Chapter 860 Devil

The earth in the Dragon Ball world is only a planet on the edge of the Milky Way. But many miracles and more secrets were born on it. For example-there is a gate to the demon world on the earth, the gate that Mukuro unwittingly discovered by Observation Haki.

It also appeared in the original plot. When Wukong was a child, he opened the gate of the demon world to reach the demon world, but it only showed the tip of the demon iceberg.

The Demon Realm here is not the Demon Realm of the Demon King Bick, who claims to be the Demon Race, nor is it Carrick, but the Demon Realm of the so-called Demon Star, and it is also not the Demon Realm of Sculptor’s mouth. It’s the real demon world, a world in Dragon Ball.

In the main world of Dragon Ball, which is the seventh universe. The entire universe is actually a world constructed and created by the Realm King God. It contains the Milky Way, Underworld, Hell, Heaven, and the final Demon Realm. This is the complete world.

Compared to the Milky Way, the Demon Realm is more cruel and bloody.

If you know that there are tens of thousands of combat power in the galaxy, you can already be regarded as the strongest. But in the Demon Realm, even if the combat power exceeds several million, it is not considered to be a strong one on one side, and there are more than one hundred million combat power values.

Although the overall area is not as large as the Milky Way, it is not small.

The demon world is ruled by the demon king Dapla.

Although in the original plot, Dapla’s performance was scumbag, he was easily solved by Majin Buu. But don’t forget that in the later stage of the Dragon Ball world, the fighting power has completely collapsed. But Goku personally admitted that Dapla’s combat effectiveness is not inferior to the complete Sharu! In other words, if converted into a combat power value, it has properly reached 20 billion, which is comparable to the second form of Super Saiyan! Even the Demon Realm is not under the control of the Realm King God.

Of course, Dapla after death was so kind to the level of mental retardation.

Even if Mukuro turns into a Super Saiyan, his combat power is only 4.5 billion. If the front is tough, it is naturally not Dapla’s opponent. But if there is no stronger pressure, how can one strengthen one’s own strength! ?

Even if you are forced to a desperate situation, can’t you just use Teleport to run away! ?

The gate of the Demon World is located in a cave. At the end of the deep, dark cave, there is a gate with blue-faced fangs carved.

Without hesitation, Mukuro directly pushed open the gate of the demon world.

Suddenly, an evil, dark, sulfur-scented breath came, and although Mukuro’s body would not be affected by the surrounding air, it still felt bad.

The backhand directly closed the gate of the devil. If the gate of the demon world is kept open, I am afraid that within two days, the earth will be eroded by the air of the demon world.

The area of ​​the demon world is very large, and this is only the most remote corner of it.

Observation Haki unfolded, and soon Mukuro caught the strongest breath around him. Converted into a combat power value, it is only about two hundred points.

“It should be the Shura King Goku met.” Mukuro murmured.

In the dark palace, King Shura was sitting on the uppermost throne, eating and drinking, and there were beauties from the devil world serving beside him, and he looked very enjoyable.

The area corresponding to the Demon World is similar to the Milky Way. This area is similar to the location of the Earth in the Milky Way. It is located in a remote and desolate corner, with exhausted resources, and its low status in the devil world. There will be no strong ideas here. That’s why it was ruled by Shura playing this kind of scum, and as the king of Shura who ruled this area, although he was a little barren, he was far away from the disputes in the center of the Demon Realm, and he was at ease.

In these hundreds of years, the only trouble that King Shura encountered was that a young man with a long tail broke into his territory a few years ago. Although he was young, his strength was very good. He once drew a tie with himself and snatched a human princess from his own hands. However, he left soon and did not have any impact on his rule.

Since then, the timid and fearful Shura play no longer dared to plunder the human princess.

“My lord, I heard that King Naluo and King Yasha have fought again recently. Should we take the opportunity to get in and take their resources.”

Upon hearing his report, King Shura waved indifferently.

“Don’t worry about them, and you don’t need to grab resources. Then, the two poor ghosts of King Luo and King Yasha, what good things can there be. If they both lose in the fight, I can consider killing them both. “Sura King said.

“Hmm…Are you the Shura King?”

Suddenly a voice sounded, and King Shura almost threw away the wine glass in his hand. Looked over angrily. At the first glance, King Shura’s anger dissipated, and he was so scared that he almost didn’t pee his pants directly. The strong! ! Absolutely a terrifying powerhouse! ! ! King Shura had traveled in the devil world before he had dominated here, and he had also seen many powerful men. I came to this barren land because I knew my strength was weak.

But even all the demon world powerhouses I have seen, none of them have this horror in front of them! Just looking at himself, King Shura felt like he was going to die.

“Who are you!? Actually forcibly broke into the Shura Palace.” King Shura’s men said angrily.

“Shut up!!” Mukuro didn’t have time to speak. King Shura was taken aback first, and directly yelled at his men. Then he was full of flattery, and kept his posture low. Looking at Mukuro, he said, “Honorable sir. What are you doing here? You said. If a small person can help an adult, I will definitely not shirk it.”

“It seems that you are pretty winking. I thought that if you were disobedient, you would kill you directly after asking. Now, your behavior has saved yourself a life. Okay, tell me what you are doing. I know all the information about the demon world.” Mukuro said lightly.

King Shura breathed a sigh of relief secretly, thanking that he had no impulse. Otherwise, this would probably be a different place, but he didn’t dare to hesitate, and told Mukuro about the general situation of the demon world.

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