Chapter 904 Lightning Sharu

A golden circle on the head of the Northern Realm King was flying on the snake path: “…” At this moment, his heart is broken and sad.

“I’m so sorry, Babru, I’m tired of you too.”

Wukong looked at the monkey beside him, and said with some embarrassment.

Bablu looked dull and waved to Wukong, not knowing what he meant. It is estimated that he is telling the helplessness of his monkey life. As a monkey, Babru is even more innocent. Except that I usually like to eat a banana, who is offended by myself! ?

“It’s incredible how you guys do things! I’m the realm king, the greatest man in the universe, greater than your earth gods. You actually wanted to defend the earth. I was so tired that I died.” The northern realm king looked at him. Wukong complained.

“I’ve told you I’m sorry so many times… Don’t nag, King Realm. I really couldn’t think of another way at the time,” Wukong said.

“What!? You dare to say that I am nagging!!” The Northern Realm King said angrily.

“Ahahaha…haha.” Goku was embarrassed.

“Huh!? But it’s strange, why didn’t he see Sharu’s soul!? Did he go straight to hell!?” Wukong suddenly thought that he hadn’t seen Sharu with Hades just now, so he asked the King of the North. road.

“It’s true…” The King of the North Realm looked around and looked forward to it.

“No!! There really isn’t anywhere!!!” The king of the north was a little flustered: “Whoever is dead must first report to the king of hell.”

“How is this possible!?” Wukong was puzzled.

Suddenly, the king of the northern world was stunned. With cold sweat on his forehead, he swallowed hard, and said: “Could it be…Saru…is not dead…he is still alive…” The Northern Realm King only thought of this possibility.

“What…what!?” Wukong was also surprised.

“What are you talking about, Mukuro.” Klin was a little confused by Mukuro, and said, “Saru is dead, how can the battle never end.”

“Saru… is it really dead?” Mukuro said lightly.

Just as Klin was about to ask. Sudden! ! ! A very violent breath swept over, and everyone’s expressions were a bit sluggish.

Because of this breath, they are very familiar. Everyone looked towards the source of qi. On the hill in the distance, there was one person standing on the hill, who was exactly Sharu.

Sharu’s mouth raised a cold smile. He suddenly shot, extremely fast, and a powerful wave of qigong suddenly pierced into the crowd. Everyone was stunned by Sharu’s reappearance, and there was no time to react at all.

The Qigong wave penetrated Trunks’ chest directly.

“Woo…ah!!!” Trunks fell to the ground with a scream.

“Haha…who hit it!?” Sharu said flatly, “Hmph, it’s really unlucky for Trunks.”

Mukuro didn’t say a word, but with a flick of his thumb, he flicked Trunks a fairy bean. Although his chest was shattered by Sharu, the Isaiah’s small strong physique could not die for a while. A fairy bean is enough to save his life.

“Ahhhhhh!!” Sharu’s anger became violent again.

The breath that was already terrifying broke out again. Even more powerful than before, dozens of times stronger! Sharu, who possessed Saiyan cells, became stronger after recovering from a serious injury. In this regard, Mukuro has a doubt. If Sharu finds a place where there is no one, plays a self-destruct game, and explodes tens of thousands of times, will he become more awkward than the god of destruction.

Although puzzled, Mukuro wouldn’t make a desperate attempt.

Look at Sharu at this moment, a lot of lightning flashes on his body. The state of Super Saiyan II is very similar, and both its aura and combat power are comparable to Gohan, so I can call it Super II Saru for the time being.

“Why… how could this happen!?” Klin’s face turned pale.

The face of the Dragon Ball warrior was not so pretty either.

They couldn’t believe that Wukong had already lost his life. But… but why Sharu hasn’t been wiped out yet! !

“Hey… Very surprised!?” Sharu slowly walked towards the crowd and sneered: “Okay! Then I will tell you everything… Although I was defeated badly in the previous battle. But I But I was very happy to discover something. There is a small lump in my mind, which is the core of my life. As long as the core of life is not destroyed, I can continue to be reborn… Luckily, what happened just now The self-detonation didn’t hurt it.” As he said, Sharu couldn’t help but point to the position of his brain very contentedly.

After a pause, Sharu continued: “To be honest, I was able to be reborn. I was also very surprised. I really had good luck… Moreover, what is even more exciting is… Although there is no eighteen in my body. No., I’m still reborn in order to be complete!! The fighting power has become as powerful as Monkey King, hahaha…It’s the cells of Saiyan people. After resurrecting me from the near-death state, my fighting power will be greatly improved! Even Monkey’s teleportation , I also learned… It can be said that I am more perfect than before. Not only did Monkey King fail to eliminate me. Instead, he gave me a lot of help…Ahahaha…I am so grateful to this guy.”

Looking at Saru who was laughing arrogantly, Gohan’s eyes were full of anger.

“Drink!” It became a super second state again.


“Oh!?” Looking at Gohan who suddenly laughed, Sharu sneered: “What are you laughing at? I’m not confused by me, right?”

“Because of my careless underestimation of the enemy, my father died. Now I have a chance to take revenge. This is a good thing for me. This time, I must kill you myself.” Gohan is a standard at this time. Militants.

Killing or something, Gohan will not be vague at this time.


Author: Rolling all over the floor, asking for support for the new book! “One Piece: The Strongest God Level System” begged for the support of brothers! Come to Poland to subscribe to Mezzi.

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