Chapter 858 Three wishes

In each World King Competition, the North World King never won the top three. And the realm king, there are only four people, that is to say, the northern realm king is the last one every time. Only the King of the North knew how awkward this was.

Rao is a good old man in the northern world.

But he couldn’t stand the continuous ridicule of the other three realm kings.

This time, I finally got a chance to exhale once. How can the king of the north not be excited! Even if it is only third, as long as it is not the last one, the King of the Northern Realm will be satisfied. What’s more, Mukuro defeated the strongest Kevlar in the entire universe.

The fighting power is stronger than Kevela, the king of the northern world has never seen it.

Not to mention the excited northern king, Nami nemesis.

“Mukuro… Didn’t we say okay just now? I have to hand Frieza to me to solve it.” Goku said angrily, looking at Mukuro.

Mukuro faces up forty-five degrees, completely ignoring Goku.

Just when Wukong was indignant and wanted to continue to ask questions. From a distance, Mukuro suddenly discovered that several Nami Nemesis was flying fast, and the leader was the Great Elder of Nami Nemesis. Falling in front of Mukuro and Goku, the Great Elder looked at the destroyed and unrecognizable environment around him, and his eyes showed unconcealed regret.

But soon, the great elder calmed down.

Looking at Mukuro, he bowed deeply and said, “Dear strong! Thank you, thank you for saving Nami Nemesis. To express my gratitude, I brought Nami Nemesis’s Dragon Ball. You and yours Friends, you can use Dragon Ball to fulfill your own wishes.” As he said, the elder handed a planet in his hand to Mukuro. Then the six Namek star elders behind him also placed their Dragon Balls on the ground in front of Mukuro.


Without allowing Mukuro to speak, the great elder suddenly murmured inexplicably. Then the sky suddenly turned into night. In an instant, Mukuro knew that the Great Elder was the dragon who was summoning Nami Nemesis. The dragons who want to summon the planet Namik must use the language of the planet Namik. The voice of the great elder just fell.

From the center of the seven Dragon Balls, a dragon appeared.

This look…maybe it should be called Shenlongren! ?

“*&Amp;amp;…*¥#%@%@¥#.” Shenlong whispered.

As for what it was talking about… Mukuro didn’t understand it at all. However, the conversation between the Great Elder and it seemed very pleasant. For the Great Elder, even the arrogant dragon is very respectful. After all, the Great Elder is the maker of the Shenlong. After talking for a while, it seems that Shenlong also understood the causes and consequences of the Namik planet, and expressed gratitude to Mukuro.

After all, if Namek disappeared, Shenlong would definitely disappear.

“Humanity, thank you for saving planet Namik… please state your wish.” The dragon on planet Namik suddenly uttered earthly words.

“Oh?!” Mukuro raised his brow and looked a little surprised.

However, as a Shenlong, since even making a wish can be accomplished. Learning the earth language is naturally stress-free. What’s more, it was summoned by the creator of the Dragon Ball himself, some peculiarities were normal.

“Wish?!” Mukuro murmured, frowning.

Seeing the expression on Mukuro’s face seemed a bit tangled, the great elder on the side suddenly said, “Respected strong man. If you are choosing, you don’t know what kind of wish you should make. No need, because the Dragon Ball of Namik can be realized. Three wishes.”

“Um.” Mukuro smiled helplessly: “Sorry, Grand Elder. I don’t…Forget it, since it is your gift from the Grand Elder. Then I will accept it.” Then, Mukuro looked at Shenlong and spoke. Said: “The first wish…return the environment of Namik planet to its original state!” Mukuro’s voice fell, and both Shenlong and Nami Nemesis looked at Mukuro in surprise.

If the Nami nemesis was just grateful to Mukuro just now… then now… more respect is in his eyes. Mukuro’s actions have completely won the respect and friendship of the Nami nemesis. However, in fact, the reason why Mukuro made such a wish was entirely because Mukuro really didn’t know what kind of wish he should make. To be honest, if the wish of the Earth Dragon is tasteless in Mukuro’s eyes, then the desire of Nami Nemesis Shenlong is a bit bigger in Mukuro’s eyes… Mukuro’s visit to Nami Nemesis is not for Shenlong at all. .

“This wish… is extremely simple.” Shenlong said, and at the same time a red light flashed in his eyes.

In the next moment, the surrounding area of ​​thousands of kilometers was covered by the deep ravines and broken rocks caused by the battle between Mukuro and Kevlar, as well as Wukong and Frieza…all restored as before, and then covered with green vegetation. I can’t see that I have just endured a terrible battle.

“Human… please state your second wish.” Shenlong slowly said.

“Hmm.” Mukuro scratched his head, suddenly… his eyes lit up and said: “Shenlong, give me a basket of the best strawberries that I can never finish.” Strawberries are Bouma’s favorite. The delicious strawberries that can never be eaten are given to Bouma. Maybe… When Bouma is happy, she can promise to unlock more poses at night, just thinking about it, Mukuro can’t stand it.

“This wish… is as simple as 2.0,” Shenlong said in a deep voice, and at the same time a red light flashed in his eyes, and a basket of strawberries appeared in front of Mukuro. Take one and throw it in your mouth. It is seven points sweet, two points fragrant, one point sour. This taste is definitely a kind of enjoyment for the taste buds.

Uncontrollably, Mukuro was another strawberry and threw it into his mouth.

“Human… please state your third wish.” Shenlong slowly said.

“The third wish?” Mukuro threw a strawberry into his mouth and thought for a long time before he said: “I need a cosmic shuttle that can shuttle between the sixth and seventh universes.” Super Dragon Ball The matter, Mukuro has not forgotten. How to get to the sixth universe is not a simple matter for the current Mukuro.

If Shenlong can realize his wish, that would be great.

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