Chapter 861 Nicoto brothers

Although this King Shura is very scumbag, but his eloquence is not bad. Very carefully introduced the general situation of the demon world to Mukuro. The location where he is now is remote and resource-poor, making it the most inferior area in the Demon Realm.

And the entire demon world is divided according to the strength of the demon clan that governs its area. It can be divided into outer territory, inner territory and core territory. The place under the command of King Shura can’t even reach the outer territory. Those who can be the leader in the outer realm generally have millions of combat power values. In the Inner Territory, there is no combat power value of hundreds of millions, and it is not hard to speak. As for the core territory, the commander-level powerhouse must have at least billions of combat power. And the entire demon world is under the rule of the king of the demon world-Dapla, with the most terrifying strength, and the numerical value of combat power has reached 20 billion!

Roughly solved the situation in the Demon World, Mukuro directly used the gods to disappear into the Shura Palace.

And the moment Mukuro disappeared, King Shura collapsed on the ground, panting heavily. The pressure Mukuro put on him just now was too great. Just standing there, King Shura felt like he might die at any time.

“My lord, that person…” King Shura just wanted to speak with 963 hands.

“shut up!!”

It was severely reprimanded by King Shura. The icy gaze patrolled around, and then he said viciously: “Today’s things, if you leave this door, they will be forgotten and clean. If I hear someone talking in private, you will all die!”

“Yes, King.” King Shura’s men replied in unison.

With Mukuro’s strength at the moment, Kagura’s heart and Observation Haki unfolded. Enough to cover the area of ​​several galaxies, that is to say, in this area, the use of God Pro can be achieved in an instant. If converted into a unit of time, the instant is one-seventy-fifth of a second. In other words, in theory, within one second, Mukuro can use Divine Prosperity seventy-five times. Of course, Mukuro is not a perfect machine after all, and the number of times that God Pro is used in one second will definitely not reach the theoretical value. However, if you use your full strength, it will reach 70 times in one second, and there is no problem at all. This speed has already exploded the speed of light.

So even though the Demon Realm is very large, it didn’t take long for Mukuro to reach the inner encircled territory. As for the outer territory, Mukuro did not stay at all. A guy with millions of combat power values, Mukuro is really invisible, and there is no challenge at all.

However, after arriving at the Inner Enclosure, Mukuro slowed down his pace to continue deepening. After all, there are quite a lot of guys with hundreds of millions of fighting power in the Inner Territory. If Mukuro doesn’t try his best to use the King’s Fist or turn on the Super Saiyan state, it’s still difficult to deal with, but it can also achieve cultivation and enhance fighting power. the goal of.

“The living environment of the Demon Realm is really cruel… Just on a hill, there are three strong men with a combat power of over 100 million. However, it is precisely this cruel and fierce competition that has created so many strong men in the Demon Realm. .” Mukuro’s Observation Haki unfolded, and quickly locked the three strongest auras around, all of them with a combat power of over 100 million.

When the thought fell, Mukuro had already galloped away in the direction of these three breaths.

The three Nicoto brothers are the masters of the three breaths that Mukuro perceives. As a demon who grew up in the inner territory. The three Nicoto brothers knew the dangers of the Demon World better than anyone, so even if each had a combat power of over 100 million, they never acted alone. Even so, the three brothers are still cautious and dare not slack in the slightest.

So when Mukuro was approaching, the three brothers were aware of it.

“Huh!? Someone who is not weak is approaching here, who!? Don’t you know that this is the site of our three brothers Nicoto?!” The three Nicoto brothers looked at each other and quickly finished it. Prepare for battle.

Mukuro fell directly in front of the three Nicoto brothers, embracing his arms, and muttered: “Um… 137 million, 139 million, 144 million. Three. The strength is good and suitable for the opponents who gain experience.”

“Who are you!? This is the site of our three Nicoto brothers, hurry up and leave.” The boss of the three Nicoto brothers warned.

As a last resort, the Nicoto brothers did not want to conflict with Mukuro.

After all, the three Nicoto brothers didn’t know if there were any big bosses behind Mukuro. In case a great power of the demon world is provoked, I am afraid that their three brothers will not even know how to die. Of course, if you find out the details of Mukuro, it’s a different matter.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything. I came from the edge of the demon world, and I heard that there are many strong men in the encircled territory, so I wanted to come and challenge it.” Mukuro said.

“Edge!?” Hearing Mukuro’s words, the eyes of the boss of the three Nicoto brothers flashed past. He couldn’t help but showed a very hypocritical smile, and asked: “Then, brother, have you never been to the Inner Realm, nor have you been to the Core Realm?”

“Well, I have never been.” Mukuro didn’t hide anything.

“Is that so? So… do it!” The boss of the three Nicoto brothers, who was still smiling in the last second, was already looking fierce and evil in the next second.

At the moment he spoke, the other two brothers had already launched an attack at the same time.

The long-term battles in the Demon Realm have allowed the three Nicholas brothers to develop a fighting tacit understanding that is difficult for ordinary people to match. With just a look, they clearly understood what the other side was thinking. So the attacks of the three brothers were launched at the same time.

Moreover, there are still three directions, and they are going to kill Mukuro!

Before I learned that this person had nothing to do with the inner circle and the core territory. The three Nicoto brothers became murderous, not to mention that they were only from the marginal territory of the devil world, and they dare to challenge the three Nicoto brothers, really knowing how to live and die!

“Oh… do you want to do it? That’s great. If you want to be so polite, I don’t know what to do.” Mukuro said lightly.

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