Chapter 859 Shuttle box

“This wish… is extremely simple.” Shenlong was silent for a little longer this time, but Mukuro’s final answer was satisfactory. As the voice of the dragon fell, a square and transparent cube-shaped thing appeared in front of Mukuro.

Mukuro recognized at a glance, this was the same thing that Wis and Bados drove and carried the soldiers in the Destroyer Contest in the original plot.

The exact name should be called-Shuttle Cube! !

Being able to travel freely among the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball world was originally something dedicated to the god of destruction. However, even non-god spirits can drive. If they can’t drive, Hitt of the sixth universe will not use the shuttle box as a requirement to compete in the God of Destruction Tournament. This thing will definitely explode any spaceship. Unexpectedly, the dragon of Namik could make a wish for such a powerful thing.

This is definitely my biggest gain from this Nami Nemesis trip.

When Mukuro’s hand touched the screen wall of the shuttle box, a plethora of information flooded into Mukuro16’s mind. It is the method of using the shuttle box. It is very simple. You only need to use your mind to guide it. , It’s not much harder than riding a bicycle.

“Human…Your wishes have all been fulfilled.” Shenlong Urn said angrily.

“Oh, then, bye.” Mukuro waved his hand at the Shenlong. Then the dragon disappeared, and the Dragon Ball blasted in seven different directions. The Great Elder standing on the side didn’t have the slightest stance to stop. Obviously, Nami Nemesis had a unique method of searching for Dragon Ball. Otherwise, the Dragon Ball will not always be kept by the seven elders on the planet Namik.

The night returned to the day, and Mukuro put away the shuttle box contentedly.

In the next few days, at the invitation of the Great Elder, Mukuro and Goku received the most grand hospitality from the Nami Nemesis. Mukuro is full of praise for all kinds of delicacies. But it’s just a taste. In contrast, Mukuro still prefers the cuisine of the earth.

“Is there… the earth!?” Goku asked Mukuro, lying on the transparent wall of the shuttle box, pointing to a planet not far away.

“Yes, we will be home soon.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“It’s amazing. The speed of this square is faster than the spaceship we had when we came.” The expression on Wukong’s face made people look at it, and he didn’t realize it. Indeed, it is not even twenty minutes from Nami Nemesis to Earth.

As Mukuro was talking with Wukong, the shuttle cube had broken through the barriers of the earth’s atmosphere and landed smoothly in the middle of the courtyard of Bouma’s house in the Western Capital.

“Woo… Mukuro, you’re back.” As soon as the shuttle cube landed, Bouma rushed out of the villa and plunged into Mukuro’s arms. Although I know that Mukuro is very powerful, Bouma is still very worried about Mukuro’s safety in the ten days since Mukuro’s departure.

“Okay…Goodbye, Bouma won’t cry.” Mukuro patted Bouma on the back lightly.

However, Mukuro’s actions seemed to fuel Bouma’s arrogance and cry harder. Suddenly, Mukuro’s heart moved, and his hand flicked, and a basket of strawberries exuding a slight fragrance appeared in Mukuro’s hands. Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “Buma, look at it… I brought you something delicious.” The special aroma of strawberries spread into Buma’s nose.

Bouma stopped crying in an instant, and her little nose wrinkled twice.

Looking at the basket in Mukuro’s hand, his eyes lit up. He couldn’t help but said: “Strawberry!!” Then he took the basket from Mukuro’s hand without any distinction. Picking up a strawberry and throwing it in his mouth, Bouma showed a happy and contented expression on his face.

Both eyes were also crescent-shaped.

Strawberry, but Bouma’s favorite, of course… second only to Mukuro.

“Huh! I won’t cry because of the face of Strawberry this time.” Looking at Mukuro, Bouma said as if I had spared you this time. Obviously, Bouma’s howl and cry just now, although it was indeed caused by worrying about Mukuro, but the aftermath was out of control, obviously it was artistically processed. Sure enough, every woman is an actor.

“Mukuro, let’s have a contest.”

Just as Mukuro and Buma were preparing for further sweet talks, Wukong, the big five-megawatt electric light bulb, suddenly spoke eagerly.

But this time Mukuro didn’t panic, and didn’t have the fear of being dragged by Goku. Instead, he looked at Wukong with interest, spoke slowly, and uttered two words: “Qiqi.” Hearing these two words, Wukong’s expression suddenly changed, as if thinking of some terrifying scene, on his forehead. The cold sweat was flowing down.

Even when facing Frieza, Goku was not so scared.

And Bouma on the side was also full of schadenfreude and said, “Goku, when you went to Nami Nemesis, you didn’t even say hello to Kiki. A few days ago, Kiki found this place directly, after learning that you were going to Nami Nemesis. When the fight went away, I was very angry 510. I also said that when you come back, I must teach you things like that.”

If you find the person Wukong fears the most in the entire universe, it must be Qiqi.

“It’s miserable, miserable… Now, I’m dead.” Goku sat on the ground, scratching his hair with an annoyed face, apparently not in the mood to challenge Mukuro again.

“Um… Of course I know that you are dead.” Mukuro smiled gleefully, “And, if Kiki knows the first thing you come back from Nami Nemesis, it’s not going home. Instead, it will continue to fight with me. , Will Kiki be more angry then?”

“Ah!? Mukuro…you are so cunning!” Goku said angrily.

“Really!? Bouma, what’s Kiki’s call?” Mukuro didn’t understand Wukong, but looked at Bouma and said straightforwardly.

“Oh, 575396…” Bouma just read a series of numbers.

Seeing Mukuro took out his cell phone, he looked like he was about to make a call. Wukong was shocked and turned on the Saiyan state without any hesitation, rushing to Baozishan as quickly as possible. When King Kiki gets angry, Goku is just a shivering little white rabbit.

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