Chapter 857 Kill Frieza

“Ahhhhh!!” Wukong shouted loudly, the expression on his face also maintaining anger. However, the breath has not been particularly enhanced. Suddenly, the breath suddenly resembled an erupting mountain torrent! Wukong’s breath suddenly increased thousands of times. A golden flame rose up all around! At the same time, the eyebrows and hair became pure golden.

Goku, Super Saiyan status! !

“That’s amazing!! This state…really amazing.” Goku’s face was full of excitement. The power that the Super Saiyan state gave Wukong was beyond his imagination.

Guided by the potential of Nami Nemesis Great Elder…

Wukong’s baseline combat power value has reached about 4 million! When fighting with Frieza, the baseline combat effectiveness has probably increased to 5 million, and the combat effectiveness of the Super Saiyan state will increase by fifty times. In other words, at this moment, Wukong’s combat power has reached 250 million.

Compared with the original story, Goku opens the Super Saiyan state, which is about 100 million stronger!

“Damn it… how is it possible!? How could there be two Super Saiyans! Didn’t it mean that Super Saiyans are the Saiyans, and only one warrior will appear in a thousand years!?” Frieza on the side Has been completely sluggish in place.

In front of me, there are actually two Super Saiyans standing! ?

Wukong’s attention also turned to Frieza. He said flatly, “Frieza, now you are not my opponent at all, surrender.” Wukong could clearly realize that Frieza was much weaker than himself, so he lost the idea of ​​continuing to compete with him. Wukong has a feeling that facing Frieza now, he can solve it with just one finger.

“Surrender!? How can I, King Frieza surrender!? And still surrender to your low Saiyan monkey!?” Frieza said grimly.

“Go to death…you all go to death with me.” Frieza roared.

Frieza, who knew he was desperate, made the same move as Kevlar. I just want to detonate the entire planet Namik, thereby destroying Mukuro and Goku. However, Frieza did even better! Because he saw the failure of Kevela just now, he wanted to detonate the entire planet Namik by detonating himself.

If only facing Goku, Frieza has a great success rate.

But with Mukuro’s existence, all of Frieza’s actions were nothing but in vain. Frieza just felt like a bomb about to explode. However, the energy of horror is accumulated in one’s own body and cannot be vented out, and even one’s own skin has already been burst by the energy in the body. Damn it…what’s going on! ?

Frieza’s face was panicked. At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Mukuro on the side, and looked at himself with a smile on his face. Suddenly, Frieza understood everything. All these are ghosts made by this damned Saiyan. But how could it be… how could he be so strong! ? Just being transformed into a Super Saiyan is so strong! ?

This is the only thought that Frieza had in her mind at the moment!

It was also Frieza’s last thought.

“Farewell… King of the Universe, Frieza.” Looking at Frieza, Mukuro murmured with a faint smile on his face. Then, without giving Frieza any chance to speak, his right hand lifted five fingers and spread out, and shook Frieza violently.

Frieza, the emperor of the universe, became a pool of blood.

But Frieza, who was already a pool of blood, was still squirming. This is the Frozen Clan! As the best race in the entire universe, the Frozen race possesses extremely strong vitality. Throwing the bloody Frieza into the most advanced cultivation chamber at this moment, it is estimated that it will not take too long for Frieza to recover completely.

However, Mukuro will naturally not give Frieza this opportunity.

If Frieza is now resurrected and cultivated to the level of Golden Frieza. Then Mukuro has no place to cry. Golden Frieza, that has the terrifying strength that can head-to-head with the Super Blue God. The combat power value has broken through the sky. Even a hundred Mukuro of today’s strength is not enough for the golden Frieza to punch down.

After four months of practice, Frieza can reach the realm of golden Frieza!

The promotion of this kind of strength, even if it is described by opening a plug-in, is somewhat inadequate. Rao is that Mukuro is also jealous, compared to Saiyan blood. Mukuro is even more enthusiastic about Frieza’s talent! Because Wukong himself explained in the original plot, if Frieza is familiar with Golden Frieza’s state, then Goku will definitely not be Frieza’s opponent!

But no matter what, Frieza possesses such a talent.

He was violently violent with his talent, thinking of this, Mukuro was so angry. Just imagine, what you see as precious as a diamond, in the hands of others, is like a Chinese cabbage and discarded.

The most important thing is…you can’t even grab it.

This kind of thing, you say it’s not irritating! ?

All the grievances in Mukuro’s heart at this moment are condensed in the golden energy bullet in front of him. Then in the next instant, all the flesh and blood of Frieza, even the most basic cells that had been dissipated, were not left, the Emperor of the Universe-Frieza.

At this moment-completely perished! ! !

In the universe, people who have been or are undergoing Frieza’s brutal rule, feel a sense of physical and mental pleasure inexplicably. They didn’t know that Frieza, who was aloof and regarded as the source of great horror, died at this moment! ! !

The universe is no longer Frieza’s time! ! !

At the end of the snake path, on the world king star.

“Yeah! Great, I knew Mukuro would be able to defeat Frieza.” The little northern king jumped up, dancing with his hands. And Barbrus next to him, the actions are surprisingly consistent. I completely forgot what I was frightened into when Kevela first appeared. The King of the North thought that Mukuro would not be Kevlar’s opponent at all.

But when Mukuro transformed into a super Saiyan state.

But it really shocked the King of the North Realm, because the combat power was too terrifying!

The King of the North has never seen such a powerful human. After he recovered, the King of the North couldn’t help scratching his chin and said: “Mukuro is so powerful, so I don’t have to worry about the next King of the World Tournament. Now, I want to scare them. I am under the command of the King of the North. The warriors of China can also win the first place in the World King Tournament. See who will dare to laugh at me in the future.”

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