At the same time, a murderous aura is coming to Satan.

“Hum hum …… En Enen.” How ordinary people could withstand Mukuro trace of murderous, then Satan cheeky horror, as if to see what great fear. He kept backing away, and at the same time he didn’t dare to speak, and he kept nodding his head in response.

Seeing that Satan became clean here, Mukuro turned his attention to Sharu again.

Sharu was also full of horror. Pointing to Mukuro, he stuttered and said, “You…how did you do it. How could it…how could it be possible to take my Super Turtle Qigong? This is absolutely impossible. !!!” Sharu looked more and more mad.

“You don’t believe what you saw with your own eyes?” Mukuro looked at Sharu with a look of a poor creature and said, “Saru, you are really poor. You don’t even have the courage to face your failure. , I didn’t have the slightest interest in defeating. I originally thought that you could play with me in the lightning state, but I didn’t expect it would be such a waste.”

After a pause, Mukuro continued: “Since you don’t believe it…then, let you feel your own tortoise style qigong.” With that, Mukuro threw the small blue ball in his hand to Sharu. Sharu was surprised.

I wanted to dodge, but found that my body was unable to move.

Obviously, Mukuro restrained his body with repulsive force.

Sharu could only watch his super turtle school qigong blast on his body, and there was endless fear in his eyes…

“Asshole…how could I…no…it’s impossible!!”


Author: Rolling all over the floor, the new book asks for support, “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System” begs for the support of the brothers, come to Poland to subscribe to the beauty.

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